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Literature of the Second Language I: Russian Language25338

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in English Studies
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits
Para poder matricularse de la asignatura "Literatura de la Segunda Lengua I: Lengua Rusa" hay que tener superada la asignatura "Segunda Lengua II: Lengua Rusa".

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

- Translation and analysis of literary texts. Texts of medium/high level of difficulty.

- Study of Russian literature from the mid-19th century to the present day through translations.

- Study of Russian history and culture

- Through the translation of these specialised texts, the aim is also to deepen and consolidate the knowledge of the grammar and lexicon of the Russian language, as well as to improve the students' translation skills and prepare them for the practice of literary translation.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

-Written command of the native language. Be able to produce formally, terminologically and linguistically correct texts in Spanish.

- Understanding, analysing (linguistically and conceptually) and translating specialised Russian texts.

- Written proficiency in the native language. Be able to produce formally, terminologically and linguistically correct texts in Spanish.

- Detecting and fixing general and specific problems of translation and adaptation of tempo-cultural realities of Imperial Russia, the USSR and present-day Russia in the translation of literary texts.

-Knowing and handling the methods, techniques and strategies of literary translation between Russian and Spanish.

-To be able to fully understand Russian literary texts of medium-high difficulty. Recognising the different literary genres and styles and applying translation methods to these texts.

- Developing the ability to be self-critical of one's own translations.

- Knowing and studying the most important and representative authors, works, literary currents, genres, etc, of Russian literature of the 19th-21st centuries.

- Learning Russian history.

- Ability to handle the techniques, terminology and methods of analysis and commentary of literary texts.

- Development of the analytical and critical reasoning when reading a literary work or studying a specific aspect of literature.

- Ability to locate, handle and summarize scientific bibliography and information obtained from databases and the Internet.

-Expanding knowledge of Russian culture, diversity and multiculturalism.

Associated skills of the degree programme:

- G001: oral proficiency in the native language.

- G002: Correct use of at least two foreign languages.

- G003: Ability to produce correctly in one's own language ideas or texts of different types (general and specialised, oral and written) received in another language.

- G005: Use of computer tools related to the field of translation and documentation, as well as computer-assisted translation.

- G008: autonomous learning, capacity for analysis and synthesis and application of knowledge to practice.

- G009: Ability to solve communication problems (retrieve, evaluate and transmit information).

Associated skills of the module:

CM01 - Contrastive knowledge of the pairing languages of translation and their respective cultures and textual and communicative conventions.

CM02 - Ability to analyse and interpret correctly texts in the target language.

CM03 - Communicative and textual production skills in the Source Language and Target Language.

CM04 - Mastery of translation techniques, resources and aids.

CM05 - Documentary competence, information acquisition and processing.

CM06 - Cognitive skills on the subjects of translation, specific terminology and phraseology (specialised translation).

CM07 - Ability to criticise and evaluate one's own translation work.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1- Theory of literary translation: Basic concepts of literary translation. Characteristics of literary translation. Translation techniques and strategies applied to literary translation, etc.

2- Translation of Russian literary texts (adapted) from the mid-19th century to the present day (Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, etc.) and the 21st century (S. Sokolov, Solzhenitsyn, Petrushevskaia, S. Dovlatov, Shalamov, Petsukh, Pelevin, Akunin, etc.). Analysis, correction and comparison of literary translations.

3- Translation of popular articles related to Russian literature and culture (magazine or newspaper articles, interviews, etc.).

4- Introduction to the history of Russian literature from the mid-19th century to the present day and study of the most important works and authors of that period on the basis of the translations made in class. Analysis and commentary of literary texts and literary translations

MethodologyToggle Navigation

- This subject trains the student in the techniques and strategies of translation between Russian and Spanish, which means working on the understanding and correct interpretation of texts in the original language, and producing linguistically, terminologically and formally correct texts in the mother tongue, as well as showing the ability to revise and criticise them. Theoretical and grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum and are of a practical nature. The following exercises will be carried out in the classroom in order to provide the student with a good grounding in translation techniques and strategies:

- Exercises in textual comprehension and reformulation, and searches for translation equivalences.

- Exercises aimed at mastering basic contrastive aspects between Russian and Spanish.

- Exercises to detect and fix basic problems in the translation of texts between the two languages.

- Exercises in pre-translation, translation, revision and correction of translations: self-correction and group correction.

- Exercises in comparison and critical analysis of translations.

- Exercises for learning the different lexical fields of the Russian language.

- Exercises in commenting on translations.

-Throughout the classes we will exercise in literary analysis and commentary. We will also study specific aspects of a literary work and its author and we will discuss certain topics in groups from a scientific perspective.

-Reading of a literary work for subsequent analysis and literary commentary in class.

-Study of specific aspects of a literary work or academic work on certain topics from a comparative perspective.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 40
    • Individual works (%): 60

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

- The type of assessment will depend on the teaching scenario:


- Continuous assessment (60% of the final mark): monitoring of the student's work in the classroom, delivery and regular checks of translations (25%), as well as partial exams (35%).

- Final practical exam (40% of the final mark): translation of 1 or 2 new texts of medium length.

- The grade "not present" will be awarded automatically and by default (provided that the student does not express in writing his/her preference for the grade "Fail") whenever the student does not take the final exam.


In the case of distance teaching, a small complementary test will be added which will count for 20% of the final mark but which must be passed in order to pass the subject. The aim of this test is to check that the student has acquired the minimum knowledge from the exercises and assignments carried out throughout the course. In this scenario, therefore, the evaluation percentages are as follows: 40% final written exam, 20% complementary test (compulsory to pass it), 40% class work.

- The grade "Not present" will be awarded automatically and by default (as long as the student does not express in writing his/her preference for the grade "Fail") whenever the student does not take the final exam.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


-There will be a final test which will account for 100% of the final mark. This test will consist of the translation of several completely new texts, which will be carried out in a limited time on the same day as the exam.


In the case of distance teaching (total or partial), a small complementary test will be added which will count for 20% of the final mark but which must be passed in order to pass the subject. This test will be a verification that the minimum knowledge of the exercises and work carried out throughout the course has been acquired. In this scenario, therefore, the evaluation percentages are as follows: 80% final written exam, 20% complementary test (compulsory to pass).

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

- Daniela, B.: Blizhe k rossii, Moskva, Ikar izd., 2004.
- Perevosnikova, A.K.: Rossia: strana i liudi, Moskva, Russki Yazyk, 2006.

- Turover y Nogueira: Bolshoi russko-ispanski slovar, Moskva, Russki Yazyk, 2000.
- Kovalenko, A. Ja.: Obschij kurs nauchno-texnicheskogo perevoda, Indos, 2004
- Sokolova, L. V. & R. Guzmán Tirado: Leyendo a los clásicos rusos, Rubiños, Madrid, 1997
- Yatsenko, I.: Russkaia nietraditsonnaia proza, Moskva, Zlatoust, 2006.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- Bogatyreva, I.V., Golovanova L.Z., Lobashkova, L. M.: Posobie po nauchnomu stilju rechi, Moskva, 1986.

- Fedorov, A. V. Osnovy obschej teorii perevoda, SPbGU, 2002.

- Komissarov, V. N. Obschaja teorija perevoda (Uchebnoe posobie). Moskva, 2000.

- agno, V. Je. Res Traductorica: perevod i sravnitelnoe izuchenie literatury. Nauka, 2000.

- AA.VV.: Reference Guide of Russian Literature, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London-Chicago, 1998.

- AAVV.: Historia de las literaturas eslavas. Madrid, Cátedra, 1997.

- Ch. A. Moser (ed.): The Cambridge History of Russian Literature, Cambridge, Cambridge U. P, 1989.

- Lo Gatto, Ettore: La literatura rusa moderna, Buenos aires, Losada, 1972

In-depth bibliography

- Díaz Cintas, Jorge 2001 La traducción audiovisual: el subtitulado. Salamanca: Ediciones Almar.
- Guzmán Tirado, R./Ryzvaniuk S., El ruso a través de la traducción, Granada, 2001.
- Iovenko, V. A. 2001 Prakticheskij kurs perevoda – Ispanskij jazyk

- Maillot, J. 1997 La traducción científica y técnica (versión española), Gredos, Madrid.
- Río Salceda, B. C. del 1996 Breve diccionario politécnico español-ruso, Rubiños, Madrid.
- CHIZEVSKI, D.: Historia del espíritu ruso, Madrid, alianza, 1967.
- COWLES,V.: Los Romanov, Barcelona, Noguer, 1975.
- DVORNIK, F.: The Slavs. Their early History and Civilization, Boston, 1956.
- POKROVSKI, M.N.: Historia de Rusia, Madrid, Akal, 1977.
- AA.VV.: Rusia, Madrid, siglo XXI, 1989
- SÁNCHEZ PUIG, M.: Diccionario de literatura rusa (ss. IX-XIX), Madrid, Orto, 1996.
- SÁNCHEZ PUIG, M.: Guía de cultura rusa, Atenea, 2003.
- SLONIM, M.: La literatura rusa, México, Fondo de Cultura económica, 1962.
- WAEGEMANS, E.: Historia de la literatura rusa desde el tiempo de Pedro el Grande, Ediciones Internacionales
Universitarias, 2003.
- WALISZEWSKI, K.: Historia de la literatura rusa, Madrid, España Modrna, s/f


Nauka i zhizn
Literaturnaya gazeta

Web addresses

1- Russian reference dictionaries online: www.dic.academic.ru
2- Dictionaries for scientific-technical translations: www.multitran.ru
3- Multitran dictionaries: www.multitran.com
4- Portal Gramota: www.gramota.ru
5- Other dictionaries: www.slovari.ru
6- Russian Literature: http://www.lib.ru/

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01 Applied computer-based groups-1 (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


17:00-19:00 (1)

17:00-19:00 (2)

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  • LAB. 1.50 - . (2)