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Greek Texts II25636

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Philology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups3045

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Greek Texts II is one of the basic subjects for the mention in Classical Philology in the Bachelor's Degree in Philology. It forms part of the "Greek Philology" module and, together with "Greek Texts I, a third-year subject focusing on tragedy and comedy, it forms part of the "Commentary on Greek texts" subject.

In Greek Texts II, the focus is on the study of Greek epic and lyric poetry from a theoretical-practical point of view through the translation and commentary of texts from both genres.

Given that this is a subject in the final year of the Degree, students will have to deploy the linguistic and literary knowledge acquired in previous years in the subjects Greek language and literature.

The work developed in this subject will allow students to acquire the necessary skills to tackle the translation of epic and lyric texts and to carry out a complete philological commentary on them, focusing on the linguistic, literary, metrical and textual aspects, together with their cultural and historical contextualisation.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

In the subject of Greek Texts II, the following competences are addressed:

Degree competences:

G001: Acquiring an instrumental command of a language and the ability to produce or understand texts of different types related to it.

G003: Correct oral and written expression in Basque or Spanish.

G006: Ability to search for, critically evaluate and manage philological information (bibliographies, databases and other sources) through traditional media and NICT.

G008: Relate specific knowledge related to philology with other areas and disciplines.

Competences of the module "Greek Philology":

CM01: Ability to understand Greek texts from different periods and to place them in their historical and cultural context.

CM03: Ability to apply theoretical knowledge to the practice of translation and to linguistic and literary analysis.

It achieves the following learning outcomes:

1. Students translate texts of epic and lyric poetry with accuracy.

2. Learners identify the characteristic features of the two genres.

3. Students comment on texts of epic and lyric poetry from linguistic, metrical and literary points of view.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Theoretical content:

1. The epic genre in Greece: fundamental characteristics, evolution and main representatives.

2. The language of epic: characteristic features; origin and evolution.

3. Lyric poetry. The Homeric Hymns and their continuity in the Hellenistic period. Melic poetry. The genres

iambic and elegiac. Choral poetry.

Practical content:

Translation and linguistic, metrical and literary commentary of texts in both genres.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The course will focus on the study of texts belonging to the epic and lyric genres.

After an introduction to the different poetic genres on which the course will focus, the classes will be devoted to the translation and linguistic, literary and metrical commentary of a selection of texts by their most representative authors.

At the same time, students will translate another selection of texts from the genres on which the course focuses, which will be the subject of a translation test without a dictionary, as part of the final exam.

Finally, students will carry out a project on one of the topics taught in the course, for which they will receive the relevant instructions from the teachers.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 60
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 40

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation system will be mixed. The grading of the course will be divided as follows:

1. Class attendance and correct completion of the proposed tasks, which will consist of the analyses, translations and daily comments on the selected texts, which will be handed in to the teachers. It serves to assess competences G001, G008, CM01 and CM03 and to assess the achievement of learning outcomes 1 and 3 (40 % of the total mark).

2. Written exam, which serves to assess competences G001, G008, CM01 and CM03 and to evaluate the achievement of learning outcomes 1 and 3 (50 % of the mark). It is made up of several tests:

For the part corresponding to epic poetry:

* Translation, linguistic, literary and metrical commentary with dictionary of a new text.

For the part corresponding to lyric poetry:

* Translation, linguistic, literary and metrical commentary with dictionary of a new text.

* Translation, linguistic, literary and metrical commentary without a dictionary of a text studied in class.

* Translation, linguistic, literary and metrical commentary with the help of the dictionary of a text worked on by the students at a personal level.

In this exam, the level of comprehension of the texts will be assessed, as well as the correctness of the translation and commentary.

In order to pass the course, it will be necessary to have obtained a five in each of the specified assessment tools.

Waiver of continuous and/or blended assessment

In accordance with the Regulations governing student assessment in official UPV/EHU undergraduate degrees, chapter II, art. 8.3, anyone wishing to waive continuous assessment must submit their waiver in writing to the lecturers responsible for the subject within a period of no less than 30 calendar days before the end of each of the two terms of the academic year, in accordance with the academic calendar of the centre.

Students who have opted for such a waiver will take a single exam, which will consist of the analysis, translation and commentary of a text seen in class and another text that has not been seen. For the latter, a dictionary will be available for a limited period of time (90% of the total mark).

A five in each of the two parts will be necessary to pass.

Waiver of the ordinary exam

In accordance with the Regulations (Chap. II, Art. 12), "Students may waive their right to the ordinary exam within a period of at least one month before the end of the teaching period of the corresponding subject. This waiver must be submitted in writing to the lecturer responsible for the subject" (https://www.euskadi.eus/y22-bopv/es/bopv2/datos/2017/03/1701311a.shtml).

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

A single final exam is planned for the extraordinary exam session, which will consist of the same parts as the one taken by students who have opted to waive continuous assessment.

In the case of students who have taken the ordinary exam and have passed some of the parts that make up the final exam, in the extraordinary exam they will only have to repeat those tests that have been left pending.

In order to waive the extraordinary exam, it will be sufficient not to take the exam.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Selection of passages from epic poetry.
Selection of passages from lyric poetry (to be provided through eGela).
Dictionaries and manuals specified in the basic bibliography.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Bergua Cavero, José, Antología comentada de la Ilíada, Madrid 2021.

Chantraine, Pierre, Morfología histórica del griego antiguo, Reus 1974.

Chantraine, Pierre, Grammaire homérique, 2 vols.: I. Phonétique et Morphologie, Paris 1957; II. Syntaxe, Paris 1963.

Rossi, L.E. et al., Storia e testi della letteratura greca, Firenze 2002-2003.

Easterling, P. - Knox, B.M.W. (eds.), Historia de la Literatura Clásica. I: Literatura Griega, Madrid, 1990.

López Férez, Juan Antonio (coord.), Historia de la literatura griega, Madrid 1988.

In-depth bibliography

Bernabé, Alberto, "La épica griega", in D. Estefanía, M. Domínguez and M.T. Amado (eds.), Cuadernos de literatura griega y latina, II: Géneros literarios poéticos grecolatinos, Madrid-Santiago de Compostela 1998, pp. 9-38.
Foley, John Miles (ed.), A Companion to Ancient Epic, Malden, MA 2005.
Fowler, Robert (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Homer, Cambridge 2004.
Horrocks, Geoffrey, "Homer's Dialect", in I. Morris and B. Powell (eds.), A New Companion to Homer, Leiden 1997, pp. 193-217.
Rodríguez Adrados, Francisco; Fernández Galiano, Manuel; Gil, Luis and Lasso de la Vega, José S., Introducción a Homero, Madrid 1984 (1ª ed. 1963).

De Martino, F. - Vox, O., Lirica greca, 3 vols., Bari 1996.
Fraenkel, Hermann, Poesía y Filosofía en la Grecia arcaica, Madrid 1993.
Gentili, Bruno, Poesía y público en la Grecia antigua, Barcelona 1996.
Miralles, Carles, "La lírica griega arcaica", Actas del VII C.E.E.C., Madrid 1989, II, 17-42.
Neri, C., La lirica greca, Roma 2004.
Rodríguez Adrados, Francisco, El mundo de la lírica griega arcaica, Madrid 1981.
Suárez de la Torre, Emilio, "La lírica griega", in D. Estefanía et alii (eds.), Géneros literarios poéticos grecolatinos, Madrid-Santiago de Compostela 1998, 63-127.


Gaia: revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque 7, 2003 [www.persee.fr/issue/gaia_1287-3349_2003_num_7_1]; 11, 2007 [www.persee.fr/issue/gaia_1287-3349_2007_num_11_1]; 12, 2009 [www.persee.fr/issue/gaia_1287-3349_2009_num_12_1]; y 14, 2011 [www.persee.fr/issue/gaia_1287-3349_2011_num_14_1]
Romanitas. Revista de Estudos greco-latinos 2, 2013: Dossiê: Homero entre a História e a Literatura [http://periodicos.ufes.br/romanitas/issue/view/465/showToc]

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