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Final Year Project26806

Faculty of Science and Technology
Bachelor's Degree In Geology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits
Para poder defender el TFG (Trabajo de Fin de Grado) debe tener superados todos los créditos del Grado
Para poder matricularse del TFG (Trabajo Fin de grado) debe tener superados todos los créditos del grado.

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The fundamental objective of the Final Year Project (FYP) is for the student to demonstrate their maturity in independently addressing a subject, whether theoretical or practical, related to the degree in a way that reinforces the competencies necessary for professional practice.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The FYP should be oriented towards the application of the general competencies associated with the degree, enabling the student to search for, manage, organize, and interpret relevant data, usually within their field of study, to make judgments that include reflections on relevant scientific and/or technological issues. This facilitates the development of critical, logical, and creative thinking and judgment. The training activities can be broad and should be oriented towards the development and application of the competencies acquired throughout the entire degree program.

The FYP should be oriented towards the application of the following competencies associated with the degree:

G001 - Ability to analyse and synthesize.

G002 - Problem-solving ability.

G003 - Ability to search for and manage information.

G004 - Ability to apply knowledge to practice.

G005 - Autonomous and creative learning and work

G006 - Ability to work in teams.

G007 - Ability to organize, plan, and manage time.

G008 - Determination, perseverance, and responsibility in assigned tasks.

G009 - Oral and written communication in the native language.

G010 - Motivation for quality and well-done work.

G011 - Knowledge and use of theories, paradigms, concepts, and principles of Geology.

G012 - Correct use of terminology, nomenclature, conventions, and units in Geology.

G013 - Acquisition of a spatial and temporal vision of geological processes and their effects (minerals, rocks, fossils, structures, landforms, etc.) on the planet.

G014 - Knowledge and understanding of current environmental processes and possible associated risks, as well as the need to both exploit and conserve Earth's resources.

G015 - Responsible and safe conduct of field and laboratory work.

G016 - Development of subsurface models from surface and geophysical data.

G017 - Acquisition, processing, analysis, and interpretation of field and laboratory data and observations using appropriate techniques and instruments, and proper documentation of results in reports or field notebooks.

G018 - Definition and implementation of a strategy to solve a geological problem and generate the corresponding report.

G019 - Communication of geological information, both in writing and orally, to a specialized or non-specialized audience.

G020 - Application of geological knowledge to explore, evaluate, extract, and manage natural resources in a socially demanded and sustainable manner.

G021 - Use of geological process and material knowledge in professional fields recognized by law as areas of geologists' activity.

Additionally, students should be able to relate the FYP to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

See Regulations for Final Year Project in Geology


MethodologyToggle Navigation

The FYP will include the following activities:

1. Individualized tutoring: The student must participate in at least a minimum of 6 hours of tutoring sessions.

2. Autonomous work by the student: Guided by their supervisor, this includes the phases of development, submission, presentation, and defence of the FYP.

3. Orientation seminars: These cover necessary methodological guidelines for completing the FYP. They may include additional training activities such as courses on bibliographic search offered by the university library, courses on scientific writing, techniques for making oral presentations, and any other activities deemed necessary by the Degree Studies Committee (DSC) in Geology and the project supervisor.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Oral defense (%): 35
    • Memoria (%): 65

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

• Report: 65 %

• Defence: 35 %

For more details on the evaluation criteria of the FYP, see the Regulations for the Final Year Project in Geology. In all evaluation tests, the "Protocol on academic ethics and prevention of dishonest or fraudulent practices in evaluation tests and academic work at UPV/EHU" will be applied.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

* Report: 65 %

* Defence: 35 %

For more details on the evaluation criteria of the FYP, see the Regulations for the Final Year Project in Geology. In all evaluation tests, the "Protocol on academic ethics and prevention of dishonest or fraudulent practices in evaluation tests and academic work at UPV/EHU" will be applied.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

1. Regulations for Final Year Project in Geology

2. Regulations for Final Year Project in the Faculty ZTF-FCT

3. Regulations for Final Year Project in the UPV/EHU

Web addresses
