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Second Language II: Basque Language25389

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Philology
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Basque used mainly dialects throughout its history, since the standard (or Euskara Batua) is barely half a century old. Therefore, this course will focus on the varieties of Basque, both from a diatopic (geographical) and diachronic (historical) point of view. Students usually know the standard Basque well, but sometimes have difficulty understanding dialects. The main objective of the course will be to work on non-standard varieties, immersing students in the written and oral varieties, both theoretically, explaining how they differ and also carrying out exercises: understanding dialect oral texts, describing the linguistic characteristics of dialect texts, etc.

In addition to this, the course also seeks to work on the history of Basque. The goal is to offer the students a general vision of the history of Basque, explaining the linguistic characteristics and the main historical events of each era.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Specific competencies of module M01:

- M01CM02: Be able to express oneself fluently orally and in writing in a second language.

- M01CM03: Be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts written in a second language.

Learning outcomes:

- RA1: Possess a basic knowledge of ways of speaking other than standard Basque.

- RA2: Be able to transmit basic information, ideas, problems and solutions about the current dialectological variants of Basque to the specialized public or not.

- RA3: Know the main milestones in the history of Basque.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

I. Basque dialectology

1. Basque dialectology: introduction and some basic concepts

2. History of Basque dialectology. Classification tests

3. Western Basque

4. Central Basque

5. Navarrese Basque

6. Navarrese-Labortano Basque

7. Suletino Basque

II. From the history of Basque

8. History of Basque: introduction and some basic concepts

9. Of the origin of dialects.

10. Hypotheses about the origin of Basque

11. Ancient Age: Aquitanian

12. Archaic Euskara (1400-1600)

13. Ancient and Classic Basque (1600-1745)

14. Euskara Batua

MethodologyToggle Navigation

A participatory and dynamic methodology will be promoted in class. The student's protagonism will be sought at all times, both in lectures and, above all, in the theoretical and practical work.

In some topics, flipped classroom will be used. That is, the students will prepare and learn in advance the contents corresponding to the course, using at least the materials indicated by the teacher. In some topics eGela questionnaires will be used. In class, questions and doubts about the content will be resolved and exercises will be carried out to work on the topic.

The students will have the following activities:

Out of class:

- Preparation and learning of the contents of the syllabus.

- Reading and preparation of bibliography.

- Preparation of eGela questionnaires.

- Use of tutoring.

- Carrying out individual work.

In the class:

- Discussion of the contents of the syllabus with the teacher and resolution of doubts.

- Translation of oral and written texts in Basque dialects.

- Carrying out and correcting exercises on the texts worked on.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 70
    • Individual works (%): 30

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

1. In the ordinary call, all students will take the continuous evaluation, unless they have expressly requested the final evaluation on time.

2. In the continuous evaluation, students must deliver at least 80% of the exercises and reach 50% of the total achievable score. The exercises performed in class will be delivered in class or uploaded from eGela, no later than the day after class before 6 p.m.

3. In the continuous evaluation, students will carry out individual work. Passing this work (50% of the points) is essential to pass the course.

4. Students will have the right to be evaluated through final evaluation, regardless of whether or not they participate in continuous evaluation. To exercise this right, the student must present to the teacher responsible for the coursea written waiver of continuous evaluation, within a period of nine weeks from the beginning of the semester in accordance with what is established in the school calendar of the Faculty. In the final evaluation, students must take a written exam that will have a theoretical and a practical side. This test will take place on official dates and times.

5. Waiver mode: in the case of continuous evaluation, students who wish to waive the call must do so at least one month in advance of the end of the course's teaching period. This request must be submitted in writing to the professor responsible for the course. In the case of the final evaluation, failure to take the test to be taken on the official exam date will automatically mean resignation from the call.

This evaluation system is designed for in-person schools and will be adapted in case new emergency situations arise. In this case, the teacher will post the updated subject program and the new evaluation system on EGELA.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

1. The evaluation system for the course in the extraordinary call will be the final evaluation through a written exam (100% of the final grade).

3. Failure to take the extraordinary call exam will automatically mean waiving the call.

This evaluation system is designed for in-person schools and will be adapted in case new emergency situations arise. In this case, the teacher will post the updated subject program and the new evaluation system on EGELA.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

- Class notes.
- Materials deposited in eGela.
- Basic bibliography.
- Texts and exercises used in class.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

I. Euskal dialektologiaz:

Alvarez Enparantza, Jose Luis & Gotzon Aurrekoetxea (koord.), 1987, Euskal dialektologiaren hastapenak, Bilbo: UEU. Interneten eskuragarri: .

Martínez Areta, Mikel, 2013, “Basque Dialects”, in M. Martínez Areta (arg.), Basque and Proto-Basque. Language-Internal and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Reconstruction, Bern: Peter Lang, 31-87.

Mitxelena, Koldo, 1981, “Lengua común y dialectos vascos”, ASJU 15, 291-313. Berrargit. in OC, VII, 517-543.

Zuazo, Koldo, 2014, Euskalkiak, Donostia: Elkar.

Zuazo, Koldo, 2015, Euskalkiak [sarean], Donostia: UPV/EHU. .

II. Euskararen historiaz:

Igartua, Iván & Xabier Zabaltza, 2012, Euskararen historia laburra. Breve Historia de la Lengua Vasca. A Brief History of the Basque Language, Donostia: Etxepare Euskal Institutua. Interneten eskuragarri: .

Mitxelena, Koldo, 1964, Sobre el pasado de la lengua vasca, Donostia: Auñamendi. Berrargit. in SHLV, I, 1-73; OC, V, 1-115.

Olaziregi, Mari Jose (zuz.), 2011, “Euskal literaturaren historia”, in Euskal Literaturaren Ataria [sarean]. Donostia: EIZIE. .

Ulibarri, Koldo, 2013, “External History. Sources for historical research”, in M. Martínez Areta (arg.), Basque and Proto-Basque. Language-Internal and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Reconstruction, Bern: Peter Lang, 89-117.

III. Testu bildumak:

Badihardugu Euskara Elkartea, Ahotsak.eus. Euskal Herriko hizkerak eta ahozko ondarea [sarean], Eibar. .

Euskaltzaindia, 1999, Euskal Herriko Hizkuntza Atlasa. Ohiko mintzamoldeen antologia, Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia [+ lau audio CD eta CD-ROM bat]. Interneten eskuragarri: .

Euskarabidea, 2016, Mediateka. Nafarroako Euskararen Mediateka [sarean]. Iruñea: Nafarroako Gobernua. .

Pagola, Rosa Miren, 1984, Euskalkiz euskalki, Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritza.

IV. Hizkuntza-terminologiarako:

Salaburu, Pello, Patxi Goenaga & Ibon Sarasola (zuz.), Sareko Euskal Gramatika [sarean], Leioa: UPV/EHU. .

In-depth bibliography

Aldekoa, Iñaki, 2004, Historia de la literatura vasca, Donostia: Erein.
Camino, Iñaki, 2003, “Hego-nafarreraren egituraz”, FLV 94, 427-468.
Camino, Iñaki, 2004, “Irizpide metodologikoak egungo euskal dialektologian”, Euskera 49:1, 67-102.
Camino, Iñaki, 2008, “Dialektologiaren alderdi kronologikoaz”, FLV 108, 209-247.
Camino, Iñaki, 2009, Dialektologiatik euskalkietara tradizioan gaindi, Donostia: Elkar.
Camino, Iñaki, 2011, “Ekialdeko euskalkien iraganaz”, in Epelde (arg.), 2011, 87-153.
Chambers, J. K. & Peter Trudgill, 1994, La dialectología, Madril: Visor Libros.
Epelde, Irantzu (arg.), 2011, Euskal dialektologia: lehena eta oraina, Bilbo: UPV/EHU.
Euskaltzaindia, 2010-2016, Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa (EHHA), 7 lib., Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia. Interneten eskuragarri: .
Gorrochategui Churruca, Joaquín, Iván Igartua Ugarte & Joseba A. Lakarra Andrinua (arg.), 2018, Euskararen Historia, Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritza.
Intxausti, Joseba, 1990, Euskara, euskaldunon hizkuntza. Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritza.
Lakarra, Joseba A., 2011 [2014], “Gogoetak euskal dialektologia diakronikoaz: Euskara Batu Zaharra berreraiki beharraz eta haren banaketaren ikerketaz”, in Epelde (arg.), 2011, 155-241.
Martínez Areta, Mikel (arg.), 2013, Basque and Proto-Basque. Language-Internal and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Reconstruction, Bern: Peter Lang.
Urkizu, Patri (arg.), 2000, Historia de la literatura vasca, Madril: UNED.
Zuazo, Koldo, 1998, “Euskalkiak, gaur”, FLV 78, 191-233.
Zuazo, Koldo, 2005, Euskara batua, ezina ekinez egina, Donostia: Elkar.


- ASJU = Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca “Julio de Urquijo”:
- Dialectologia:
- Euskera:
- FLV = Fontes Linguae Vasconum: - Lapurdum:
- Oihenart:

Web addresses

- Armiarma. Literaturaren sarean: . Euskal literaturari buruzko ataria: euskal klasikoen testuak, euskal idazleen biografiak eta bibliografiak, argazkiak, kritikak, literatur-aldizkariak…
- Euskaltzaindia. Euskararen Akademiaren webgunea: . Hurrengo atalak bereziki erabilgarriak dira: Euskaltzaindiaren hiztegia, Arauak, Dialektologia eta Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia
- Euskara eta euskalkiak. Euskara Mintzagai bildumako liburua:
. Dibulgazioko liburua, sarean irakurtzeko edo PDF formatuan jaisteko.

GroupsToggle Navigation

01-31 Teórico (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


11:00-13:00 (1)

11:00-11:30 (2)

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  • AULA 0.08 - . (1)
  • AULA 0.08 - . (2)

01-31 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


11:30-13:00 (1)

Teaching staff


  • AULA 0.08 - . (1)