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Teaching staff


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Geography, Prehistory and Archeology
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

After completion of my degree in History at the University of Barcelona (2002), I conducted my PhD, funded by a 4-year FI fellowship (AGAUR) (2003-2006), on archaeometrical studies of medieval and post-medieval archaeological ceramic exchange and technologies within the frame of an INCOMED EU project. In January 2007 I received my PhD in Archaeology with the distinction Cum Laude and European Doctor mention. Afterwards, I was awarded with a Smithsonian postdoctoral fellowship at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC (USA), focusing my research on archaeological ceramics in North-America (2007-2008). In 2008 I was awarded a Marie Curie IOF (2008-2011) to study technological influences and exchange during colonial times in the Americas, with a reintegration phase at the University of Barcelona. In 2012 I joined the University of the Basque Country as IKERBASQUE Research fellow, studying colonial encounters in the Americas and late medieval and post-medieval Basque role in North-Atlantic trade, fishing and whaling through material culture. Later on, in 2016, I was granted a Ramon y Cajal grant (RYC-2014-16835). Currently, I am Permanent Researcher at the Geography, Prehistory and Archaeology department at UPV/EHU.

During my scientific career, I have been awarded with 12 Competitive Fellowships, 4 Scientific Prizes, and AQU, UNIBASQ and I3 accreditations. I have 1 IKERTRAMO from UNIBASQ (2015-2020), equivalent to research sexenio, and I3 accreditation by the Spanish Mini