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Latin Literature25635

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Philology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Latin Literature is a compulsory course in the 4th year of the Degree in Philology (Classical Philology). It is part of the module 013 called ‘Latin Philology’.

This subject completes and extends the elements of Latin literature present in the programme of the subjects ‘Latin Language’, compulsory in previous years, and the subject ‘Introduction to Greek and Latin Literature’, compulsory in the 2nd year of the Degree in Philology (Classical Philology). The work that will be carried out in this subject should enable students to better understand the development and evolution of Latin literature from its origins to late Latinity. In order to be able to take the course, students must have a mastery of the most basic elements of Latin literature and its genres achieved in the aforementioned subjects

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Learning outcomes:

Student obtains the level of knowledge of Latin literature (both theoretical and practical) described in the following sections.

1. Distinguishes and applies the different literary methods to the study of Latin literature.

2- Master the particular characteristics of Latin literature.

3. Knows the characteristic features of the different Latin literary genres, both poetic and prose.3.


Competencies of the Module (M13 Latin Philology):

CM01 Ability to understand the literary content of Latin texts from any period, as well as to situate them in their historical and cultural context and, mainly, in the history of their literature.

Competencies of the Degree (Degree in Philology):

G004 Know and interpret culture and literature, their historical evolution and the theoretical and methodological currents of literary criticism.

G008 Relate specific knowledge related to Philology with other areas and disciplines.

EQF core competencies:EQF1 Students should have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study which starts from the basis of general secondary education, and is usually at a level which, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects involving knowledge from the forefront of their field of study.

EQF3 Students should have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make judgements which include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1.- Approach to the different methods of study of Latin literature.

2.- Latin poetic genres

2.1.- Epic

2.2.- Comedy and tragedy

2.3.- Lyric and elegiac poetry

3.- Prose Literary genres

3.1.-Historiography, Oratory and Philosophy

3.2. Novel

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Teaching-learning activities:

-Exposition and reasoning of the theoretical contents of the syllabus by the teacher.

-Practical classes (comprehensive reading, analysis and commentary of texts).

-Individual reading of the works indicated at the beginning of the course.

-Individual preparation of short guided essays and oral exposition in the classroom.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Oral defense (%): 20
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 20
    • Individual works (%): 40
    • Exhibition of works, readings ... (%): 20

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Continuous assessment system

Final assessment systemAssessment instrument:

written essay Assessment criteria: Depth of commentary, personal contribution, stylistic correctness, argumentation, knowledge

Amount of final mark: 40%-

No. of specific competencies: CM01, G004, G008, MEC1, MEC3.

Assessment instrument: preparation of short guided essays

Percentage of the final mark: 20%

No. of specific competency: CM01, G004, G008, EQF1, EQF3.

Assessment instrument: Oral presentation of individual work, readings

Assessment criteria: Depth of commentary, personal contribution, argumentation, knowledge, oral expression.

Percentage of final mark: 20%

No. of specific competency: CM01, G004, G008, MEC1, MEC3.

Assessment instrument: Oral defence

Assessment criteria: Fluency, structuring of discourse, time organisation, appropriate use of resources, responsiveness.

Percentage of the final mark: 20%

All the above assessment instruments will be compulsory. Students will have the right to be assessed through the final assessment system, regardless of whether or not they have participated in the continuous assessment system. To do so, students must submit in writing to the teacher responsible for the subject the waiver of continuous assessment, for which they will have a period of 9 weeks from the beginning of the four-month period, in accordance with the calendar.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Assessment instrument:

a single final written test, which will cover 100% of the course.

It will consist of:

- three questions on the theoretical syllabus (60%)

- Literary commentary on a text (40%)

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

- Texts for the commentary to be delivered in due time.
- Information deposited in e-gela.
- The handbook by C. Codoñer (ed.).
- The books of the five compulsory readings indicated at the beginning of the course.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Basic Bibliography:

-S. M. Braund, Latin Literature, London- N. York 2002.

-C. Codoñer, (ed..) Géneros Literarios Latinos, Salamanca, Ed. Universidad de

Salamanca, 1987.

-C. Codoñer, (coord.), El comentario de textos griegos y latinos, Madrid, Cátedra, 1979.

-C. Codoñer (ed.) Historia de la literatura latina, Madrid 1997.

-D. Estefanía (ed.), Géneros literarios poéticos grecolatinos, Madrid, SEEC., 1998.

-T. Habinek, The Politics of Latin Literature, Princeton 1998.

-S. Harrison, A Companion to Latin literature, Oxford, 2004.

-E. J.- Kenney -W. Clausen, Historia de la Literatura Latina, Madrid, Gredos, 1989.

-K. Quinn, Texts and Contexts, Londres 1979.

-M. M. von Albrecht, Historia de la literatura romana, 2 vols., Barcelona 1997.

In-depth bibliography

Further Readings:
-V. Bécares et al. Intertextualidad en las literaturas griega y romana, Salamanca 2000.
-M. S. Braund, Latin Literature, London - New York, Routledge, 2002.
-Cavallo, G. Fedeli, P. Giardina A. (edd.), Lo spazio letterario di Roma antica, 5 vols.,
Roma 1989-91.
-G. B. Conte, Memoria dei poeti e sistema letterario, Turín 1985.
-G. B. Conte, Generi e lettori, Milán 1991.
-G. B. Conte, Letteratura latina, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1992.
-J. M. Foley, A Companion to ancient epic, Oxford 2005.
-J. P. Sullivan - I. De Jong, Modern Critical Theory and Classical Literature, Leiden,
-Th. A. Schmitz, Modern literary theory and ancient texts: an introduction, 2007.
-E. Schmidt, ed., 2001, L¿histoire littéraire immanente dans la poésie latine,
Vandoeuvres- Genève.


-Cuadernos de Filología Clásica, Estudios Latinos.
-Revista de Estudios Clásicos.
-Revista de Estudios Latinos.
-Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici (MD), Pisa.
-Arethusa, revista americana, junto con la anterior, líder en innovación en literatura
-Classical Review.
-Journal of Roman Studies.

Web addresses

http://www.rassegna.unibo.it [This page gathers all the new releases and existing pages
available to classical philology scholars].
http://www.annee-philologique.com/aph/. [Essential for the knowledge of the new bibliographic
bibliographic novelties on the classical world].
http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/ [Essential for the critical reviews of the new bibliographical
bibliographic novelties].

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16 Teórico (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


11:00-13:00 (1)

09:00-09:30 (2)

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  • AULA 0.06 - . (2)

16 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


09:30-11:00 (1)

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