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Teaching staff


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Teaching of Corporal Expression
Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Body Expresion
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Bachelor Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (2001, EHU-UPV), High Performance in Sport Master´s Degree (2008, Spanish Olimpic Committee and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), PhD degree in Exercise Pshysiology under supervision of Doctors Julio Calleja and Nicolás Terrados (2013, EHU-UPV). Predoctoral scholarship at University of Otago, Dunedin (Zelanda Berria) under supervision of Dr. Jim Cotter in the field of brain blood flow during exercise. Postodoctoral fellowship at University of Adelaide, Adelaide (Australia) under supervision of Dr. David Bentley in exercise physiology.

Consultant for sport clubs in different disciplines. Occasional collaboration in sport conditioning courses, strength and conditioning coaching for amateur and pro athletes and their monitorization and fitness assesment.

Areas of interest: General Physical Education, High Performance in Sport, Technology Applied to Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Physiology (thermorregulation, hypoxia, fatigue and recovery).

Currently supervising two PhD projects (one in collaboration with the University of Adelaide).

Scientific contribution in different formats such as conferences, national and international meetings, scientific peer reviewed journals and international teaching experience.