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3rd Language II: Galician Language25401

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in English Studies
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied computer-based groups6090

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Third Language II: Galician Language is an elective course for third and fourth-year students offered in the degrees of English Studies, Philology, Basque Studies, and Translation and Interpretation. This subject, conceived as the continuation of the course Third Language I: Galician Language, offers students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to master the oral and written competencies in the Galician language as outlined by level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In this way, it contributes to the comprehensive education of any university student and to their adaptability to an increasingly diverse social environment in terms of language and culture.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The competencies/outcomes to be developed throughout the course will be:

. Understand and recognize the characteristics of the oral and written language.

. Know the basic techniques and resources to foster the comprehension and production of oral and written texts in Galician.

. Recognize and correctly pronounce Galician vowel and consonant sounds in appropriate contexts (open and closed vowels, velar nasal consonant, etc.).

. Acquire the ability to produce coherent speeches with the phonetic and prosodic characteristics of standard Galician.

. Acquire the ability to utilize current computer and bibliographic resources for the study of the Galician language (dictionaries, grammars, databases, etc.).

. Differentiate between the notions of language and speech, as well as the descriptive and prescriptive perspectives of grammar.

. Consolidate the idea of language as a set of diverse varieties (diasystem) susceptible to an objective, detailed, and unbiased description.

. Promote the development of oral expression skills through dialogue, enhance the ability to convey ideas through compositional and expressive techniques, and encourage the adaptation of oral discourse to different contexts and registers.

. Analyze the formation process of the Galician language as a distinct linguistic variety within the Romance context, from its origins to the present day, with attention to the main mechanisms of linguistic change, the transformations undergone by Latin, and the primary phonetic dynamics explaining the transition from Vulgar Latin in Gallaecia to medieval Galician-Portuguese romance.

. In connection with the above, encourage the comparison of the Galician language with other Romance languages, especially those genetically closer (Portuguese, Spanish) or those with a similar sociolinguistic situation (Basque, Catalan, Occitan, Sardinian...).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


a. Communicative contents: expressing opinions, describing abilities or disabilities, likes and preferences, narrating past and future events.

b. Grammatical contents: quantifiers, relatives, irregular verbs, verbs with vowel alternations, past imperfect, preterite, past perfect, adverbs, prepositions.

c. Lexical contents: health, directions, urban furniture, means of transportation, weather.

d. Phonetic and orthographic contents: vowel and consonant system of the Galician language, accentuation, spelling (uses of and , and , , etc.).

e. Socio-cultural contents: sociolinguistic situation of Galicia, Galician literature by Rosalía de Castro.


A) Grammar

- Quantifiers: forms and contractions

- Verbs (regular and irregular)

- Imperative

- Directions, positions, and locations

- Adverbs of place

- Past tenses (past imperfect, preterite, and past perfect)

- Adverbs of time

- Comparative structures (equality, superiority, inferiority)

- Future

- Prepositions

B) Lexicon

- Leisure and travel

- Buildings and urban furniture

- Means of transportation

- Chronological time

- Weather

C) Socio-cultural contents:

- Galician literature: Rosalía de Castro

- Sociolinguistic situation of Galicia

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The course will be conducted through a combination of theoretical lectures and practical exercises and activities. The practical work will be carried out both individually and collectively, always aiming for active interaction between the instructor and the students. Among the activities to be performed are:

- Oral and written comprehension activities.

- Oral and written expression activities.

- Grammar exercises and vocabulary acquisition tasks.

- Familiarization with dictionaries, manuals, online resources, etc.

Complementary activities:

Participation in activities proposed by the Centro de Estudos Galegos (exhibitions, talks, conferences, film screenings, poetry recitals, etc.).

The development of comprehension and communication skills is supported by practical classwork, using reference literature and various audiovisual media to introduce students to the most engaging aspects of Galician reality and culture (music, cinema, literature, etc.), with a special focus on the History of the Galician Language and the History of Galicia. Additionally, learning will be reinforced through activities organized by the Centro de Estudos Galegos (CEG), which will be mandatory as they will take place during class hours.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 40
    • Oral defense (%): 20
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 30
    • Activities organized by the Galician Studies Center (%): 10

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


Regular attendance and continuous effort in both in-class work (individual and group) and out-of-class tasks and activities organized by the Centro de Estudos Galegos will be highly valued. Therefore, the final grade will be calculated based on the following components:

- Official written exam: 40%.

- Official oral exam: 20%. The oral exam will be recorded to provide evidence for grading and for review by the students.

- Participation and completion of exercises: 30%.

- Attendance and participation in activities organized by the Centro de Estudos Galegos: 10%.


According to the Regulations for student evaluation in official undergraduate degrees, Article 8.3, applicable in the 2018-19 academic year: Students are entitled to be evaluated through the final assessment system, regardless of their participation in the continuous assessment system. To do this, students must submit a written request to the course instructor to opt out of the continuous assessment. This must be done within 9 weeks for semester courses and 18 weeks for annual courses, starting from the beginning of the semester or course, according to the academic calendar of the institution.

The grading percentage for the final assessment will be as follows:

- Official oral exam: 30% of the final grade.

- Official written exam: 70% of the final grade.

Each part must be passed to pass the entire course.

IF EXAMS CANNOT BE CONDUCTED IN PERSON, they will be conducted electronically:

- The official written exam will be conducted through eGela questionnaires. If this is not possible, the questionnaires will be sent to students in a digital file, and they will need to submit their answers within a specified timeframe.

- The official oral exam will be conducted via video call.


. In all tests and graded tasks, regardless of the assessment method (continuous or final) and regardless of the exam session (regular or extraordinary), both oral and written expression will be evaluated, and spelling and grammatical errors will be penalized.

. Any test, exercise, or task, regardless of the assessment method (continuous or final) and regardless of the exam session (regular or extraordinary), will be considered FAILED if any FRAUDULENT ACTION (such as copying or plagiarism) is detected. Academic fraud is understood as dishonest and unethical practices, ranging from copying in an exam or written test, appropriation of texts and infringement of copyright (plagiarism and/or cyber plagiarism), identity theft, or the buying and selling of academic work.

. During the conduct of an assessment test, the use of books, notes, or other materials, as well as any telephones, electronic devices, computers, or other devices, by students is prohibited. Their use will always result in a failed test.

. When taking any assessment test, students may be required to IDENTIFY themselves (ID card, passport, or university card).

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Extraordinary Exam Assessment

The extraordinary exam assessment will consist of two tests:

- Oral exam (30% of the final grade).

- Official written exam (70% of the final grade).

Each part must be passed to pass the entire course.

IF EXAMS CANNOT BE CONDUCTED IN PERSON, they will be conducted electronically:

- The official written exam will be conducted through eGela questionnaires. If this is not possible, the questionnaires will be sent to students in a digital file, and they will need to submit their answers within a specified timeframe.

- The official oral exam will be conducted via video call.


Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

. Chamorro, Margarita / Ivonete da Silva / Xaquín Núñez (2009): Aula de Galego 2. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia.
. Dicionario castelán-galego. Editorial Rinoceronte. https://rinoceronte.gal/dicionario/
. Fernández Fernández, Isaac (2010): Dicionario Galego-Éuscaro/Euskara-Galiziera. Vigo: Universidade de Vigo.
. González González, Manuel (dir.): Dicionario da Real Academia Galega. A Coruña: Real Academia Galega. https://academia.gal/dicionario

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

. VV.AA(2006): Proxecto Artello. Léxico 2. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia.

. VV.AA (2006): Proxecto Artello. Ortografía 2. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia.

In-depth bibliography

. Álvarez Blanco, Rosario / Xosé Xove (2002): Gramática da lingua galega. Vigo: Galaxia.
. Instituto da Lingua Galega / Real Academia Galega (2012): Normas ortográficas e morfolóxicas do idioma galego (23ª edición). Vigo: Galaxia. https://publicacions.academia.gal/index.php/rag/catalog/book/252
. López Carreira, Anselmo (2016). Historia de Galicia. Vigo: Xerais.
. López Viñas, Xoán / Cilha Lourenço Módia / Marisa Moreda Leirado (2010): Gramática práctica da lingua galega. Comunicación e expresión. A Coruña: Baía.
. Monteagudo, Henrique (1999): Historia social da lingua galega. Vigo: Galaxia.
. Monteagudo, Henrique / Loredo, Xaquín / Vázquez, Martín (2016). Lingua e sociedade en Galicia. A evolución sociolingüística 1992-2013. A Coruña: Real Academia Galega.

Web addresses

. BILEGA (Bibliografía Informatizada de la Lengua Gallega): https://bernal.cirp.gal/ords/f?p=107:1
. Corrector ortográfico en línea: http://sli.uvigo.es/corrector/
. Diccionario Rinoceronte castellano-gallego: https://rinoceronte.gal/dicionario/
. Diccionario de sinónimos: https://ilg.usc.gal/singal/
. Portal das palabras: https://portaldaspalabras.gal/
. Real Academia Galega: https://academia.gal/inicio
. RILG (Recursos Integrados da Lingua Galega): https://ilg.usc.gal/rilg/index.php
. Televisión de Galicia (programación á carta): https://www.crtvg.es/tvg/a-carta
. Tradutores Gaio: https://tradutorgaio.xunta.gal/TradutorPublico/traducir/index

GroupsToggle Navigation

97A Applied computer-based groups-1 (Galician - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


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