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German History and Culture II25595

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Philology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The programme in German Language and Literature is undoubtedly an important point of reference. The existing demand, both in the academic environment and outside it, for adequately trained personnel in communication skills in the German language, which go beyond the simple oral and written practice of a language and imply a good knowledge of the cultural, social and historical reality associated with it, as well as a good ability to analyse and interpret it.

In terms of employment, there is a high demand for knowledge of German language and culture in the labour market: we have intense commercial relations between the Basque Country and German-speaking countries, particularly Germany. Along with the demand for professionals with a solid knowledge of German and its culture, the demand for qualified teachers and trainers of German, who are needed to contribute to the training of these professionals, is also growing. This demand is particularly evident in the private education system, as well as in public bodies and institutions and in private companies.

The subject German History and Culture I is one of the basic subjects of the German pathway of the Bachelor's Degree in Philology and is taught in the second year in Spanish. It is part of the German History and Culture module and is complemented by German History and Culture II.

The aim of the German History and Culture module is to situate the literary production and varieties of the German language in the historical and cultural context of the German-speaking countries. This module provides an overview of the most important aspects of German history, geography, culture and thought. Prerequisites: students must have successfully completed German Language IV or equivalent in the field of second languages or Translation.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Learning outcomes:

- Chronologically situate and explain the most important processes in the history of the German-speaking countries from German Unification to the present day.

- Knowing the main formal and thematic features of the different plastic, architectural, musical, cinematographic or thought manifestations of the German-speaking countries that have arisen since German Unification to the present day.

- Understand the interrelationship between the different cultural manifestations and between these and the processes of historical change.

- Identify the main forms and techniques of artistic and musical expression.

- Master the different theoretical perspectives and the corresponding terminology for the analysis of iconographic, musical, audiovisual or textual sources and their corresponding specific discourses.

- Understand in a critical and creative way iconographic, musical, audiovisual or textual sources.

- Elaborate corpora of documentation on different historical and cultural topics from bibliographic resources and other relevant sources of information, including ICT.


M05CMO1. Acquire and apply knowledge of the geographical reality, the main institutions, social practices and cultural manifestations of German-speaking countries today (G005, G006, G008; MEC2, MEC3, MEC4, MEC5).

M05CMO2. Chronologically situate and explain the most important processes in the history of German-speaking countries (G004, G008; EQF1, EQF2, EQF3).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


1. History of the German-speaking countries from German Unification to the present day.

2. Visual Arts in the German-speaking countries from German Unification to the present day.

3. Architecture in the German-speaking countries from the unification of Germany to the present day.

4. Music in the German-speaking countries from German Unification to the present day

5. Thought in the German-speaking countries from German Unification to the present day

6. Cinema in the German-speaking countries from German unification to the present day.


Introduction to the subject, main concepts, work plan - Main concepts . - Work plan

2. The German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the First World War - Germany under Bismarck. - Wilhelminism. - The First World War. - Intellectual atmosphere in Vienna at the turn of the century. - Modernist architecture and design (Secession and Jugendstil).

3. Austria from the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Anschluss - The First Republic. - Austrofascism

4. The Weimar Republic - Proclamation and early years. - Stabilisation phase. - The Great Depression and the degradation of the democratic system. - Visual avant-gardes: Expressionism, Dada and New Objectivity. - The Bauhaus. - Expressionist cinema. - Musical post-Romanticism and Dodecaphonism. - Cabaret of the 1920s.

5. National Socialism and World War II - Accession to power. Gleichschaltung. Holocaust. - Foreign policy and World War II. - Art, Architecture and Cinema in the Third Reich: propagandistic use and persecution of the Entartete Kunst. - Music in the Third Reich

6. Creation of two states on German soil: GDR and FRG - Division into zones and creation of two states on German soil. - The FRG. - The GDR. - Post-war thinking: the Frankfurt School. - Emergence of an international art market and neo-avant-gardes. - The New German Cinema. - Experimental music and dance. - Popular music: pop, techno and punk. - Internationalisation of architecture. - Socialist realism in the visual arts of the GDR. - Stalinist classicism in GDR architecture. - GDR cinema.

7. Reunification and the current situation in Germany: institutions and political system - The fall of the Berlin Wall. - Current situation in Germany: institutions and political system. - Trends in the Arts and Architecture after reunification. - German cinema after reunification

8. Austria from the restoration of sovereignty to the present day: institutions and political system - Recovery of sovereignty. - Entry into the European Union. - Current situation in Austria: institutions and political system. - Austrian cinema today

9. Switzerland in the 20th century: institutions and political system - Switzerland during the First World War. Between the wars. - Second World War. - Post-war period and orientation towards the West. - International relations. - Current situation in Switzerland: institutions and political system

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The learning will take place through the following tasks:

1. individual problem-based learning

(M05CM1,M05CM2,G003) Learning outcomes: Collect relevant information on the chosen topic, collate and structure it in order to present it to peers using appropriate means, prepare a dossier.

2. Presentation of topics by the teacher and study by the students.

(M05CM1,M05CM2,G003) Learning outcomes: Understand and explain the main processes of historical change and the evolution of the main cultural manifestations of German-speaking countries.

3. Interpretation of textual, iconographic, musical sources

(M05CM1,M05CM2,G003) Learning outcomes: Analyse in a reasoned way and taking into account artistic and historical criteria textual, iconographic and musical sources.

4. Elaboration of concept maps

(M05CM1,M05CM2) Learning outcomes: Elaborate graphical syntheses of specific topics proposed by the teachers.

In case of confinement, teaching will continue as normal through the university's virtual platform. The type of tasks envisaged are compatible with remote teaching.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Individual works (%): 80
    • Exhibition of works, readings ... (%): 20

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Individual problem-based learning: classroom presentation and dossier

Competencias: M05CM1,M05CM2,G003

The presentation will be assessed taking into account the following criteria:

- Appropriateness to the assignment

- Good documentation

- Good articulation of knowledge

- Efficient use of the means of presentation

- Good command of verbal and body language

- Clarity of exposition and good expression

Percentage of the final grade: 80% of the final grade, provided that a minimum of 50% is obtained.

Hand-outs: source commentaries and concept maps.

Competencias: M05CM1,M05CM2,G003

Assessment of the comments, taking into account the following criteria:

- Ability to identify the fundamental features (stylistic and content) of a textual, iconographic or musical source.

- Ability to situate a source in a given period and current.

- Ability to relate the source analysed to its historical and social context.

- Clarity of exposition and good expression

Assessment of the concept maps, taking into account the following criteria:

- Satisfactory degree of assimilation of knowledge

- Ability to manage information

- Creativity in relating concepts

- Efficient use of graphic resources

Percentage of the final mark: 20%.

Students who, for justified reasons (cases included in article 43 of the MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS FOR GRADUATE AND FIRST AND SECOND CYCLE EDUCATION, CHAPTER IV. TEACHING PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING-LEARNING) are unable to attend class, they will carry out an individual written research project and an exam. These students are asked to contact the teacher during the first 15 days of the term or, if necessary, when the situation that entitles them to the final assessment arises.

Exam: Specific questions, development of themes and interpretation of textual, iconographic and musical sources in the form of a commentary. In case of confinement, the face-to-face exam will be replaced by individual oral exams through the university's virtual platform.

Competences: M05CM1, M05CM2, G003

They will be assessed according to the following criteria:

- Satisfactory degree of assimilation of knowledge.

- Good articulation of knowledge

- Ability to relate concepts to each other

- Ability to identify the fundamental features (stylistic and content) of a textual, iconographic or musical source.

- Ability to situate a source within a given period and trend

- Ability to relate the source analysed to its historical and social context.

- Clarity of exposition and good expression

Percentage of the final mark: 50%, provided that a minimum of 50% is obtained in the total of the exam.

Individual written research paper:

Competences: M05CM1, M05CM2, G003

It will be assessed taking into account the following criteria:

- Interest of the hypothesis presented

- Good documentation and critical handling of the secondary bibliography.

- Knowledge and application of the formal rules of philological work.

- Good articulation of knowledge

- Capacity for analysis and critical spirit

- Ability to establish relationships between cultural manifestations and their historical context.

- Clarity of exposition and good expression

Percentage of the final mark: 50% of the final mark, provided that a minimum of 50% is obtained.

Students are warned that the presence of total or partial plagiarism or the use of artificial intelligences such as ChatGPT in the submitted assignments will automatically lead to a mark of 0 in the corresponding assignment, and the presence of serious grammatical and spelling mistakes and/or incorrect or inadequate expression in an academic context will lead to failure.

Students may withdraw from the exam by informing the teacher.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Students who have not passed the continuous assessment part in the first sitting or have not taken it, must submit an individual written work in the extraordinary sitting, in addition to the written test.

Exam: Specific questions, development of themes and interpretation of textual, iconographic and musical sources in the form of a commentary. In case of confinement, the face-to-face exam will be replaced by individual oral exams through the university's virtual platform.

Competences: M05CM1, M05CM2, G003

They will be assessed according to the following criteria:

- Satisfactory degree of assimilation of knowledge.

- Good articulation of knowledge

- Ability to relate concepts to each other

- Ability to identify the fundamental features (stylistic and content) of a textual, iconographic or musical source.

- Ability to situate a source within a given period and trend

- Ability to relate the source analysed to its historical and social context.

- Clarity of exposition and good expression

Percentage of the final mark: 50%, provided that a minimum of 50% is obtained in the total of the exam.

Individual written research paper:

Competences: M05CM1, M05CM2, G003

It will be assessed taking into account the following criteria:

- Interest of the hypothesis presented

- Good documentation and critical handling of the secondary bibliography.

- Knowledge and application of the formal rules of philological work.

- Good articulation of knowledge

- Capacity for analysis and critical spirit

- Ability to establish relationships between cultural manifestations and their historical context.

- Clarity of exposition and good expression

Percentage of the final mark: 50% of the final mark, provided that a minimum of 50% is obtained.

Students are warned that the presence of total or partial plagiarism or the use of artificial intelligences such as ChatGPT in the submitted assignments will automatically lead to a mark of 0 in the corresponding assignment. The presence of serious grammatical and spelling mistakes and/or incorrect or inadequate expression in an academic context will lead to failure.

Students may withdraw from the exam by informing the teacher.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

- Fulbrook, Mary (2009): Historia de Alemania. Akal Cambridge. Madrid.
- Gebhardt, Volker (2009): Schnellkurs Deutsche Kunst. DuMont Literatur und Kunst. Köln.
- Engehausen, Frank; Michael Erbe, Kay Peter Jankrift, Jörn Leonhard, Gabriele Metzler, Walter Mühlhausen, Dietmar Schiersner, Axel Schildt, Hans-Ulrich Thamer (2020): Deutsche Geschichte: Von der Antike bis heute. Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- Berger, Peter (2008): Kurze Geschichte Österreichs im 20. Jahrhundert, Wien: Facultas Universitätsverlag.

- Bosl, Karl, Günther Franz y Hubert Hofmann (1995): Biographisches Wörterbuch zur deutschen Geschichte. 3 vols. K.G. Saur. München

- François, Etienne y Schulze, Hagen, (eds.) (2002): Deutsche Erinnerungsorte. 3 Vols. München: C. H. Beck

- Gebhart, Volker (2004): Das Deusche in der deutschen Kunst. Köln: Dumont.

- Grout, Donald Jay y Claude V. Palisca (1995): Historia de la música occidental. 2. vols. Alianza. Madrid.

- Mirow, Jürgen (1996): Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Parkland. Köln.

- Rademacher, Johannes (2002): Schnellkurs Musik. Köln: Dumont.

- Scheuch, Manfred (2008): Historischer Atlas Deutschland : vom Frankenreich zur Wiedervereinigung in Karten, Bildern und Texten. Christian Brandtstätter. Wien.

- Stadler, Peter (2003): Epochen der Schweizergeschichte. Zürich, Orell Füssli.

- Suckale, Robert (1998): Kunst in Deutschland. Von Karl dem Großen bis heute. DuMont. Köln.

In-depth bibliography

- Allan, Seán y Sandford, John (eds.) (2003): DEFA : East German cinema, 1946-1992. New York [etc.]: Berghahn Books
- Führ, Wieland (2008): Berliner Mauer und innerdeutsche Grenze 1945-1990. Petersberg: Imhof
- Glaser, Hermann (1999): Deutsche Kultur, 1945-2000. Berlin: Ullstein.
- Hermand, Jost (2006): Deutsche Kulturgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Darmstadt: Primus
- Hoeres, Peter (2008): Die Kultur von Weimar : Durchbruch der Moderne. Berlin: Be.bra.
- Jacobsen, Wolfgang (ed.) (2004): Geschichte des deutschen Films. Metzler, Stuttgart.
- Kracauer, Siegfried (1995): De Caligari a Hitler. Una historia psicológica del cine alemán. Paidós. Barcelona.
- Mann, Golo (2000): Deutsche Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Fischer. Frankfurt a.M.
- vv.aa. (2004): Siedler Deutsche Geschichte. Von der Reichsgründung bis zum Mauerfall. Bd. 1: Stürmer: Das ruhelose Reich. Bd. 2: Schulze: Weimar. Bd. 3: Thamer: Verführung und Gewalt. Bd. 4: Kielmansegg: Das geteilte Land. München: Bassermann.


- Historische Zeitschrift
- Geschichte und Gesellschaft Historisches Jahrbuch
- Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft
- Archiv für Kulturgeschichte
- kea. Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften
- Journal für Kunstgeschichte
- Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
- Musik
- Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie

Web addresses

- Art Das Kunstmagazin http://www.art-magazin.de/
- Artcyclopedia.The Fine Art Search Engin. http://www.artcyclopedia.com/
- Bauhaus Dessau http://www.bauhaus-dessau.de/
- Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur http://www.bildindex.de/intro.htm
- Cinegraph. Daten, Fakten und Hintergründe zur Geschichte des deutschsprachigen Films http://www.cinegraph.de/index.html
- Damals Geschichte online http://www.damals.de/sixcms/detail.php?template_id=3058
- Fundus: Forum für Geschichte und ihre Quellen http://www.fundus.d-r.de/
- Geschi.de, Geschichte finden leicht gemacht http://www.geschi.de/
- Geschichtelinks http://www.geschichtecom.org/geschichtelinks.htm
- Glossen http://www.dickinson.edu/departments/germn/glossen/
- Hacken, Richard: History of Germany: Primary Documents http://library.byu.edu/~rdh/eurodocs/germany.html Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University
- Hendel, Sascha (1994-2003): archINFORM http://www.archinform.de
- Historicum.net Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften im Internethttp://www.historicum.net/index.php
- Historische Zeitschrift http://www.oldenbourg.de/verlag/historische-zeitschrift/
- Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. http://www.snl.ch/dhs/externe/index.html
- Internet-Adressen für HistorikerInnen Universität Bern http://www.cx.unibe.ch/hist/histlink.htm
- Kunst-und-kultur.de http://www.kunst-und-kultur.de/
- LeMO: Lebendiges virtuelles Museum Online http://www.dhm.de/lemo/
- Neue Musikzeitung http://www.nmz.de/
- PSM Data Geschichte (en línea). http://www.zum.de/psm/index1.php
- Schnitt http://www.schnitt.de/
- Sozial-Geschichte online http://www.stiftung-sozialgeschichte.de/
- SUSAS Netzwerk für Wissensweitergabe. Geschichte http://www.susas.de/index.htm
- Vitruvio.ch: Architecture on the Web http://www.vitruvio.ch/index.html.
- Zeitenwende SWR http://www.swr.de/zeitenwende/index.shtml
- Zwanziger Jahre http://www.zwanziger-jahre.de/

GroupsToggle Navigation

16-76 Teórico (German - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


15:00-17:00 (1)

15:00-15:30 (2)

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16-76 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (German - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


15:30-17:00 (1)

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