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Spanish Literature: Twentieth Century25644

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Philology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

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Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

It is a compulsory subject whose purpose is the approximation, knowledge and understanding of the historical evolution of 20th century Spanish literature, its main currents and genres, and its social and cultural relations. It is taught in the second quarter of the second year, and the mention of Hispanic Degrees in Philology is mandatory for students. The study of 20th century Spanish literature is completed in the fourth grade through the subject of Spanish Literature: Texts of the 20th century.

The subject makes a first approach to the Spanish literature of the twentieth century in order to make known its historical development and the sociological, ideological and cultural contexts that make it possible.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

MEC's basic competencies:

MEC1 Demonstrate that students have and understand knowledge in an area of learning based on general secondary education, and find it at a level that, while based on advanced textbooks, includes aspects that require cutting-edge knowledge in their field of study.

MEC2 Let students know how to apply their knowledge professionally in their work or vocation and have skills that are usually demonstrated within their field of study by cultivating and defending arguments and solving problems.

MEC3 That students have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to express opinions that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

MEC4 That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized or non-specialized audience.

MEC5 That students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies with great autonomy.

Qualifications of the degree:

G04 Knowledge and interpretation of culture and literature, its historical evolution and the theoretical and methodological currents of literary criticism. MEC1 AND MEC3

G05 Be able to constantly learn and update, raise and solve problems autonomously and collectively so that one's academic and professional project can be developed from diversity and multiculturalism. (MEC2, MEC3 and MEC5)

G06 Ability to search, critically evaluate and manage literary information (bibliographies, databases and other sources) through traditional resources and NTICs. (MEC3, MEC4 and MEC5)

G07 Communicate acquired knowledge and apply knowledge about literature. MEC2 AND MEC5

G08 Linking specific knowledge of literature with other areas and disciplines. MEC2 AND MEC5

Module competencies:

M11CM02 Development in the 20th century of knowledge, historical evolution and theoretical and methodological currents of literary criticism of Spanish literature. G04 and G05

M11CM03 Analysis of 20th century Spanish literary texts, identification of problems and research topics and assessment of their importance. G06 and G08

M11CM05 Locate, manage and critically evaluate the bibliographic and documentary information of 20th century Spanish literature, analysing and summarizing complex documentation. (G04, G06, G10)


Having successfully passed this subject, the student would acquire:

1. General training with the necessary theoretical and methodological bases in the field of Spanish literature in the twentieth century.

2. Communication and didactic skills for the transmission of ideas and contents of 20th century Spanish literature.

3. Ability to associate acquired literary knowledge with other areas or disciplines.

4. The ability to critically analyze the literary texts of 20th century Spain.

5. Autonomous learning in 20th century Spanish literature.

6. The ability to orient oneself in the overview of the periods, movements and main authors of 20th century Spanish literature.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Spanish literature from the end of the century to the civil war. Novecentist literature. The vanguard and the 27th generation. Literature between purity and revolution.

Analysis of the evolution of Spanish literature between 1898 and 1939. Analysis of the main literary currents and their social and cultural relations.

Literature under Francoism: Literature and exile. The first postwar literary promotions. Literature is half a century old. The innovation of the 1960s.

Analysis of the evolution of Spanish literature from 1939 to 1975. Analysis of the main literary currents and their social and cultural relations.

Literature from 1975 to the present: new promotions in democratic Spain. New writers. From the end of the century to the beginning of the new millennium.

Analysis of the evolution of Spanish literature since 1975. Analysis of the main literary currents and their social and cultural relations.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

- Explanation of the main literary currents of 20th century Spain.

- Analysis of the evolution of literary genres.

- Reading and analysis of 20th century Spanish literary texts.

- Text commentary.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 70
    • Individual works (%): 10
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 20

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Examen escrito a desarrollar. 80% de la nota final. Competencias: CM2, CM3, CM5

Realización de prácticas (ejercicios, casos, problemas). 20% Competencias: CM3, CM5, G05, G07, G08

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Examen escrito a desarrollar por el 100% de la nota final.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Diverso material de lectura que se especificará al alumno.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Blanco Aguinaga, Carlos et al. Historia social de la literatura española (en lengua castellana). Castalia. Madrid, 1978 (vol. 3).

Cannavagio, Jean (dir.). Historia de la literatura española. Ariel. Barcelona, 1994-1995 (vol. 6).

Díaz-Plaja, Guillermo (dir.). Historia general de las literaturas hispánicas. Vergara. Barcelona, 1969.

Díez Borque, José María (coord.). Historia de la literatura española. Taurus. Madrid, 1980 (vol. 4).

Ferreras, Juan Ignacio (coord.). Historia crítica de la literatura hispánica. Taurus. Madrid, 1987 (vols. 20-26).

Fuente Ballesteros, Ricardo de la (dir.). Historia de la literatura española. Júcar. Gijón-Madrid, 1991- .

Huerta Calvo, Javier (coord.). Lectura crítica de la literatura española. Playor. Madrid, 1982 (25 vols.).

Jones, R.O. (dir.). Historia de la literatura española. Ariel. Barcelona, 1974 (vols. 6 y 6/2).

Prieto de Paula, Ángel L. y Langa Pizarro, Mar. Manual de literatura española actual. Castalia. Madrid, 2007.

Rico, Francisco (dir.). Historia y crítica de la literatura española. Crítica. Barcelona, 1980-1999 (vols. 6-9 más los correspondientes suplementos a cada volumen, en curso de publicación).

Río, Ángel del. Historia de literatura española. Nueva York, 1963 (reed. Bruguera. Barcelona, 1985).

Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B. y Rodríguez Cáceres, Milagros. Manual de literatura española. Cénlit. Estella, 1980-1999 (vols. 8-14, en curso de publicación).

Valbuena Prat, Ángel. Historia de la literatura española. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona, 1980-1983 (vols. 5-6).

VV.AA. Historia de la literatura española. Cátedra. Madrid, 1990 (vol. 2).

VV.AA. Cronología de la literatura española. Cátedra. Madrid, 1995-1997 (4 vols.)

In-depth bibliography

Albadalejo, Tomás et al. Las vanguardias. Renovación de los lenguajes poéticos. Júcar Madrid, 1992.
Alonso, Dámaso. Poetas españoles contemporáneos. Gredos. Madrid, 1978.
Calvo Carilla, José Luis. La cara oculta del 98. Místicos e intelectuales en la España del fin de siglo (1895-1902). Cátedra. Madrid, 1998.
Cano Ballesta, Juan. La poesía española entre pureza y revolución. Siglo XXI. Madrid, 1995.
Cansinos-Assens, Rafael. Obra crítica. Diputación de Sevilla. Sevilla, 1998.
Debicki, Andrew P. Historia de la poesía española del siglo XX. Gredos. Madrid, 1997.
Mainer, José-Carlos. La Edad de Plata (1902-1939). Ensayo de interpretación de un proceso cultural. Cátedra. Madrid, 1987.
Martínez Cachero, José María. La novela española entre 1936 y el fin de siglo. Castalia. Madrid, 1997.
Morris, C.B. El surrealismo y España (1920-1936). Espasa-Calpe. Madrid, 2000.
Nora, Eugenio G. de. La novela española contemporánea. Gredos. Madrid, 1973 (3 vols.).
Zardoya, Concha. Poesía española del siglo XX. Estudios temáticos y estilísticos. Gredos. Madrid, 1974.


Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
Bulletin Hispanique
Hispanic Review
Revista de Literatura
Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos

Web addresses

Archivo virtual de la Edad de Plata: www.edaddeplata.org
Archivo Federico García Lorca: http://lorca.edaddeplata.org/ES/archivo/lorcahome.htm
Biblioteca Virtual Cervantes: www.cervantesvirtual.com

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