XSL Content

Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts
Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology
Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Electronic mail

AREA OF KNOWLEDGE: Aesthetics and Art Theory

DEPARTMENT: Philosophy of Values and Social Anthropology

FACULTY: Education, Philosophy and Anthropology

EMAIL: cristina.lasa@ehu.eus

Diploma in Teaching (1980), Bachelor in Philosophy (1995) and Bachelor in Psychology (2004) both bachelor degrees at the UPV/EHU. PhD in Philosophy, with europeus mention, 2010, at the UPV/EHU. Professor of Philosophy in this Faculty since 2000, in disciplines of the area of Practical Philosophy, and specializad in Aesthetics and Art Theory. Professor in the Philosophy Master: Philosophy in a Global World, since 2013.

Editorial Board and proofreader for the UPV/EHU LIMES Collection (2003-2010). Member of the GOGOA Journal (2010-2014). Member of the Commission for Bachelor Dissertation (2010-2015). Coordinator of the Philosophy Open Seminar (2008-2015). Member of the Committee of the OIHENART Aphorism Contest since 2011. Member of the Board of Directors of EIE(Basque Writers Association, 2011-2015). Academic Secretary of the Faculty since 2015.