XSL Content

3rd Language II: Catalan Language25398

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Basque Studies
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied computer-based groups6090

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The subject "Tercera lengua II: Lengua catalana" focuses on learning the Catalan language from a communicative approach, while not neglecting essential morphosyntactic aspects necessary for the acquisition of basic oral and written competencies that will allow students to express themselves correctly in Catalan in social communication situations typical of everyday life.


This elective subject in the third and fourth years is offered in degrees such as English Studies, Philology, Basque Studies, and Translation and Interpretation. Conceived as a continuation of the subject "Tercera lengua I: Lengua catalana," students will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to master oral and written competencies in Catalan set by level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Upon completion of the course, students should have attained the competencies required for a basic level of language (B1), meaning they should have a command of the language that enables them to carry out tasks and social communication situations typical of daily life.

The competencies assessed in this subject are organized into 5 areas:

1. Reading comprehension area: Students should be able to understand real texts, of informative and popular science nature, and simple opinion texts. They should be able to grasp the main information, relevant details, the purpose, and the author's opinions.

2. Writing expression area: Students should be able to write short texts to ask for and provide information, explain facts, express desires, plans, and proposals... in different discursive genres, registers, and situations.

3. Listening comprehension area: Students should be able to understand and extract relevant information from short oral texts typical of everyday life situations (advertisements, information on daily life topics, news, short dialogues...).

4. Grammar and vocabulary area: Students should demonstrate mastery of the most frequent elementary structures of the language, detailed in point 3 of the program.

5. Oral expression area: Students should be able to participate in conversations on topics of daily life, giving explanations, descriptions, etc., and should be able to respond to different everyday situations.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

The content of the subject is divided into 4 thematic units, and according to the semantic field worked on in each one, aspects of grammar, syntax, morphology, and culture related to the leitmotif will be addressed:


- Future indicative tense, review of imperfect and periphrastic past tenses (TLI: Lengua catalana I)

- Meteorology, types of accommodation, means of transportation, geographic accidents, countries and cities

- Future temporal markers, conditional subordinate clauses, accentuation of future forms, introduction to weak pronouns

- Planning a trip and explaining past trips

(expository text + oral presentation)


- Present perfect indicative tense and participles, imperative (positive)

- Foods, traditional recipes, kitchen utensils, cooking verbs

- Order and time markers, review of ordinal numerals, quantifiers and measures, structures to indicate preferences, weak pronouns for direct object, "hi," and binary combination

- Cooking recipe

(instructive text + oral presentation)


- Present subjunctive tense, imperative (negative), simple conditional tense, imperfect subjunctive tense

- Climate change, mass tourism, health, job precariousness

- Hypothetical conditional tense, structures to express opinions: complaint, suggestion, doubt, preference, agreement, and disagreement; textual connectors

- Complaint letter and opinion article based on a hypothesis: if I were...

(argumentative text)


- Review of subjunctive tense, contexts of confusion

- What appearsin the required reading

- Aspects related to the extraction, organization, and evaluation of ideas from a fragment of a larger work; relative clauses

- Text commentary based on a fragment of the required reading

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The methodology used in this subject is essentially communicative. With this purpose in mind, efforts are made to minimize the time spent on traditional lecturing by the teacher, which is replaced by theoretical instructions in PowerPoint presentations or in supporting materials provided to the students.

Therefore, most of the session duration will be devoted to oral activities in groups and addressing doubts.

In addition to regular sessions, complementary activities will be carried out to bring Catalan culture closer to the students and promote its dissemination, creating a bond beyond the strictly academic realm.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 40
    • Oral defense (%): 10
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 50

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Evaluation System

1. Continuous Assessment (to opt for this system, the student must not have more than 30% of sessions with unexcused absences)

- The syllabus is divided into four units, each closing with the submission of an assessable assignment which can be: individual or group, written or oral.

- In addition to this final assignment, Thematic Units 2 and 4 also have an intermediate assignment that will also be assessable.

- These submissions will be evaluated based on the sections included in each of the evaluation rubrics that students will have at their disposal at the beginning of each thematic unit.

The arithmetic average resulting from the grades of these submissions will account for 50% of the course grade.

2. Final Assessment

- For students who have opted for the continuous assessment system, the final test of the course, composed of a written part and an oral part, will account for the remaining 50% of the course grade.

- If the student has exceeded the number of unexcused absences or has opted for the final assessment system, the grade of this test will account for 100% of the course grade.


Any test, exercise, or assignment of any assessment modality (continuous or final) and any call (ordinary or extraordinary) will be considered FAILED if any FRAUDULENT ACTION (such as copying or plagiarism) is observed. Academic fraud is understood as dishonest and unethical practice, from copying in an exam or written test to appropriation of texts and infringement of copyright (plagiarism and/or cyberplagiarism), identity impersonation, or the buying and selling of academic work.


Regardless of whether they have participated in the continuous assessment system or not, students have the right to be assessed through the final assessment system. To do this, the student who wishes to must submit a written request to the professor in charge of the course to withdraw from the continuous assessment within 9 weeks from the start of the semester.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The extraordinary call is only for students who have not passed the course in the ordinary call, either because:

the final average grade is less than 5

they did not attend the final test during the ordinary period

In any case, the student who has to take the extraordinary call must contact the teacher to agree on the terms and conditions to pass the course.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Faltan contenidos

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Vilagrasa Grandia, Albert (2020). A punt. Curs de català. Llibre d'exercicis, 3. Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat

Vilagrasa Grandia, Albert (2020). A punt. Curs de català. Llibre de l'alumne, 3. Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat

Vallès, Tina (2017). La memòria de l’arbre. Editorial Anagrama.

In-depth bibliography

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Faltan contenidos

Web addresses

Faltan contenidos

GroupsToggle Navigation

84 Applied computer-based groups-1 (Catalan - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


11:00-13:00 (1)

11:00-13:00 (2)

Teaching staff


  • AULA 0.04 - . (1)
  • AULA 0.04 - . (2)