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Spanish Language IV: Discourse Analysis25655

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Philology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

«Lengua Española IV. Análisis del discurso» is a mandatory subject of the degree in Philology: Hispanic Philology.

The subject contemplates the study of the Spanish language from the perspective of discourse, the social practice that is articulated from contextualized linguistic use, whether oral or written. The concept of context is analyzed, from which the phenomenon of deixis, the voices of discourse and polyphony, personal relationships, courtesy and modalization are considered.

Communicative purposes and interpretation processes, presuppositions, shared knowledge, intentionality in speech acts, the principle of cooperation and relevance are also studied. Finally, the registers and rhetorical procedures that shape the enunciation are examined.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

A) Competencies

Of the competencies assigned to the module «Spanish Language: History and Present» (M10), the subject «Spanish Language IV. Discourse Analysis" is responsible for developing knowledge of the grammar, history and variation of this language (CM02) and relating it to other areas and disciplines (G005, G009).

Likewise, it collaborates in the development of other competencies, particularly in achieving the highest level of achievement in the instrumental mastery of the language (CM01, G001), as well as in training to locate, manage and critically evaluate bibliographic and documentary information. and analyze and synthesize complex documentation (CM05).

B) Learning outcomes

1. Skill in identifying the modes of discourse, the characteristics of orality and writing, their units and generic models.

2. The ability to delve deeper into the concept of context and the most complete understanding of the phenomena of deixis, polyphony and modalization;

3. The understanding of communication as interaction and as a transaction. This takes the form of familiarity with the mechanisms of linguistic politeness and modalization in the first of its facets, and with the understanding of the principles that guide interpretation in the second (presuppositions, implicatures, speech acts and principles of cooperation).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. Discourse analysis. Notion of discourse. The units of analysis. Different disciplines involved in discourse analysis. Oral discourse: situation of enunciation and oral discursive practices; linguistic-textual characteristics of oral discourse; non-verbal elements of orality. Written discourse: linguistic-textual characteristics of written discourse; non-verbal elements of writing.

2. The discursive context. Some approaches to the concept of "context": context from anthropology, from linguistics, in pragmatics and in discourse analysis. The deixis.

3. The people of the speech. The inscription of the person in the text. Polyphony: voices and referred speech; open dating and covert dating.

4. Interpersonal relationships, courtesy and modalization. The communicative contract and the axes of the interpersonal relationship. The social person: notion of image. Politeness. The expression of subjectivity through modalization: logical modality, modality in linguistic use, linguistic expression of modality.

5. Discursive purposes and interpretation processes. The purposes: the goals and the products. Global and particular purposes. The implicit contents and their interpretation. Presuppositions and shared knowledge. Intentionality in speech acts. The principle of cooperation and unconventional implicatures. The principle of relevance or pertinence.

6. Rhetorical registers and procedures. The register: the field, the tenor (personal, impersonal, functional), the mode. Rhetorical procedures: Figures of words, figures of construction, figures of thought, figures of meaning.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The teaching activities that will be developed throughout the course are the following:

A) Activities in the classroom:

Application exercises of the concepts developed in the theoretical classes. Sessions to share personal or group work, reflection and debate.

B) Personal work:

Study of the themes.

Required readings and preparation of reviews.

Individual and/or group work on some of the aspects of the subject content.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 50
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 50

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation includes the following sections:

1) Open response exam on the contents of the subject. The assimilation of the contents of the subject is valued, as well as the precision and correctness of the expression. (CM02)

2) Reviews of required readings. Active knowledge and assimilation of content; correctness and precision in expression. (CM02)

3) Personal exercises of practical application.

Observation work, application of concepts in data analysis, presentation and argumentation skills. (CM02, CM01, CM05, CM09)

The exam contributes 50% of the grade for the subject. It will be necessary to pass the exam in order to pass the subject. The remaining 50% is distributed among the other exercises, individual work and readings, with a certain variation that will depend on what these are. The exercises and readings are specified at the beginning of the course and are described in the program and student guide for the subject.

Students who waive this evaluation model must take a written test on the entire contents of the subject, as specified in the student guide provided at the beginning of the course. To do this, the student will present his or her resignation from the continuous evaluation system in writing within a period of nine weeks from the beginning of the semester.

WARNING. The exam and personal exercises are designed to be developed in person in the classroom. If this is not possible, all of them will be carried out through the e-Gela platform.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Students who access the extraordinary call must take a written test on all the contents of the subject.

WARNING. The exam will be in person; If this is not possible, the test will be adapted; to be carried out through the e-Gela platform.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Internet connection.
Email and virtual classroom (e-Gela).
Mandatory basic and in-depth bibliography (when indicated).

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Beaugrande, R. de y W.V. Dressler, 1997: Introducción a la lingüística del texto, Barcelona: Ariel [ed. original inglesa de 1972, reed. en 1981].

Brown, G. y G. Yule, 1993: Análisis del discurso, Madrid: Visor [Discours Analysis, 1983]. Bassols, M. y A.M. Torrent, 1997: Modelos textuales. Teoría y práctica, Barcelna: Octaedro.

Bustos, J.J. de, 2004: Textualización y oralidad, Madrid: Visor.

Calsamiglia Blancafort, H. y A. Tusón Valls; 1999: Las cosas del decir. Manual de análisis del discurso, Barcelona: Ariel. Charaudeau, P. y D. Maingueneau (eds.), 2005: Diccionario de análisis del discurso, Buenos Aires: Amorrortu [París: Seuil, 2002].

Calsamiglia, Helena y Amparo Tusón (1999). Las cosas del decir. Manual de análisis del discurso, pp. 15-19, 101-126 (Capítulos 1 y 4). Barcelona: Ariel.

Cortés Rodríguez, L. y M.M. Camacho Adarve, 2003: ¿Qué es el análisis del discurso?, Barcelona: Octaedro. Fuentes Rodríguez, C., 2000: Lingüística pragmática y análisis del discurso, Madrid: Arco.

Escandelll-Vidal, M. V. (1996). Introducción a la pragmática, pp. 14-60. Barcelona: Ariel.

Escandell-Vidal, M. Victoria, José Amenós Pons y Aoife Kathleen Ahern (Eds.) (2020). Pragmática. Madrid: AKAL. [https://elibro-net.ehu.idm.oclc.org/es/ereader/ehu/174607]

Íñiguez Rueda, L. (2003) El análisis del discurso en las ciencias sociales: variedades, tradiciones y práctica. Análisis del discurso: Manual para las ciencias sociales, Capítulo 3, pp. 83-123. Barcelona: UOC. (https://elibro-net.ehu.idm.oclc.org/es/ereader/ehu/56345)

Moreno Fernández, Francisco. (1998) Capítulo 8. Discurso y conversación. Principios de sociolingüística y sociología del lenguaje, pp. 159-177. Barcelona: Ariel.

Portolés, J., 2004: Pragmática para hispanistas, Madrid: Síntesis. Reyes, G., 1984: La polifonía textual, Madrid: Gredos.

Reyes, G., 1995: El abecé de la pragmática, Madrid: Arco.

Reyes,G., 2002: Metapragmática. Lenguaje sobre lenguaje, ficciones, figuras, Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid; Cátedra Juan de Valdés.

Van Dijk, T. A. (2005). Ideología y análisis crítico del discurso. Utopía y praxis Latinoamericana 10 (29), pp. 9-36.

In-depth bibliography

Baxter, J., 2007: Positioning Gender in Discourse. A Feminist Methodology, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Bhatia, V.K., J. Flowerdew y R.H. Jones (eds.), 2008: Advances in Discourse Studies, Londres: Routledge. Beaugrande, R. de, 1997: A New Introduction to the Study of Text and Discourse, Norwood: Ablex.
Bruce, I., 2008: Academic Writting and Genre. A Systematic Analysis, London: Continuum.
Casado Velarde, M., R. González Ruiz y M.V. Romero Gualda (eds.), 2006: Análisis del discurso: Lengua, cultura, valores. Madrid: Arco, 2 vols.
Cortés Rodríguez, L. y M.M. Camacho Adarve, 2003: ¿Qué es el análisis del discurso?, Barcelona: Octaedro. Escandell Vidal, M.V., 1993: Introducción a la pragmática, Madrid-Barcelona: UNED-Anthropos [nueva edición actualizada, Barcelona: Ariel, 1996].
__, 2005: La comunicación, Madrid: Gredos.
Fairclough, N., 1989: Language and Power, Harlow: Longman.
Fernández Lagunilla, M., 1999: La lengua en la comunicación política I: El discurso del poder, y II: La palabra del poder, Madrid: Arco Libro, 1999
Fuentes Rodríguez, C., 2000: Lingüística pragmática y análisis del discurso, Madrid: Arco.
García Negroni, M.M. y M. Tordesillas Colado, 2001: La enunciación en la lengua: de la deixis a la polifonía, Madrid: Gredos.
Goatly, A., 1997: The language of metaphors, Londres: Routledge.
__, 2007: Washing the Brain. Metaphor and Hidden Ideology.
Haverkate, H., 1985: "La ironía verbal: un análisis pragmalingüístico", RSEL, 15, pp. 343-391.
, 1994: La cortesía verbal. Estudio pragmalingüístico, Madrid: Gredos.
Hoey, M., 2001: Textual Interaction: An Introduction to Written Discourse Analysis, Londres: Routledge.
Tusón, A. (2002). El análisis de la conversación: entre la estructura y el sentido. Estudios de Sociolin-güística, 3(1), 133-153.
Wodak, R. y Meyer, M. (2003). Métodos de análisis crítico del discurso. Barcelona: Gedisa, S.A.
Blommaert, Jan, 2005: Discourse. A Critical Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Critical Discourse Studies
Discourse Processes
Discourse & Communication
Discourse Studies
Journal of Multicultural Discourses
Journal of Pragmatics
Written Communication
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
Language in Society
Lenguaje, Sujeto, Discurso

Web addresses

Discurso en sociedad. Página personal de Teun A. Van Dijk: http://www.discursos.org/resources/journals/index.html http://discurso.wordpress.com/federiconavarro
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social https://nuevaepoca.revistalatinacs.org/index.php/revista

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