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Planning of the Physical Environment25565

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Geography And Land Management
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups3045
Applied fieldwork groups80

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The course analyzes the physical environment as a support, resource, constraint, for its planning and land use planning. Thus, each of the subsystems that compose it is approached, studying their specific methodologies and techniques to achieve an analysis, diagnosis and planning of the integral physical environment.

This subject is related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for the achievement of which procedures and strategies related to the SDGs will be exposed and procedures and strategies related to the contents of the subject will be presented and related:

6. Clean water and sanitation

7. Affordable and non-polluting energy

13. Climate action

15. Life of terrestrial ecosystems

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The general objective of the course is to know and know how to apply the bases, methodologies and techniques for the planning of the physical environment.

It is specified in the following specific objectives:

- To identify and analyze the physical environment as a conditioning factor in land use planning.

- To know and apply the different methods and techniques for the analysis of the different elements of the physical environment.

- To know how to determine and diagnose those processes of the physical environment that pose a risk and carry out a diagnosis of the physical environment for its use in territorial the physical environment for its use in planning.

The achievement of these objectives for the students has as a generic and transversal competence of the Degree in Geography and Land Management the TC 4: Problem Solving and as specific Competences the following.


C1 - To know and know how to apply the methods and techniques of analysis of the physical environment (M02CM03 and M03CM02).

C2 - To know the conditioning factors of the physical environment for land use planning (M03CM03).

C3 - Identify the processes that can constitute natural hazards and carry out the diagnosis (M02CM04)

C4 - Know and handle the sources of information, methods and techniques in climatology, geomorphology, biogeography and hydrogeography (M03CM03) hydrogeography (M03CM06 and M04CM01)

C5 - Perform a diagnosis of the physical environment to apply it in planning (M02CM04).


- Recognizes and knows how to apply the methods and techniques of analysis of all areas of the physical environment.

- Optimally considers the constraints of the physical environment for land use planning.

- Adequately identifies and diagnoses the different processes that can constitute a natural risk.

- Properly uses and manages information sources, methods and techniques of climatology, geomorphology, biogeography and hydrogeography.

- Performs an optimal and useful diagnosis of the physical environment to be applied in planning.


This subject corresponds to the transversal competence TC 4. Problem solving, in its level of domain 2 -

Use their experience and judgment to analyze the causes of a problem and construct a more efficient and effective solution.

The indicators that will be used to assess the skill are:

- The student recognises a complex problem and is able to decompose in easy to handle parts.

- The student identifies the implicit causal factors and understands the multiple links and underlying relationships.

- The student sets out different options to reduce the problem or to control it and shows criteria to choose one among the most effective ones.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. Physical planning:

1.1. Physical determinants of land use planning

1.2. Concepts and risk factors

2. Climate in land use planning and management

2.1. Treatment of climatic data

2.2. Climate indices

2.3. Climatic and meteorological hazards

3. Relief in planning

3.1. Geomorphological mapping

3.2. Geomorphological risks: slope processes and soil erosion

3.3. Geomorphological heritage

4. Water and hydrology

4.1. From precipitation to runoff

4.2. Estimation and representation of flow rates

4.3. Water planning in the territory: floods and water directives.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The methodology consists of theoretical-practical sessions in the classroom, map library, laboratory and field trip, as well as practices to be carried out by students on their own. For this purpose, they have at their disposal on the eGela platform the outline of the theoretical contents, complementary material and the practices to be carried out for each of the subjects. Various thematic maps and aerial photographs are available in the map library and materials for various analyses are available in the laboratory.

From the methodological point of view, the presentation of the topics through the systemic way will be achieved from the exposition of the processes, but also the capacity of the analytical way through the exposition of the agents, the antecedents and the conclusions.

Statistical and cartographic sources will be used.

Both the practices and the field trip are compulsory.

Practical assignments will be handed in via eGela and within the deadline established for each one of them.

The tasks to be carried out by the students in the practical part of the course will be:

- statistical data processing

- reading and elaboration of maps

- description of processes and field schemes

- three days field trip

The purpose of the practical tasks to be assessed during the course and the exam is to assess the acquisition of the specific and transversal competences.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 55
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 40
    • Fieldtrip (%): 5

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


The evaluation method will assess the competences acquired in practice and theory, using exams and practices (individual and in groups).

The evaluation will be as follows:

- Theoretical-practical exam (60%)

- Practical work (40%)

The contents and competences acquired in the field trip will be evaluated.

The practices will be handed in during the school year on the date set by the teacher.

In order to add the marks for the exam and practicum, both must be passed. If either part (exam or practicum) is passed in the ordinary exam, this mark will be reserved for the extraordinary exam (but not for the following year).

Failure to appear for the exam will imply the waiver o the evaluation call and its grade will be not shown.

However, students will have the right to be assessed through the FINAL ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. In order to exercise this right, the student must submit to the lecturer in charge of the subject a written statement in which he/she states his/her waiver of the continuous assessment, for which he/she will have a period of 9 weeks from the beginning of the term (article 8 of the Regulations for the Assessment of Students of Official Undergraduate Degrees). In the case of the final assessment, failure to take the test will be understood as a waiver (article 12).

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation of the subjects in the extraordinary calls will be carried out exclusively through the final evaluation system.

The evaluation will consist of:

Theoretical-practical exam: 60%.

Evaluable practices: 40%.

The contents and competences worked in the field trip will be evaluable.

Both the exam and the practicals must be passed in order to pass the course. In case of having passed the exam or the the exam or the practical part, the grade will be kept for the extraordinary evaluation. In case of not the practical part will be handed in on the date of the exam.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Topographic and thematic cartography. Analog and digital.
Aerial photography and orthophotos.
Geographic information systems.
Planning regulations and documentation.
Field material (available at the Physical Geography Laboratory)
Spreadsheets (excel).

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

AGUILÓ, M. et al. (1996): Guía para la elaboración de estudios del medio físico. Contenido y metodología. Secretaría General de Medio Ambiente. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 809 p., Madrid.

LAGEAT, Y. (2004): Les milieux physiques continentaux. Ed. Belin, 191 p., Paris.

MOPU-MOPT (1989-1994): Guías metodológicas para la evaluación de estudios de impacto ambiental. Monografías de la Dirección General de Medio ambiente. Madrid.

PEDRAZA, J de (1996): Geomorfología: principios, métodos y aplicaciones. Ed. Rueda, 414 p., Madrid

RUIZ SINOGA, J.D. y REYES PERALTA, F.J. (2005): Geografía Física aplicada. Universidad de Málaga / Manuales, 505 p., Málaga.

SALA SANJAUME, M. y BATALLA VILLANUEVA, R.J. (1996): Teoría y métodos en Geografía Física. Espacios y Sociedades, 1. Editorial Síntesis, 303 p., Madrid.

TELLO, B. (coord., 2004): Prácticas de laboratorio de Geografía Física. Documentos de trabajo, 59. UAM ediciones, 141 p., Madrid.

A.A.V.V. (2000): Riesgos Naturales. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 30.

A.A.V.V. (2003): Los procesos de riesgo con origen natural: una constante en la relación entre hombre y medio. Áreas, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 23. Universidad de Murcia.

AYALA, F.J. (1988): Riesgos geológicos. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España.

AYALA, F.J. & OLCINA, J. (2002): Riesgos Naturales. Ariel Ciencia, 15012 p., Barcelona.

CHACÓN MONTERO, J. e IRIGAY FERNÁNDEZ, C. (Eds.) (1996): Riesgos Naturales, Ordenación del Territorio y Medio Ambiente. Sexto Congreso Nacional y Conferencia Internacional de Geología Ambiental y Ordenación del Territorio. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Geología Ambiental y Ordenación del Territorio, 3 vols.

GARROTE DE MARCOS, L. (2002): Riesgos y territorio: cartografía de riesgos naturales. En: CALVO GARCÍA-TORNEL, F. y CONESA GARCÍA, C. (Dirs.). Los procesos de riesgo con origen natural: naturaleza, efectos y estrategias de actuación. Murcia: Centro Educativo del Medio Ambiente de la Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo y Universidad de Murcia.

OCHOA, J. (1996). Riesgos mayores y protección civil. McGraw-Hill.

McCALL, G.J.H. ET AL. (ed.). (1992): Geohazars. Natural and man-made. Chapman& Hall.

OLCINA, J. (1994): Riesgos climáticos en la Península Ibérica. Libros Penthalon.

PITA, M.F. (1999): Riesgos catastróficos y ordenación del territorio en Andalucía. Consejería e Obras Públicas y Transportes, Junta de Andalucía.

SUÁREZ, L.& REGUEIRO, M.(ed.). (1997): Guía ciudadana de los riesgos geológicos. I.C.O.G.


ALMOROX, J.; DE ANTONIO, R.; SAA, A.; DÍAZ, M.C. y GASCÓ, J.M. (1994): Métodos de estimación de la erosión hídrica. Editorial Agrícola Española, S.A., 152 p., Madrid.

ALMOROX, J.; LÓPEZ BERMÚDEZ, F. Y RAFAELLI, S. (2010): La degradación de los suelos por erosión hídrica. Métodos de estimación. Editum, Universidad de Murcia, 384 p., Murcia.

DE DIOS CENTENO, J., FRAILE, Mª J., OTERO, Mª A. y PIVIDAL, A.J. (1994): Geomorfología práctica: ejercicios de fotointerpretación y planificación geoambiental. Rueda, 66 p., Madrid

PERLES ROSELLÓ, M.J. (1996): Problemas en torno a la erosión hídrica. Conceptos y métodos de análisis. Textos mínimos. Universidad de Málaga, 107 p., Málaga.

PEÑA MONNÉ, J.L. (Ed., 1997): Cartografía geomorfológica básica y aplicada. Geoforma ediciones, 227 p., Logroño.

SALA, M. y GALLART, F. (1988): Métodos y técnicas para la medición en campo de procesos geomorfológicos. Monografía, nº 1. Sociedad Española de Geomorfología, 103 p., Barcelona.


CADIÑANOS, J.A. y MEAZA, G. (1998): Bases para una Biogeografía Aplicada: criterios y sistemas de valoración de la vegetación. Geofo


Almorox, J. 2007. Climatología aplicada a la Ingeniería y Medioambiente. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.


FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, F. (1996): Manual de climatología aplicada. Clima, Medio Ambiente y Planificación. Espacios y Sociedades. Serie Mayor nº 2. Editorial Síntesis, 285 p., Madrid.

MARTÍN VIDE, J. (2003): El tiempo y el clima. Ed. Rubes, 127 p., Barcelona.

MENÉNDEZ, M. y TÉMEZ, J.R. (1999). Máximas lluvias diarias en la España peninsular. Dirección General de Carreteras, Ministerio de Fomento, 28 p + anejo cartográfico.

MORENO GARCÍA, MªC. (1999): Climatología urbana. Textos docents 160. Departament de Geografía Físia i Anàlisi Geogràfica Regional. Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, 71 p., Barcelona.

RODRÍGUEZ, R.; LLASAT, M.C. y MARTÍN-VIDE, J. (1999): Análisis de series temporales en Climatología. Modelización y homogeneidad. Textos docents 165. Departament de Geografía Físia i Anàlisi Geogràfica Regional. Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, 90 p., Barcelona.


CHOW, v. ET AL (1995): Hidrología aplicada. MCGraw-Hill

In-depth bibliography

AGUILERA ARILLA, M. J. y otros (1990): Ejercicios prácticos de geografía física. UNED, 676 p., Madrid.
ALONSO, F. et al. (1981): Prácticas de Geografía Física. Colección Prácticas de Geografía. Oikos-tau, 205 p., Barcelona.
GUERRA VELASCO, J. (2002): La naturaleza civilizada: La planificación del medio físico en España. URBANA, vol.7, no.31: 31-37
PHLIPPONNEAU, M. (2001): Geografía aplicada. Ariel Geografía, 320 p., Barcelona.
SALA, M. & BATALLA, R.J. (1997): Guia de pràctiques de camp per a l’assignatura de teoria i mètodes en Geografia Física. Col•lecció Textos Docents 108, Universitat de Barcelona, 62 p.
GONZÁLEZ-HIDALGO, J. C. (1996): Los índices de agresividad de la lluvia y su aplicación en la valoración de la erosión del suelo. Sociedad Española de Geomorfología, Geoforma ediciones, 37 p., Logroño.
GONZÁLEZ DEL TÁNAGO, M. (1991): La ecuación universal de pérdidas de suelo. Pasado, presente y futuro. Ecología, 5: 13-50.
IDER (2005): Mapa de erosión de suelos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi. Gobierno Vasco, 101 p.
LÓPEZ BERMÚDEZ, F. (2002). Erosión y desertificación. Heridas de la Tierra. Nivola, Libros y Ediones. 198 p., Madrid
MORISAWA, M. (1976): Geomorphology laboratory manual. Wiley & Sons, 253 p., New York.
PANIZZA, M. (1995): Geomorfologia applicata. Metodi di applicazione alla Pianificazione territoriale e alla Valutazione d’Impatto Ambientale. La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 342 p., Roma.
ELÍAS CASTILLO, F. & RUIZ, L. (1979): Precipitaciones máximas en España. Monografías 21, ICONA, Ministerio de Agricultura.
BATALLA, R.J. (1998): Apunts i pràctiques per a l’estudi dels processos fluvials. Lleida, Paperkite, Col•lecció Quaderns DMACS, 14, 78 p. DL. L-767-1998.
BATALLA, R.J. (ed.) (1998): Morfologia, processos i hàbitat en rius de muntanya. Lleida,
Paperkite, Col•lecció Quaderns DMACS, 15, 60 p. DL. L-953-1998.


- Applied Geography ISSN: 0143-6228
- Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles ISSN: 0212-9426
- Cuaternario y Geomorfología ISSN: 0214-1744
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms ISSN: 0197-9337
- Environment, Development and Sustainability ISSN: 1387-585X
- Geofocus ISSN: 1578-5157
- Geomorphology ISSN: 0169-555X
- Global Ecology and Biogeography ISSN: 1466-822X
- Investigaciones geográficas ISSN: 0213-4691
- Journal of Geographical Systems ISSN: 1435-5930
- Nimbus. Rev. Climat., Meteorol. Paisaje ISSN: 1139-7136
- Revista de Climatología ISSN: 1578-8768
- Scripta Nova ISSN: 1138-9788
- Water Resources Management ISSN: 0920-4741

Web addresses

http:/www. nas.edu
http://www. em-dat.net

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