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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Crystallography and Mineralogy
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

Graduate (1985) and PhD in Geological Sciences (1995) from the University of the Basque Country. Associate Professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology in the campus of Leioa (1989) and teaches subjects related to the Mineralogy in the Degree of Geology.

The scientific career began with the study and evaluation of clay minerals diagenesis degree and the environmental and climatic implications. Nowadays the research field consist in archaeometric study of archaeological materials. The geoarchaeometry has been applied in archaeological ceramics, archaeological lime mortars and metallic materials. Also based on the analysis of stable isotopes of fauna and humans skeletal remains migration, palaoediets and environmental implications researches.

These studies have led to 27 scientific publications in high-impact international journals, 8 book chapters and about 80 contributions in national and international conferences. Also has participated in 30 research projects. She has 2 six-year research accredited by the CNEAI. She has co-directed six doctoral theses (one with an international mention and three with an extraordinary doctoral award) and nowadays two of them are in progress.