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Indo-European Linguistics25634

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Philology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups3045

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Indo-European Linguistics is aimed at a fourth-grade student of the specialty of Classical Philology. This is basically a comparative topic in which the student is introduced to the understanding of the diachronic phonological and morphological relationships between the Indo-European languages, and specifically of Greek and Latin. The student must use this information along with the chronological location of the languages. In so far as possible, the student must be able to make hypotheses of reconstruction concerning the simplest and most elementary examples drawn from the Indo-European languages, paying special attention to the forms of the Greek and Latin languages.

As one of the main goals of the course, the student will be required to place the phonetic and morphological characteristics of Latin and Greek linguistically within the framework of the Indo-European languages.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Transversal Capabilities in Classical Philology

M14M05CM1. The ability to place Latin and Greek in the family of Indo-European languages.

According to this specific competence and to the general competences of the degree in Classical Philology, as well as according to the previous description and contextualization, this course enables the student to know the linguistic information of the Indo-European languages, to place the linguistic information of the texts historically, and to make hypotheses about the basic examples drawn from the Indo-European languages. As a summary of all this, the student fulfils a fundamental objective: to place Latin and Greek linguistically within the framework of the Indo-European linguistic family.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

- External and internal description of the Indo-European languages

- Methodological aspects of Historical and Comparative linguistics and of linguistic reconstruction

- Phonological reconstruction and diachrony of the Indo-European languages.

- Derivative and inflectional morphology of the Indo-European languages (nominal, pronominal and verbal).

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The theoretical and practical aspects of the subject are arranged according to the specific competence of the subject, that is to say, with the goal of locating the Latin and Greek languages within the Indo-European linguistic family. The teacher will explain the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. The student will have to prepare a reading on some specific topic in Indo-European linguistics and a practical exercise on the basis of the explanations provided by the teacher.

If face-to-face classes are suspended by a decree of confinement or a similar legal provision, the classes and evaluation shall be on-line.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 90
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 10

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The students must advance their practices on the basis of the theoretical explanations and practical models provided in the classroom. Practices are mandatory and account for a certain percentage of the total marks, but there is no need for a minimum result in the practical part to pass the exam. The main part of the final result for the subject is provided by the final exam, which must be passed anyway.

According to the regulations for the academic evaluation in UPV/EHU official degrees, Chapter II, Article 8.3, anyone wishing to refuse so-called continuous evaluation shall submit a written waiver to the teacher at charge of the subject. To this end, there is a period of nine weeks from the beginning of the four-month period, in accordance with the academic calendar of the Faculty. In accordance with the Regulations, Chapter IV, Article 39, failure to do the final examination conveys "Not Submitted" for the evaluation of the topic. As well as that, if the student wishes to give up for the evaluation, he or she must write to the teacher responsible for the subject at least ten days before the start of the official examination period. The above-mentioned regulation, Chapter IV, Article 43, "Evaluation methods", specifies students who may be exempted from the proposed evaluation system.

See http://www.ehu.eus/documents/1690128/1967605/norm_fac_letras_eval_final.pdf

These students will perform only one final test.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Those who do not pass the exam in the ordinary call, regardless of the evaluation system chosen, shall have the right to take the examination that constitutes the final evaluation test of the extraordinary call.

For this extraordinary call, the evaluation shall be carried through only by means of the final evaluation system.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

The mandatory tools for the subject are the following:
- practical materials provided by the teacher or bibliography,
- theoretical materials provided by the teacher or bibliography,
- Basic bibliography.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Fortson IV, B. W., 2010 [2004], Indo-European Language and Culture. An Introduction. Second Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester (West Sussex) [1ª ed. Blakwell 2004]..

Sihler, A. L., 1995, New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, New York - Oxford.

In-depth bibliography

R. Adrados, F., A. Bernabé & J. Mendoza, 1995, 1996, 1998, Manual de lingüística indoeuropea. I. Prólogo. Introducción. Fonética. II. Morfología nominal y verbal. III. Morfología: pronombres, adverbios, partículas y numerales. Sintaxis. Diferenciación dialectal, Madrid.

Beekes, R. S. P., 2011, Comparative Indo European Linguistics. An Introduction (2nd. ed. revised and corrected by Michiel de Vaan,), John Benjamins, Amsterdam (1ª ed. 1995).

Brugmann, K., 1905, Kurze vergleichende Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen, Strasbourg 1902 (cito por la traducción francesa Abregé de grammaire comparée des langues indoeuropéennes, Paris, a cargo de Bloch, Cuny y Ernout).

Giacalone Ramat, A., & P. Ramat (eds.), 1995, Las lenguas indoeuropeas, Madrid. Trad. del original italiano de 1993.

Hock, H. H., 1991 [1986], Principles of Historical Linguistics, second revised and updated edition, Berlin - New York.

Lehmann, W. P., 1993, Theoretical Bases of Indo European Linguistics, London - New York.

Meier Brügger, M., 2003, Indo European Linguistics, with contributions by Matthias Fritz and Manfred Mayrhofer, Berlin - New York.

Meillet, A., 1964 [1922], Introduction à l'étude comparative des langues indo européennes, Alabama [Paris].

Michelena, L., 1963, Lenguas y protolenguas, Salamanca.

Palmer, L. R., 1977, Introducción crítica a la lingüística descriptiva y comparada, trad. de J. L. Melena (orig. de 1972), Madrid.

Schmalstieg, W. R., 1980, Indo European Linguistics. A New Synthesis, Pennsylvania.

Szemerényi, O. J. L., 1996, Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Darmstadt. Hay traducción española de la 1ª ed. alemana de 1970: Introducción a la lingüística comparativa, Madrid 1978. Versión inglesa de la 4ª ed. alemana Introduction to Indo European Linguistics, Oxford 1996.


Indogermanische Forschungen (IF)
Journal of Indo-European Studies (JIES)
Folia Linguistica Historica (FoLH)
Historische Sprachforschung (HS)

Web addresses


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16 Teórico (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


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  • SEMINARIO 0.03A - . (2)
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16 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


17:30-19:00 (1)


15:30-17:00 (2)

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  • SEMINARIO 0.03A - . (1)
  • SEMINARIO 0.03A - . (2)