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Geographic Information Systems25241

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Geography And Land Management
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied computer-based groups4060

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Geographic Information Systems is one of the technical subjects included in the syllabus of the degree in Geography and Territorial Planning.

It is taught in the second year, after students have taken the following subjects Basic Cartography and before they take Thematic Cartography. It is the only compulsory subject of Geographic Information Systems.

The knowledge on the use of GIS can be completed with the choice of the optional course:"Extension of Geographic Information Systems".

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


M04CM01 - Know and apply techniques for obtaining, storing, processing, analysis and graphic and cartographic expression of geographic information.

M04CM02 - Perform quantitative and qualitative analyses of statistical basis, as well as design and manage database management systems and exploit the information contained in spatial and non-spatial data repositories. Management of Databases and exploit the information contained in Data Repositories, both spatial and non-spatial.

M04CM03 - Acquiring the necessary fundamentals to carry out, analyse and interpret general cartography, thematic cartography, photo-interpretation and thematic cartography, photo-interpretation and remote sensing.

M04CM04 - Be able to design, develop and manage Geographic Information Systems and computer-assisted cartography.


Know how to apply the theoretical knowledge of GIS to a computer program.

Know how to handle the essential functions of a GIS.

Know how to design digital thematic maps.

Know how to carry out basic spatial analysis.

Know how to configure a database for use in a GIS programme.

Know how to find available digital cartography.

DESCRIPTION: Theoretical foundations of GIS and handling the main functions of a GIS programme.


Understands the functions offered by GIS.

Use GIS software for mapping and spatial analysis.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


Concept of Geographic Information System

Characteristics and problems of geographic data

Data structures and functions of raster and vector GIS

GIS applications

Digital cartographic documentation


Examination of the programme modules

Creating new spatial data layers

Editing layers

Georeferencing of images

Event layers

Attribute tables


Basic analysis processes. Basic 3D analysis functions

Import of CAD, raster and KML data.

Production of TIN, DTM and derived cartography (slopes, orientations, shading).

Use of 3D Analyst, ArcScene and Spatial Analyst

Production of a contour line map from a TIN

Production of thematic maps as an application of the functions learnt.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Theoretical classes on the basics of GIS: what is GIS. Geographic information and its problems. The

data structures in vector and raster models. The main GIS functions in raster models (local, immediate neighbourhood, extended neighbourhood and zonal operations) and vector models (database queries, distance measurement, proximity analysis, proximity distance measurement, proximity analysis, layer overlay, network analysis, surface operations).

Practical classes: Programme interface and file types. Layer creation. Attribute and location selections. Reclassifications. Incorporation of X Y data. Table joins. Geoprocessing. Building derived cartography derived on TIN. Converting TIN to mdt. Building derived cartography on mdt. Working with 3D Analyst and ArcScene.

Join raster images. Working with Spatial Analyst on mdt. Elaborate thematic maps on the same theme in different chronologies. Work on the composition of the maps. Work with spatial analysis to select geographic elements with various criteria. To make thematic maps (land use, orohydrographic). Drawing up a map composed of absolute and derived variables.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 50
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 50

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Written theoretical exam: 50% of the grade

Completion of internships: 50% of the grade

To achieve the average grade for the subject, a minimum grade of 4.5 is required in each of the parts.

The student may present his/her resignation from the continuous evaluation. This assumption implies that the student also renounces the scores obtained through all those practices that he has previously submitted and whose grade is part of the final evaluation of the subject.

Art. 8.3, of the Regulations governing the Evaluation of students in the official UPV Degree Degrees (OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY, Monday, March 13, 2017).

In any case, students will have the right to be evaluated through the evaluation system

final, regardless of whether or not she has participated in the continuous evaluation system.

To do this, students must present in writing to the teaching staff responsible for the subject.

the renunciation of continuous evaluation, for which they will have a period of 9 weeks for the

quarterly subjects and 18 weeks for annual subjects, counting from the beginning of the

semester or course respectively, in accordance with the center's academic calendar.

In the case of waiving continuous evaluation, the final evaluation will be carried out through practical exercises and a theoretical and practical exam.

Likewise, "in the case of continuous evaluation, taking into account that the weight of the test is greater than 40% of the grade for the subject, it will be enough to not take the said final test for the final grade to be not presented or not presented."

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Students who do not pass the subject in the ordinary call, regardless of the evaluation system chosen therein, will have the right to take the exams and evaluation activities that make up the final evaluation test of the extraordinary call.

1.- The evaluation of the subjects in the extraordinary calls will be carried out exclusively through the final evaluation system.

2.- The final evaluation test of the extraordinary call will consist of as many exams and evaluation activities as are necessary to be able to evaluate and measure the defined learning results, in a manner comparable to how they were evaluated in the ordinary call. The positive results obtained by the students during the course may be preserved. In the case of having obtained negative results through the continuous evaluation carried out during the course, these results cannot be maintained for the extraordinary call, in which the students will be able to obtain 100% of the grade.

Likewise, "in the case of continuous evaluation, taking into account that the weight of the test is greater than 40% of the grade for the subject, it will be enough to not take the said final test for the final grade to be not presented or not presented."

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Scripts provided by the teacher
Documentation prepared by the teacher to develop the theoretical foundations of GIS.
Documentation prepared by the teacher for the practical exercises.
Cartographic documentation collected on INTERNET.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Escolano Utrilla, S. (2015). Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Una introducción para estudiantes de Geografía. Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Gutiérrez Puebla, J. y Gould, M. (1994). Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Editorial Síntesis, Col. Espacios y Sociedades.

Law, M. y Collings, A. (2018). Getting to know ArcGIS desktop. ESRI Press

Mancebo Quintana, S., Ortega Pérez, E., Valentín Criado, A. C., Martín Ramos, B. y Martín Fernández, L. (2008). LibroSIG: aprendiendo a manejar los SIG en la gestión ambiental.

Olaya, V. (2011). Sistemas de Información Geográfica. ftp://ftp.ehu.es/cidira/profs/iipbaiza/Libro_SIG.pdf.

Santos Preciado, J. M. (2004). Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.

In-depth bibliography

Bosque Sendra. J. (1992). Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Rialp.
Burrough, P.A. (1989). Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Ressources Assesment, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Comas, D. y Ruiz, E. (1993). Fundamentos de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica, ed. Ariel.
Peña Llopis, J. (2006). Sistemas de Información Geográfica aplicados a la gestión del territorio, Universidad de Alicante.
Moreno Jiménez, A. (coord.) (2007). Sistemas y Análisis de la Información Geográfica, RA-MA.



Web addresses

http://www.portailsig.org/index.php?id=971 (portal de SIG).
http://www.ign.es/ign/main/index.do (Instituto Geográfico de España)
http://inspire.jrc.it (INfraestructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe)

GroupsToggle Navigation

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11:00-11:30 (2)

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16 Applied computer-based groups-1 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


11:30-13:00 (1)

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46-16 Teórico (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


15:00-17:00 (1)

11:00-11:30 (2)

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  • LAB. 1.45 - . (2)

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11:30-13:00 (1)

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  • LAB. 1.45 - . (1)