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Analysis and Management of Rural and Natural Areas28353

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Geography And Land Management
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030
Applied fieldwork groups50

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

This subject is of an applied nature. Its foundation lies in the basic training acquired in the 1st. degree cycle, especially in the subject of Rural Geography.

The course will focus on methodologies for analyzing rural change and on the development of management proposals, compatible from both a social and environmental point of view, for rural and natural spaces. Knowledge and skill in the design of these tools will contribute to completing the professional profile of the geographer specializing in territorial planning.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

BASIC AND GENERAL SKILLS OF THE DEGREE DEVELOPED IN THIS SUBJECT (according to the Verified Report of the Study Plan, latest version):

CB2: That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of estudy.

CB3: That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (Normally within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.

CB4: That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a specialized and non-specialized audience.

CB5: That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

G004: Know, understand and interpret the territory and interrelate the physical environment with the social and human sphere.

G005: Explain the diversity of places, regions and locations and understand spatial relationships and processes. Interrelate phenomena at different territorial scales.

G006: Use geographic information as a means for the description, analysis and interpretation, and planning of the territory. Express information cartographically, prepare and interpret statistical information. Use of ICTs in the analysis and communication of research results.

G007: Make proposals for territorial planning and management, and location of services and activities.

G008: Present and transmit geographical knowledge and understand these problems in a multidimensional way.


M02CM01. Ability to develop a work system both individually and in teams that enables autonomous learning and collaboration with professionals from other disciplines.

M02CM02. Ability to pose and solve problems through the application of acquired knowledge, both theoretical and practical.

M02CM04. Apply geographical knowledge to the analysis and diagnosis of the territory and its landscape.

M02CM06. Relate and synthesize transversal territorial information.

M02CM07. Build, propose and choose the necessary alternatives and proposals to alleviate weaknesses and take advantage of territorial strengths.


The subject will also work on the transversal competence Written Expression (CT2, linked to the G002 competence of the degree) to reach a level of mastery of type 3. Therefore, the student must be able after taking the subject to "be convincing through written communication, demonstrating a style of organization and expression of the content of long and complex writings. This competence will be specifically evaluated through the proposed practical work.


1. Interprets the materialization of rural change in the local space using the conceptual and methodological basis of rural analysis.

2. Understands the actions aimed at managing and ordering the problems associated with rural change.

3. Makes intervention proposals both in rural spaces affected by "urban sprawl" processes and in rural spaces classified as "natural."

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


- Permanence and change in rural space.

- The Theory of rural restructuring.

Practical contents:

- Use of orthophotos for the analysis of change in rural spaces: land use, structure of plots, size of plots, etc.

- Data download, representation and interpretation of the same.


-The urbanization of the countryside.

-The impacts of "urban sprawl".

-Territorial management of diffuse urbanization.

Practical contents: data processing. Urbanization indicators (land use mapping: Forest Inventory and Corine Land Cover).


-Natural or rural spaces?

-Plans for the planning and management of natural resources.

-Management of natural spaces and socio-environmental compatibility.

Practical contents: data processing (land use and economic indicators) for the analysis of the influence of primary activity on natural spaces.


- Rural development with a territorial approach.

- Agents and policies in rural development.

- Rural development instruments.

Practical contents: Analysis of the rural development plan of a region: assessment of the analysis and diagnosis sections. Reflection.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The theoretical contents will be worked on in class, reviewing the scientific literature for each block. Case studies will be presented with which it will be possible to verify the existence of the phenomena included in the theoretical contents in our environment. Additionally, students will be required to read several academic and scientific articles, with the aim of being able to identify the problems that are observed in rural and natural spaces. These problems will be addressed among the entire class and a strategy will be designed to resolve them.

The practical contents are closely related to the theoretical ones. The cartography available in different sources will be used and several indicators will be worked on that must be interpreted so that the students draw their own conclusions and relate the information with the phenomena presented in class. These exercises will be compiled into a portfolio.

Furthermore, each student must choose a municipality and work on the same indicators that are used in class to address the different topics of the subject. They must conduct an analysis of the municipality by topic worked on, prepare a presentation, and submit a report.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Individual works (%): 50
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 20
    • Exhibition of works, readings ... (%): 10
    • Portfolio (%): 20

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


Individual and team work, the portfolio and readings comprises the continuous evaluation system.

This system allows the progress of each student to be assessed throughout the training period (accounting for 50% of the final grade) and will be complemented by an individual work that must be presented on the official date established for the exam (also accounting for 50% of the final grade). To pass the subject it will be required to obtain an average grade of five points and in order for the average to be taken among all the works, it will be mandatory to obtain a minimum grade of four and a half points out of ten.

In any case, students will have the right to be evaluated through the FINAL EVALUATION SYSTEM, regardless of whether or not they have participated in the continuous evaluation system. In this case, they must take an exam on the officially established date, in order to evaluate both theoretical and practical contents. To opt for the final evaluation system, students must submit in writing to the teaching staff responsible for the subject the waiver of continuous evaluation and their option to the final evaluation, for which they will have a maximum period of 9 weeks from the beginning of the course (Regulations governing student evaluation in official undergraduate degrees, article 8).

*Failure to present the individual work (50%) will result in the evaluation being waived and the grade will be Not Presented.

*The marks of the practical work (if approved) will be maintained for the extraordinary call of the current course, but not for the following academic year.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

In accordance with article 9 of the Agreement of December 15, 2016, of the Governing Council of the UPV/EHU, which approves the Regulations governing the Evaluation of students in official Bachelor's degrees (BOPV, March 13, 2017), the final evaluation will consist of a 10-point theoretical-practical test on the official exam date.

However, the positive results obtained by students during the course may be kept and only those failed tests will have to be evaluated again. If a student who has failed the first assessment does not wish to retain the grade obtained, he or she may resign by sending a letter to the professor at least 7 days before the date of the extraordinary exam. You will communicate that you renounce the grades obtained in the continuous evaluation and that you wish to take a final test that will allow you to obtain 100% of the grade for the subject.

*Failure to take the final test will result in resignation from the evaluation call, and their grade will be recorded as 'Not Presented.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

-Cartographic documentation: geoeuskadi.net / GIS (QGIS or ArcGis).
-Guiding Plans for resource planning/use and management in Natural Spaces.
-Territorial Plans.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Cejudo García, E., Cañete Pérez, J. A., Navarro Valverde, F. A., y Ruiz Moya, N. (2022).

Empleo rural y LEADER: actores, territorios y beneficiarios en Andalucía (2007-2015).

Boletín De La Asociación De Geógrafos Españoles, (92). https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.3187

Cejudo, E. y Maroto, J.C. (2010). La Reforma de la PAC 2003: Desacoplamiento, condicionalidad, modulación, desarrollo rural. Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, Vol. XIV, (318).http://www.ub.edu/geocrit/sn/sn-318.htm

Copus, A. y Hörnström, L. (Eds.) (2011). The New Rural Europe: Towards Rural Cohesion Policy. Nordregio Report, (1). http://links.uv.es/F68Yuqc

Delgado, M.M. (2004). La política rural europea en la encrucijada. MAPA.

Dijkstra, L. y Poelman, H. (2011). Regional Tipologies: A Compilation. Regional Focus, 1/2011. European Union, Directorate General for Regional Policy. http://links.uv.es/9Ead8NN

Donolfi, F.; Little, J. y Massot, A. (2011). La PAC en el Marco Financiero Plurianual 2014-2020. Dirección General de Políticas Interiores, Parlamento Europeo. http://links.uv.es/5sgALda

Esparcia, J. Escribano, J. y Serrano, J. (2015). From Development to Power Relations and Territorial Governance: Increasing the Leadership Role of LEADER Local Action Groups. Journal of Rural Studies, (42), 29-42. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0743016715300218?via%3Dihub

Esparcia, J., Escribano, J. y Sánchez aguilera, D. (2017). Los territorios rurales. En Romero -González, J. (COORD.). Geografía Humana de España. Tirant Humanidades, 367-448.

EUROPARC-España (2002). Plan de acción para los espacios naturales protegidos del estado español. Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez.

EUROPARC-España (2008). Planificar para gestionar los espacios naturales protegidos. Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez.

EUROPARC-España (2011). Anuario EUROPARC-España del estado de los espacios naturales protegidos. Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez.

European Enviroment Agency (2006). Urban sprawl in Europe. The ignored challenge. EEA Report 10. European Environment Agency.

García Sanz, B. (2011). Ruralidad emergente, posibilidades y retos. MARM.

Gómez-Limón, J.A. y Barreiro Hurlé, J. (Coords.) (2007). La multifuncionalidad de la agricultura en España. Eumedia y MAPA.

Mcdonagh, J.; Nienaber, B. y Woods, M. (eds.) (2016). Globalization and Rural Europes Regions. Routledge.

Molinero, F. y Alarío, M. (2022). Una mirada geográfica a la España rural. Revives. https://revives.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/UNA-MIRADA-GEOGRAFICA-A-LA-ESPANA-RURAL-Revives_Alta-resolucion.pdf

Moyano Estrada, E. (coord.) (2022). La España Rural: Retos y Oportunidades de Futuro. Cajamar. https://publicacionescajamar.es/publicaciones-periodicas/mediterraneo-economico/mediterraneo-economico-35-la-espana-rural-retos-y-oportunidades-de-futuro

Nello, O. (2011). Estrategias para la contención y gestión de las urbanizaciones de baja densidad en Cataluña. Ciudad y Territorio. Estudios Territoriales, XLIII, 163, 81-98. https://www.academia.edu/17567935/Estrategias_para_la_contenci%C3%B3n_y_gesti%C3%B3n_de_las_urbanizaciones_de_baja_densidad_en_Catalu%C3%B1a

Sanz Cañada, J. (2009). El futuro del mundo rural: sostenibilidad, innovación y puesta en valor de los recursos locales. Síntes.

Vercher, N. (2022). The Role of Actors in Social Innovation in Rural Areas. Land, (11), 710. 10.3390/land11050710

Woods, M. (2005). Rural Geography. Proceesses, responses and experiences in rural restructuring. Sage.

Woods, M. (2011). Rural Geography. Salvia.

In-depth bibliography

Cloke, P. (1987). Rural planning. Policy into action. Harper & Row Publihers.
EUROPARC-España (2005). Integración de los espacios naturales protegidos en la ordenación del territorio. Fundación Fernando González Bernáldez.
Garzón-García, R., y Vega-Pozuelo, R. (2022). Ordenación de usos agrarios en áreas protegidas de media montaña mediterránea. Estudio de la Sierra Morena andaluza.
Investigaciones Geográficas, (77), 279-301. https://doi.org/10.14198/INGEO.18057
Fernando Gil-Alonso, Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco (2021). La población rural tras la crisis y la poscrisis: Municipios regresivos, resilientes y dinámicos (Cataluña, España). Ager, Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural - Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies, (32), https://doi.org/119-155 10.4422/ager.2021.07
Matías Mérida Rodríguez, María Jesús Perles Roselló, Juan Francisco Sortino Barrionuevo, David Carruana Herrera (2021). Percepción social de las repercusiones paisajísticas de la urbanización dispersa en espacios rurales del entorno litoral mediterráneo. Investigaciones Geográficas, (76), 53-73. https://doi.org/10.14198/INGEO.18316
Miguel González-Leonardoy Antonio López-Gay. (2021). Del éxodo rural al éxodo interurbano de titulados universitarios: la segunda oleada de despoblación. AGER, Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural, (31), 7- 42. https://doi.org/10.4422/ager.2021.01
Natera-Rivas J. J., y Larrubia-Vargas R. (2021). Propuesta de clasificación de los municipios andaluces a partir de sus saldos migratorios recientes. Cuadernos Geográficos, 60(3), 129-146. https://doi.org/10.30827/cuadgeo.v60i3.16915
Yubero, C. y García Hernandez, M. (2019). El turismo en el medio rural en España desde el enfoque de la transferencia de políticas públicas. Boletín de la AGE, (81), 1-34 http://dx.doi.org/10.21138/bage.2766


Lurralde. http://www.ingeba.org/lurralde/
Boletín de la AGE. https://bage.age-geografia.es/ojs/index.php/bage
Estudios Geográficos. https://estudiosgeograficos.revistas.csic.es/index.php/estudiosgeograficos
Landscape and Urban Planning. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/landscape-and-urban-planning
Land Use Policy. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/land-use-policy
Journal of Rural Studies. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-rural-studies
SUSTRAI: Revista agropesquera-Nekazaritaza eta arrantza aldizkaria. http://www.sustrai.eus/es/

Web addresses

Comisión Europea. http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. https://www.mapa.gob.es/es/
Instituto Nacional de Estadística. http://www.ine.es/
SigPac. http://arc.ikt.es/sigpac/
GeoEuskadi. http://www.geo.euskadi.eus/
Eustat. https://www.eustat.eus/indice.html

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