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Industrial Automation26000

Faculty of Engineering - Gipuzkoa
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups1523
Applied laboratory-based groups1522

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation


Industrial Automation is an engineering discipline that aims to improve manufacturing processes, in terms of quality, cost and efficiency, using electronic systems, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, or combinations of them. It is therefore an interdisciplinary field, which enables students to develop automation projects in industrial environments.

Industrial Automation has become one of the key pieces to increase the competitiveness of enterprises in virtually all industrial sectors. Because of this, it is evident the need for professionals with the skills to face automation projects.


Industrial Automation is an interdisciplinary field that requires knowledge and skills acquired in other subjects. For this reason, it is recommended to have completed the following subjects:

2nd Year:

- Industrial Electronics.

- Automation and Control.

3rd Year:

- Digital Electronics

- Industrial Informatics.

- Automatic Control.


The interdisciplinary nature of the subject makes it to inegrate skills, knowledge and abilities of subjects also studied in 3rd Year as:

- Digital Electronics Systems.

- Electronic Instrumentation.

- Robotics.

Likewise, there are subjects of 4th year for which it would be necessary to pursue this matter, including:

- Digital Control

- Advanced Control Techniques.

- Design and simulation of advanced electronic circuits.

- Telecommunications in Industry.

- Final Work.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Description: Conventional automatisms: Sequential and concurrent. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).


TEEOI.8. Knowledge of automatic regulation and control techniques and their application to the industrial automation.

TEEOI.11. Ability to design control and industrial automation systems.


-. Ability to identify and analyze subsystems and electronic devices used in industrial process automation

-. Ability to design, develop and manage comprehensive project design and implementation of control systems and processes applied to industrial automation.

-. Ability to handle programming tools for commonly used devices in industrial processes automation.

-. Ability to handle technical documentation from manufacturers needed for the improvement and integratation of different modules in industrial processes automation

-. Ability to adequately communicate knowledge, procedures and results, using specific vocabulary and terminology from the area of industrial automation, with the appropriate means for it.

-. Work effectively in multidisciplinary and multilingual environments by integrating skills and knowledge to make decisions in the field of industrial automation.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Part I: Industrial Automatisms.

Theme 1: Introduction to Industrial Automatisms.

Theme 2: The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

Theme 3: Control and monitoring: SCADA.

Theme 4: Specific interfaces I/O.

Theme 5: Sensors and actuators.

Theme 6: Specific applications: Industrial Motion.

Theme 7: Design and implementation of systems based on PLC.

Theme 8: New automation technologies i4.0: Industrial PC(IPC).

Part II: Industrial Controllers.

Theme 9: Basic control actions. Regulation structures.

Theme 10: Industrial Controllers.

Part III: Industrial Communications

Theme 11: Industrial communications: Field buses.

Theme 12: Industry 4.0: OPC-UA.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Se seguirán metodologías activas, en particular el aprendizaje basado en problemas/proyectos (PBL/ABP): se presentan como escenario diferentes aplicaciones industriales reales a las que el alumnado tendrá que enfrentarse identificando, experimentando y resolviendo, con el fin de aportar soluciones de automatización, control y comunicaciones. En determinadas actividades se utilizarán técnicas de aprendizaje cooperativo.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 60

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Remarks :

First test:

- Final assessment of competencies related to theoretical concepts and exercises:

• Final examination: 6 points. (60% final mark).

• In order to pass this module, it is necessary to obtain a minimum of 3 points.

- Continuous assessment of competencies related to practical lessons:

• Written reports, software applications and performance validations: 4 points. (40% final mark).

• A minimum of 2 points is required to pass this part.

• It is necessary to obtain an average pass mark in the reports/applications/validations.

• In case of passing any of the modules, the mark is valid until the 2nd test.

The students who would not want to follow the continuous assesment, or to renounce to the final test, should follow the conditions marked by the actual norms.

In the event that sanitary conditions prevent the classroom activity and/or assesment, an online modality will be activated. In that case, students will be informed in due time.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Second test:

- Final assessment of competences related to theoretical concepts and exercises:

• Final examination: 6 points. (60% final mark).

• In order to pass this module, it is necessary to obtain a minimum of 3 points.

- Contiuous assessment of competencies related to practical lessons:

• Written reports, software applications and performance validations. (40% final mark).

• In case of not uploading written reports, this competencies will be assessed by means of a practical test : 4 points. (40% final mark)

. A minimum of 2 points is required to pass this part.

. It is necessary to obtain an average pass mark in the reports/applications/validations.

The students who want to renounce to the final test should follow the conditions marked by the actual norms.

In the event that sanitary conditions prevent the classroom activity and/or assesment, an online modality will be activated. In that case, students will be informed in due time.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

- Industrial Automation. G. Garcia.
Campus Virtual/ Plataforma Egela/ Industrial Automation.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- Communications and Computer Networks. Stalling.W. Ed. Prentice Hall.

- SYSMAC CJ1M- Programming Manual.

- E5CK Industrial Controller - Programming Manual.

- Q2V Frecuency Converter - Programming Manual.

In-depth bibliography

- SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. Boyer A. ISA, 1999.
- Programmable controllers. BRYAN, L. A. / BRYAN, E. A. Ed. Industrial Text.


- InTech: http://www.isa.org/InTechTemplate.cfm?Section=InTech_Home1
- Automática e Instrumentación: http://www.tecnipublicaciones.com/automatica/
- http://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-revista-iberoamericana-automatica-e-informatica-331

Web addresses

- International Society of Automation - ISA: http://www.isa.org/
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE: http://www.ieee.org/portal/site
- OMRON: http://www.omron-industrial.com/es_es/home/
- BECKHOFF : http://www.beckhoff.es/
- SIEMENS: http://www.siemens.es/index.jsp
- ROCKWELL AUTOMATION: http://www.rockwellautomation.com/index.html
- FESTO: http://www.festo.com