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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Cartographic Engineering, Geodesics and Photogrammetry
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Electronic mail

Ane Lopetegui, is an Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU). She worked in the Geometric Documentation Laboratory of the Heritage of the Constructed Heritage Research Group (GPAC) under the direction of Dr. José Manuel Valle until September 2005, a collaboration that continues in the project HAR2017-84219-P.

During the development of her doctoral thesis, she has also consolidated his research career in the field of Physical Geography through the study of the Holocene on the coast of Gipuzkoa under the direction of Dr. José Miguel Edeso and Dr. José Antonio Mugica successfully developed thanks to the project HAR2011-26956.

This research work continues today, both in the field of geometric documentation of prehistoric sites and in the granulometric / sedimentological study of coastal Holocene sedimentary remains. Since mid-2018 she is part of the Prehistory Research Group (IT1223-19) led by Dr. Alvaro Arrizabalaga Valbuena.

She is co-author of 16 scientific articles, 19 publications and 8 contributions in national and international congresses with a strong interdisciplinary content.

In the field of teaching, she has led an Educational Innovation Project funded by the UPV-EHU (SAE-HELAZ), focused on providing new students study strategies to take better advantage of their potential and abilities.


WoS Researcher ID:AAE-6209-2019

Scopus Author ID:57191289307