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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Teaching of Plastic Expression
Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Body Expresion
Electronic mail

2017: PhD from the UPV / EHU in Philosophy and Education Sciences, within the Psychodidactic program: Psychology of Education and Specific Didactic. Title of the thesis: The ARTikertuz experience: What knowledge do we generate from the university-school relationship from artistic education? 2017.

2012/2013: Professional master's degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. 2010/2011: Official master's degree in Visual Arts and Education research: a constructionist approach.

2005/2010: Bachelor of Fine Arts.

Member of the research team of the University of the Basque Country and consolidated by the Basque Government ELKARRIKERTUZ IT887-16.

Collaborating member of the UPV/EHU research project ARTikertuz: EHU 15/24- rethink artistic expression from the university-school relationship for the transformation of teaching practice: a narrative approach. November 2015-November 2017 (duration, 24 months).

Research member of the UPV/EHU research project together with the University of Barcelona (UB) APRENDO: How teachers learn: educational implications and challenges to face social change. Funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Project code: EDU 2015-70912-C2-2-R.

Member of the Research and Educational Innovation Network. Social Changes and Challenges for Education in the Digital Age-REUNI + D (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness EDU2014-54943-REDT).