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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Applied Physics
Electricity and Electronics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

-PhD thesis carried out at Helsinki University of Technology with a Predoctoral Fellowship from the Basque Government

-Mounted the first Mössbauer spectrometer and the first Positron Annihilation Spectrometer of the UPV/EHU

-Built the nuclear techniques laboratory to study materials

-Leads the Consolidated Research Group type A by the Basque Government, reference IT1005-16. The group is the fusion of the Nuclear techniques laboratory and the Luminescence laboratory

-Stable research collaborations with foreign groups from Argentina, Finland, Japan, Switzerland (CNRS) ... and currently two of his doctorates are postdocs at Berkeley and Stanford universities

-The main lines of research are focused on materials with potential applications and biomedicine, where in collaboration with other groups of the Faculty, medical doctors from the Faculty of Medicine and Galdakao Hospital are developing a therapy against cancer

-“Six-years research awards”=6, last one=2019

-Total number of cites WoS=2942

-Total number of Publications in the first quartil=76

-Index h=28 WoS

-IP of 24 research projects

-Spanish representative at Int. Board Appl. Mössbauer Effect

-Director of the UPV/EHU courses for the formation of “Radioactive Installations’ Supervisors and Operators in the fields: Non-encapsulated sources, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine”

-Research vice-chancellor of the UPV/EHU (2013-2017)

-Dean of the Science and Technology Faculty (2018-)