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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
English Philology
English, German and Translation and Interpretation Studies
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

Graduate in English Philology (Universidad de Deusto) and Doctor in Comparative Literature and Literary Studies (UPV/EHU) with the thesis "Las niñas tienen la palabra. El valor reivindicativo de la literatura infantil y juvenil alemana, inglesa, española y vasca de autoría femenina desde comienzos del siglo XX hasta los inicios del siglo XXI". Since September 2018, I have taught English at the Faculty of Arts of the UPV/EHU. Between 2018 and 2022, I was part of the research project "Memorias históricas contestadas: censura, transmisión e institucionalización en la cultura ibérica y europea (1975-2015) (1975-2015)" (FFI2017-84342-P). In addition, I am currently part of the research group "IdeoLit: La literatura como documento histórico" (GIU21/003).