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Historical and Comparative Linguistics25361

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Basque Studies
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

All natural languages change over time. This change may be quicker or slower, but change is an essential feature of human language. The purpose of this course is to know how languages change and how their history and prehistory can be understood and investigated. Since this subject is offered in several degrees, the languages most frequently treated will be English, German, French, Spanish, Basque, Latin and Greek. The subject is part of a block of optional subjects relating to linguistics, and its contents and abilities are related to those of the other subjects of linguistics at the corresponding levels.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Transversal skills of the Linguistics module

M14CM05 (English Studies, Basque Studies), M23CM05 (Philology)

Development of analytical capacity and formulation of explanatory hypotheses on the linguistic structures of Spanish/Basque and other languages, using the scientific methodology and procedures characteristic of the General Linguistics, Historical and Comparative Linguistics.

M14CM06 (English Studies, Basque Studies), M23CM06 (Philology)

To be able to transmit information and ideas related to languages, as well as problem-solving methods, both to a specialized and non-specialized audience.

Bachelor of English Studies Competencies Related to Linguistics Module: G003, G005, G007, G010. Degree Competencies in Basque Studies related to the Linguistics module: G003, CB3. Bachelor's Degree in Philology Related to the Linguistics Module: G009, G008

The student must be able to identify and explain the basic concepts of historical and comparative linguistics and apply them to languages or other languages of preferential interest in the degree in which he or she studies. The ultimate goal is to have the basic skills to deal with problems related to the diachronic domain of language.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. Basic notions. The diachronic dimension of language. History and prehistory of languages. Language testimony.

2. The notions of historical and comparative linguistics. Presentation of the comparative method.

3. Fundamental concepts of historical phonetics and phonology: changes and trends.

4. The notion of Phonetic Law, and its application in Comparative Linguistics.

5. The fundamental concepts of diachronic morphology and morphological reconstruction.

6. Several subjects of diachronic syntax.

7. Semantic change.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

In general, the class shall have a theoretical part, and a number of practical exercises relating to theoretical aspects shall be developed.

In the event that face-to-face education is suspended as a result of a decree of confinement or a similar legal provision, classes and evaluation shall be on-line.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 90
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 10

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The students must advance their practices on the basis of the theoretical explanations and practical models provided in the classroom. Practices are mandatory and account for a certain percentage of the total marks, but there is no need for a minimum result in the practical part to pass the exam. The main part of the final result for the subject is provided by the final exam, which must be passed anyway.

According to the regulations for the academic evaluation in UPV/EHU official degrees, Chapter II, Article 8.3, anyone wishing to refuse so-called continuous evaluation shall submit a written waiver to the teacher at charge of the subject. To this end, there is a period of nine weeks from the beginning of the four-month period, in accordance with the academic calendar of the Faculty. In accordance with the Regulations, Chapter IV, Article 39, failure to do the final examination conveys "Not Submitted" for the evaluation of the topic. As well as that, if the student wishes to give up for the evaluation, he or she must write to the teacher responsible for the subject at least ten days before the start of the official examination period. The above-mentioned regulation, Chapter IV, Article 43, "Evaluation methods", specifies students who may be exempted from the proposed evaluation system.

See http://www.ehu.eus/documents/1690128/1967605/norm_fac_letras_eval_final.pdf

These students will perform only one final test.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Those who do not pass the exam in the ordinary call, regardless of the evaluation system chosen, shall have the right to take the examination that constitutes the final evaluation test of the extraordinary call.

For this extraordinary call, the evaluation shall be carried through only by means of the final evaluation system.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

The mandatory tools for the subject are the following:
- practical materials provided by the teacher or bibliography,
- theoretical materials provided by the teacher or bibliography,
- Basic bibliography.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- Campbell, L.: Historical Linguistics (An Introduction), Edinburgh 1998.

- Hock, H. H., & B. D. Joseph, 2009, Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship (An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics), second revised edition (1996) Berlin New York.

- Trask, Robert L.: (Trask’s) Historical linguistics, 2nd edition revised by Robert M. Millar, 2007.

In-depth bibliography

-Bynon, T.: Historical linguistics, Cambridge 1977 [hay trad. esp.].
-The Handbook of Historical Linguistics, ed. by Joseph, B.D. & Janda, R.D., Oxford 2003.
-Hock, H. H., 1991, Principles of Historical Linguistics, second revised and updated edition (1ª 1986), Berlin New York.
-Labov, W., 1994, Principles of Linguistic Change, Vol. I: Internal Factors, Oxford. Hay traducción española, Principios del cambio lingüístico. Factores internos, Gredos, Madrid 1996.
-Labov, W., 2001, Principles of Linguistic change, Vol. II: Social Factors, Oxford.
-Labov, W., 2001, Principles of Linguistic change, Vol. III: Cognitive and Cultural Factors, Oxford.
- Lass, R.: Historical linguistics and language change, Cambridge 1997.
- McCray, S.: Advanced Principles of Historical Linguistics, New York 1988.
- Michelena, L., 1963, Lenguas y protolenguas, Salamanca [existe traducción inglesa, Languages and Protolanguages, Bilbao, 1997].
- Patterns of Change. Change of Patterns. Linguistic Change and reconstruction methodology, ed. by P. Baldi, Berlin 1991.
- Research Guide on Language Change, ed. by E.C.Polomé, Berlin/New York 1990
- Sihler, A.L.: Language History. An Introduction, Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2000.
- Tejada Caller, P.: "El cambio lingüístico", Lingüística histórica inglesa, ed. por J. de la Cruz Cabanillas, F.J. Martín Arista, Barcelona 2001; 29-60.


Folia Linguistica Historica
The Journal of Historical Linguistics
Language Variation and Change

Web addresses


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31 Teórico (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


11:00-13:00 (1)

11:00-11:30 (2)

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  • AULA 0.01 - . (2)

31 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


11:30-13:00 (1)

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