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Spanish Language III: Lexicology and Semantics25649

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Philology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

‘Spanish Language III. Lexicology and Semantics’ is a compulsory subject (basic branch) of the degree in Philology: Hispanic Philology. Entitled ‘Second Language III. Spanish Language", it is part of the second language module offered as a pathway to the other branches of Philology, Basque Studies and English Studies.

The subject, as part of the ‘Spanish Language: History and Present’ module, covers part of the subject ‘Spanish Grammar and Semantics’, which deals with the study of the different levels or components of the grammar of the language and the principles of semantic interpretation.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

1. Competences:

Of the specific competences developed in the module ‘Spanish Language: History and Present’ (M10), the subject ‘Spanish Language III. Lexicology and semantics’ assumes the competence M10CM02, focused on the knowledge of the grammar of this language.

It also collaborates in the progress in the acquisition of other competences, particularly in the attainment of the highest level of achievement in the instrumental command of the language (M10CM01), as well as in the ability to locate, handle and critically evaluate bibliographic and documentary information, and to analyse and synthesise complex documentation (M10CM05).

2. Learning outcomes:

- Situate the lexical component or level of the language, and recognise and analyse its units, systematic relationships and configurations, as well as its connections with the other grammatical levels.

- Describe the social distribution of the lexicon, its quantitative and qualitative differences.

- Identify the morphological competence of the speaker, the structure of the word, its components, paradigmatic, syntagmatic and constitutive relations and the procedures of word formation in Spanish.

- Analyse lexical meaning in its minor components, as well as the semantic structure of sentences and recognise the different types of semantic relations between words and between propositions.

- Comprender los principios y mecanismos de la interpretación semántica, en relación con otros niveles del análisis lingüístico, con sus consecuencias e implicaciones.

- Understand the principles and mechanisms of semantic interpretation, in relation to other levels of linguistic analysis, with their consequences and implications.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. The lexical level of the language. Characterisation of a lexical entry. Knowledge and description of the lexicon: quantitative and qualitative differences; sub-lexicals. Lexicology and lexicography.

2. Lexical units. Simple and complex units. Phraseology.

Lexical morphology and neology. Word structure: units and processes. Word formation procedures in Spanish.

5. Lexical semantics. Basic concepts, units, types of meaning and lexical meaning relations. Analysis of meaning and lexical fields. Semantic change.

6. Compositional semantics. Sentences and propositions, the semantic structure of simple sentences. Meaning relations and connections between sentences. Lexicon and syntax: lexical restrictions.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Teaching-learning activities:

A) Personal work: Study of the topics (CM02) Compulsory readings and preparation of reviews or comments (CM02) Individual and/or group work on some of the aspects of the course content (CM02, CM01, CM05).

B) Classroom activities: Theoretical classes. Exercises of application of the concepts developed in the theoretical classes. (CM02) Sessions of sharing of personal or group work, reflection and debate. (CM02, CM01, CM05).

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 50
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 30
    • Individual works (%): 20

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The continuous assessment in the ordinary exam consists of the sum of the grades corresponding to different tasks which, generically, are the following:

1. Open-response exam on the contents of the subject (50 %). Comprehension and the ability to express specific specialised content in writing will be assessed (CM02).

2. Practical application exercises and individual and group work (50 %). The ability to apply specific contents of the subject to specific problems is assessed (CM02, CM01, CM05).

2.1. Performance of individual or group practical work (30 %).

2.2. Individual work (20 %).

The tests of the two sections must be passed in order to make the sum that gives rise to the final grade of the subject.

If the specified continuous assessment system is waived, students must take a written test on all the contents of the subject, as indicated in the student guide provided at the beginning of the course. To do so, they must submit a written waiver of the continuous assessment system within nine weeks from the beginning of the term. The exam will take place on the day of the official ordinary exam session.

The exam and the personal exercises are designed to take place in the classroom. If this is not possible, they will be carried out via e-Gela, on the dates agreed at the beginning of the course.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Everything related to the methodology and evaluation of the subject will be specified in detail in the ‘Student Guide’ that will be uploaded to the eGela platform at the beginning of the term. Therefore, it is recommended that those who choose to take this exam session consult both the eGela platform and their email account, provided by the UPV/EHU when enrolling.

The assessment of the extraordinary call will be carried out on the official date indicated by the centre by means of a written exam equivalent to 100% of the subject. The exam will assess the contents of the subject and the compulsory readings.

The exam will be face-to-face, but if this is not possible, the test will be adapted to be carried out through the e-Gela platform.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Compulsory basic bibliography and Spanish dictionaries. Internet access, virtual classroom (e-Gela), e-mail, word processor.

As the course progresses, various materials, exercises, bibliographic resources and essential recommendations for the proper development of the subject will be uploaded to the eGela platform. Likewise, from the beginning of the term, the ‘Student Guide’ for this subject will appear on the platform, with the contents, the specific assessment guidelines and the course timetable.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Almela Pérez, R., 1999: Procedimientos de formación de palabras en español, Barcelona: Ariel.

Álvarez de Miranda, P., 2009: «Neología y pérdida léxica», en E. de Miguel (ed.), Panorama de la lexicología, Barcelona: Ariel, pp. 133-158.

Bernal, E., J. Freixa y S. Torner, eds., 2022: La neología del español. Del uso al diccionario, Madrid-Frankfurt, Iberoamericana-Vervuert.

Bosque, I., 2001: "Sobre el concepto de 'colocación' y sus límites", LEA, 23.1, pp. 9-40.

Bosque, I. y V. Demonte (eds.), 1999: Gramática descriptiva de la Lengua Española, Madrid: R.A.E / Espasa Calpe, vol. 3, pp. 4303-5096 ["Quinta parte. Morfología"].

Casado Velarde, M., 2015: Innovación léxica en el español actual. Madrid: Síntesis.

Corpas Pastor, G., 1997: Manual de fraseología española, Madrid: Gredos.

Cruse, D.A., 2000: Meaning in Language. An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Escandell Vidal, M.V., 2004: Fundamentos de semántica composicional, Barcelona: Ariel.

Escandell Vidal, M.V. , 2007: Apuntes de semántica léxica, Madrid: UNED.

Fernández Lagunilla, M. y A. Anula Rebollo, 1995: "El léxico", en Sintaxis y cognición, Madrid: Síntesis, pp. 89-105.

García-Page Sánchez, M., 2008: Introducción a la fraseología española. Estudio de las locuciones, Barcelona: Anthropos.

Hurford, J.R. y B. Heasley, 1988: Curso de Semántica, Madrid: Visor (ed. original: 1983).

Jezek, Elisabetta, 2016: The Lexicon. An Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lara, L.F., 2006: Curso de Lexicología, México D.F.: El Colegio de México.

Luque Durán, J. de D., 2001: Aspectos universales y particulares del léxico de las lenguas del mundo, Granada: Granada Lingüística.

Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, 2019: Glosario de términos gramaticales. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

Saeed, J.I., 1997: Semantics, Cambridge (Mass.) / Oxford: Blackwell.

Varela Ortega, S., 2005: Morfología léxica: la formación de palabras, Madrid: Gredos.

In-depth bibliography

Álvarez de la Granja, M. (ed.), 2008: Lenguaje figurado y motivación. Una perspectiva desde la fraseología, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Aronoff, M. y K. Fudeman, 2005: What is Morphology?, Oxford: Blackwell.
Brinton, L.J. y E. Closs Traugott, 2005: Lexicalization and Language Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Buenafuentes de La Mata, C., 2011: La composición sintagmática en español, San Millán de La Cogolla.
Carter, R., 1998: Vocabulary. Applied Linguistic Perspectives, London: Routledge.
Cruse, D.A., 2000: Meaning in Language. An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cruse, D.A., F. Hundsnurscher, M. Job, P.R. Lutzeier (eds.), 2002: Lexikologie / Lexicology. Eines internationales Handbuch zur Natur und Struktur von Wörtern und Wörtschätzen, Berlín: Mouton de Gruyter.


Boletín de la Real Academia Española
Cahiers de Lexicologie
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación
Lingüistica Española Actual
Revista de Lexicografía
Revista de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística

Web addresses


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