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Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Geography And Land Management
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups1222.5
Applied fieldwork groups87.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The subject is part of the Fundamentals of Geography module (M03). Geomorphology analyzes the terrestrial relief as a consequence of the action of the climate on geological structures, on lithological materials, and on different types of plant covers. As a consequence, it classifies the diversity of relief forms existing on the earth's surface, erosion systems and their dynamics on different time scales. Starting from the foundations of the Earth's cortical dynamics, the subject focuses on the study of relief forms, their genesis, dynamics and environmental significance.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The general objective of the subject is the analysis and interpretation of orphogenetic processes and their result: the terrestrial relief.


The competencies corresponding to this subject are the following:


GENERAL: G004-G005-G006-G007-G008

TRANSVERSAL: CT3- Oral expression (adapted from G002- Oral and written expression)


M03CM01 - The student must know how to explain and transmit knowledge that has been developed at the interface between natural sciences and human sciences, understanding the role that geographical studies have had in this aspect.

M03CM02 - The student must know those subjects that make up the core of geographical knowledge, and that have a greater implementation in the study plans of universities, and in the research lines of university departments and institutes.

M03CM03 - The student must, acquire a vision of the different aspects that contribute to the differentiation of territories and can make descriptive and prescriptive judgments.

M03CM04 - The student must possess the ability to discern the physical and human factors that are the basis of the internal organization of the territories and the source of regional personality.

M03CM05 - The student must acquire a critical vision of the concepts that are used in the analysis of regions, and that have been developed in independent disciplines.

M03CM06 - The studentmust know how to use the documentation, data collection, analysis and methodology techniques typical of these disciplines.


CM01: To KNOW the different approaches that human, social and natural sciences apply to geographical space.

CM02: To UNDERSTAND AND USE THE basic concepts that are applied in the analysis of the territory.

CM03 and CM04: The acquisition of intellectual work skills appropriate to address complex studies in Geography: identification of disciplinary and methodological perspectives, formulation of hypotheses, choice of methods and techniques, bibliographic and documentary search, data search, etc.

CM05: The acquisition of awareness about the social usefulness of geographical knowledge. Be able to raise problems and solution options.

CM06: The management of bibliography, specific documentation, and analysis techniques specific to the disciplines that make up geographical studies.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. Structural, dynamic and climatic geomorphology

2. The Earth: cortical dynamics and land surface

3. The reliefs derived from tectonics and lithology

4. Erosion processes

5. Gravitational movements

6. Fluvial processes

7. Coastal processes

8. Aeolic processes

9. Glacial and periglacial processes

MethodologyToggle Navigation

- Master classes explaining the theoretical bases.

- Practical exercises will be proposed in the classroom to fix the theory worked on.

- Some practical exercises will also be carried out to do at home. Its delivery will be mandatory.

- Two field trips will be carried out to observe how the studied processes translate into reality.

*In the event that in-person teaching is suspended, it will be done virtually, online through the

eGela platform.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 70
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 30

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation method for this subject will be continuous evaluation. Consequently, the delivery of the practical exercises carried out throughout the course will be mandatory, and at the end of the semester, in an ordinary call, a written exam will be taken.

- Written exam (70%). It will consist of an exam with the complete theoretical content of the class, which will consist of 6 to 8 questions. The grade obtained in this test will account for 70% of the final grade.

- Practical Exercises (exercises, cases or problems) (30%). In relation to some topics, practical exercises will be proposed that must be submitted for evaluation. The grade obtained after the evaluation of all exercises will be 30% of the final grade.

*Both the exam and the practices must be passed to pass the subject. In the ordinary call, if you pass the practices, your grade will be reserved only for the extraordinary call. But grades will not be maintained from one course to another.

The criteria that will be used to check whether the learning results are obtained in both the Tasks and the Exam will be the following:

- Proper response

- Adequate, precise and complete explanation

- The most important differences are mentioned

- The relationships mentioned are appropriate

- It is correctly written

- Own ideas are presented

- Appropriate material and scales

- Properly structured, adequate steps

- The information extracted is adequate and well deduced

- Clear and understandable graphic difference

- Adequate resources

- Adequate resource reference

- Problems and solution alternatives adequately presented

*Article 8. BOPV, March 13, 2017:

"Students will have the right to be evaluated through the final evaluation system, regardless of whether or not they have participated in the continuous evaluation system. To do so, students must submit in writing to the teaching staff responsible for the subject the waiver of continuous evaluation. , for which they will have a period of 9 weeks for the semester subjects starting from the beginning of the semester, in accordance with the center's academic calendar."

*Artículo 12.

"2.- En el caso de evaluación continua, si el peso de la prueba es superior al 40% de la calificación de la asignatura, bastará con no presentarse a dicha prueba final para que la calificación final sea no presentado o no presentada".

Students who have not completed continuous evaluation must submit on the day of the exam the practical work proposed and evaluated as project tasks during the course.

*In the event that in-person teaching is suspended, it will be done virtually, online through the

eGela platform.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Both the exam and the practices must be passed to pass the subject. If you have approved the practices in the ordinary call, the grade will be saved exclusively for the extraordinary call.

The evaluation process by competencies and criteria will be the same as for the ordinary call.

*Article 9. BOPV, March 13, 2017:

"Those who do not pass the subject in the ordinary call, regardless of the evaluation system chosen therein, will have the right to take the exams and evaluation activities that make up the final evaluation test of the extraordinary call."

"The evaluation of the subjects in the extraordinary calls will be carried out exclusively through the final evaluation system."

"The final evaluation test of the extraordinary call will consist of as many exams and evaluation activities are necessary to be able to evaluate and measure the defined learning results, in a manner comparable to how they were evaluated in the ordinary call. The positive results obtained by the students during the course may be preserved. In the case of having obtained negative results through the evaluation carried out during the course, these results cannot be maintained for the extraordinary call, in which the students will be able to obtain 100% of the grade."

*In the event that in-person teaching is suspended, it will be done virtually, online through the

eGela platform.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Supplementary material readings
Geological cartography
Geomorphological cartography

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Anguita, F. y Moreno, F. (1993): Procesos geológicos externos y Geología ambiental. Ed. Rueda, Madrid, 311 p.

Coque, R. (1984): Geomorfología. Alianza Universidad Textos. Ed. Alianza, Madrid, 475 p.

Foucault, A. y Raoult, J.F. (1985): Diccionario de Geología. Ed. Masson, Barcelona, 316 p.

Gutiérrez Elorza, M. (2008): Geomorfología. Ed. Pearson, Madrid, 920 p.

Hugget, R.J. (2003): Fundamentals of Geomorphology. Routledge, 386 p.

Muñoz Jiménez, J. (1992): Geomorfología general. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid.

Ormaetxea, O.; Sáenz de Olazagoitia, A. (2014): Paisaia geomorfologiaren ikuspuntutik: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa aztertuz. Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos RIEV, 59(2): 493-512.

Pedraza, J. (1996): Geomorfología. Principios, Métodos y Aplicaciones. Ed. Rueda, Madrid, 414 p.

Peña, J.L. (1997): Cartografía geomorfológica básica y aplicada. Geoforma Ediciones, Logroño, 227 p.

Rice, R.J. (1983): Fundamentos de Geomorfología. Ed. Paraninfo, Madrid.

Serrano, E. (1998). Geomorfología estructural. Una introducción. Documento inédito.

Strahler, A. (1992). Geología Física. Omega, Barcelona.

Strahler, A. & Strahler, A. (2001). Geografia fisikoa. UPV-EHU.

Tarbuck, E.J. y Lutgens, F.K. (2000): Ciencias de la Tierra. Una introducción a la Geología Física. Prentice Hall, Madrid, 561 p.

Tricart, J. (1968): Précis de Géomorphologie. T II. Géomorfphologie Dynamique Général. Ed. SEDES, París, 345 p.

In-depth bibliography

Aubouin, J. et al. (1980): Tectónica, tectonofísica, morfología. Tratado de Geología. 3 Tomos. Omega, Barcelona.
Corominas, J. (1989): "Clasificación y reconocimiento de los movimientos de ladera". En: Corominas, J. (ed.), Estabilidad de taludes y laderas naturales. Monografía nº 3 de la S.E.G.
Cruden D.M.; Varnes, D.J. (1996). Landslide types and processes. En: Landslides investigation and mitigation (A.K. Turner, R.L. Schuster , eds). Transportation research board, US National Research Council. Special Report 247, Washington, DC, Chapter 3, pp. 36–75.
Chorley, R.J.; Schumms, A.S.; Sudgen, D.E. (1984): Geomorphology, Ed. Methuen, Londres.
Gutiérrez Elorza, M. (2001): Geomorfología climática. Ed. Omega, Barcelona, 642 p.
Hungr, O.; Leroueil, S.; Picarelli, L. (2014): The Varnes classification of landslide types, an update. Landslides, 11 (2), 167-194
Leopold et al. (1964): Fluvial processes in Geomorphology. Freeman. San Francisco, 522 p.
Varnes,I. (1978): "Slope movements types and processes". En: R.L.Schuster and R.J. Krizek Eds.: Landslides analysis and control. TRB. Special Report nº 176, Washington, pp: 11-33.


Cuaternario y Geomorfología
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Progress in Physical Geography

Web addresses

AEQUA - Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario. http://tierra.rediris.es/aequa/
EVE - Ente Vasco de Energía. https://www.eve.eus/?lang=es-ES
IAG - International Association of Geomorphologists. http://www.geomorph.org/
IGME - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España. http://www.igme.es/
INQUA - International Union for Quaternary Research. https://www.inqua.org/
SEG - Sociedad Española de Geomorfología. https://segeomorfologia.es/

GroupsToggle Navigation

16-46 Teórico (Basque - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


13:00-15:00 (1)

15:00-15:30 (2)

Teaching staff


  • AULA INFORMÁTICA. 1.49 - . (1)
  • AULA INFORMÁTICA. 1.49 - . (2)

16-46 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Basque - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


15:30-17:00 (1)

Teaching staff


  • AULA INFORMÁTICA. 1.49 - . (1)

46 Teórico (Basque - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


13:00-15:00 (1)

15:00-15:30 (2)

Teaching staff


  • AULA INFORMÁTICA. 1.49 - . (1)
  • AULA INFORMÁTICA. 1.49 - . (2)

46 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Basque - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


15:30-17:00 (1)

Teaching staff


  • AULA INFORMÁTICA. 1.49 - . (1)