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As a sociologist University of Deusto, Bilbao), he teachs at the Faculty of Economics, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao. His main research interests include urban economic and social change; urban regeneration policies and neighbourhood renewal; gentrification and spatial segregation. His current research focuses on urban regeneration strategies and policy-led gentrification in Bilbao and other Spanish cities. Some of his publications in the field of urban studies are: “Another ‘Guggenheim Effect’? Central City Projects and Gentrification in Bilbao” (2005), in Atkinson, R. and Bridge, G. (eds.), Gentrification in a Global Context: The New Urban Colonialism, London: Routledge; “Another ‘Guggenheim Effect’? The Generation of a Potentially Gentrifiable Neighbourhood in Bilbao”(2003), in Urban Studies, vol 40, nº 12; A Model of Regeneration? Urban Redevelopment and Policy-led Gentrification in Bilbao (2015), in Rodríguez, A. y Juaristi, J. (eds.) Transforming Cities. Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Regeneration in the Basque Country, Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada, Reno.