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Teaching staff


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Human Anatomy and Embryology
Faculty of Medicina and Nursing
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Graduated in Biochemistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2006. Awarded with a FPU PhD studentship from the Ministry of Education I completed my doctoral thesis and obtained my PhD degree in neuroscience in December 2012. In 2013, I obtained a part-time postdoc research contract from the UPV/EHU. In January 2014, I obtained a position as assistant professor in the Department of Neuroscience of the UPV/EHU and in September 2020, I got an associate professor position of Human Anatomy. I am currently involved in the teaching of the subjects Human Anatomy I and Anatomy II of the 1st year of the Degree of Medicine and Physiotherapy respectively.

I have developed my research work in the LaNCE-Neuropharm research group, focusing on studying the effect of the enriched environment as a non-invasive neuroprotective strategy in Central Nervous System pathologies such as Parkinson's disease or schizophrenia among others. During my research career, I have published 18 indexed scientific articles, 3 book chapters and 3 popular science articles related to our research field. In addition, I have contributed with several communications in national and international conferences. I have participated in research projects funded by the University of the Basque Country and both the Basque and Spanish Government. Finally, I have directed five Final Master's projects, three Final Degree projects and currently, I am co-supervisor of three PhD thesis.