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Environmental Conditioning I27938

School of Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

There is more and more talk of self-sufficient or positive energy buildings, where electricity generation based on technologies such as photovoltaic panels marks a very strong trend in the 21st century architecture. However, these technologies on their own, do not solve the problem, since they have to respond to the needs of each building, which requires extensive knowledge about the building's electrical consumption. Given this scenario, during this subject, students will have the opportunity to acquire technical and critical skills to know the main ideas of electricity consumption in their buildings, from lighting to ventilation equipment, which will allow them to design coherent electrical systems within buildings. In addition, a good design of the openings of the building will allow to optimize the artificial lighting system, reducing its electrical consumption and improving the comfort degree for users. Finally, all this knowledge will allow students to face their professional development with technical rigor, adapting to the new needs requested by regulators, the market and society; as well as, providing added value from their work

The subject Environmental Conditioning I is part of the knowledge area of Architectural Constructions and is taught in the first quarter of the fourth year of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture. This subject, which continues the subjects Services I and II of the 3rd year, is included in the Basic Technical (M2) and Advanced Technical (M05) modules in Construction, Structures and Installations. Although no specific knowledge or competence is required prior to the development of this subject, it is recommended to master aspects such as the principles of light, which is taught in the annual subject Concepts of the Physical Environment of the first year of the degree in Fundamentals of Architecture. In turn, it is advisable to have knowledge about aspects taught in Services I - II, since these systems will directly influence the electrical consumption of a building.

Throughout these four subjects, aspects related to Services and Installations will be analysed, evaluated and designed, which have more and more involvement (technical, legal, economic and aesthetic-compositive) in the Architecture of the 21st century. The basic principles, designs, dimensions, systems, elements and materials that allow a space (depending on its use) to be safe, healthy-inhabitable, comfortable, efficient and can be used for what it is conceived for will be deepened and justified. , within an architectural perspective, which is none other than, the global and integrating vision that as Architects in terms of Building we must have.

During this subject of Environmental Conditioning I we will focus particularly on:

-Based on current regulations, designing and calculating the electrical system of the building –

- Integrating and calculating renewable electricity generation systems in the building

-Analyzeing the passive behavior of the building in relation to natural lighting, allowing the design of shading strategies that allow the achievement of objectives linked to each project. –

-Designing, calculating and justifying the artificial lighting system of the building. –

-Validateing the use of different artificial lighting elements for each project

-Evaluating the influence of natural lighting in the calculation of artificial lighting .

Finally, it should be noted that in the 5th year there are optional intensification subjects that allow deepening in the field of lighting and electrical behavior of the building: Energy Optimization of heritage. After completing the degree, students have at their disposal different possibilities of specialized training in the field of services and facilities, where the Master in Research in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry, Transport, Building and Urban Planning of the UPV/EHU stands out.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

GENERAL COMPETENCES of the module The competences of the modules associated with this subject are mainly focused on 2 of the modules:

_M02-Basic Technician: Construction, Structures and Installations (M02CM04): Basic ability to: Preserve the rough work; Project building and urban installations for transformation and electrical supply, audiovisual communication, acoustic conditioning and artificial lighting; Preserve facilities.

_M05-Advanced Technician. Construction Structures and Facilities (M05CM02): Advanced ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate into buildings and urban complexes and execute: Building structures; Interior division systems, carpentry, stairs and other finished work; Enclosure systems, roofing and other heavy work; Facilities for the supply, treatment and evacuation of water, heating and air conditioning.

_M05-Advanced Technician. Construction Structures and Installations (M05CM04): Advanced capacity to: Preserve the main work; Project building and urban installations for transformation and electrical supply, audiovisual communication, acoustic conditioning and artificial lighting; Preserve facilities.


_Competence 1. Design, calculate and integrate the electrical system of the building into the architecture Learning outcomes

R01. Identifies and lists the main elements of the electrical system of a building according to the existing regulations

R02. Design the single-line diagram of the electrical system based on current regulatory requirements and performance of the

R03 elements. Calculates the dimensions and technical performance of the elements that make up the electrical system by using calculation tools

R04. Based on a technical document, it justifies compliance with existing regulations in relation to electrical calculation

_Competence 2. Predimensioning and integrating a renewable electricity generation system into the architecture Learning outcomes

R05. Identify and list the different renewable systems

R06. Design the scheme and pre-dimension of the renewable system through the use of calculation tools

_Competence 3. Dimension the openings and define the shading system according to the calculation of natural lighting Learning outcomes

R07. List, identify and evaluate the aspects that influence when calculating the influence of natural lighting on a building

R08. Calculates natural lighting based on different geometries of openings

R09. Design and calculate the influence of shading elements

_Competence 4. Design and calculate the building's artificial lighting systemLearning outcomes

R10. Identifies, lists and evaluates the elements that make up the artificial lighting system

R11. Design the artificial system based on current regulatory requirements and performance of the

R12 elements. Calculate the artificial lighting of the different spaces by using calculation tools

R13. Based on a technical document, it justifies compliance with the existing regulations in relation to the calculation of artificial lighting


_Competence 5. Work within a group, developing tasks that contribute at individual and group level Learning results

R14. Makes the necessary personal contributions to carry out group activities, in a timely and serious manner.

R15. Create a joint work among all team members, collecting the contributions of all members.

R16. Resolve conflicts that may arise with team members, with respect and maturity.

_Competence 6. Being able to communicate correctly both orally and in writing Learning outcomes

R17. Communicates orally in a clear and dynamic way

R18. Written communication integrates some minimum criteria required for this type of work: structure, format, referencing, bibliography, titles, image quality, uniformity,…

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

-ELECTRICITY: fundamentals, magnitudes, regulations, generation, electrical system in the building, sizing and calculation, photovoltaic-

-NATURAL LIGHTING: magnitudes, shading elements, calculation. –

-ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING: magnitudes, design tools, system elements, regulations, calculation

–ACOUSTICS: General and normative concepts (CTE-DB-HR)

MethodologyToggle Navigation

In order for students to materialize the learning outcomes defined above, the methodology of project or problem-based learning (Project Based Learning; PBL) will be followed, a teaching technique based on self-learning and the development of critical thinking, whose The objective is that the students, gathered in small groups (3 people) and with the facilitation of a tutor, analyze and solve a problem posed in the form of a scenario for the achievement of certain learning objectives. To do this, these groups will work on four projects that will be based on the drafting of various technical documents, which will allow identifying, calculating, discussing and designing a solution to the initially proposed scenario. This active methodology with continuous assessment will promote group work and guided learning so that students can achieve excellence at the end of the course. Along with this main activity, there will be two other activities within the subject. On the one hand, based on specific theoretical tests, a control of the individual knowledge of each student will be carried out. In turn, based on already built architectural projects, each student will carry out individual work that will focus on writing a document that reflects how they have been integrated and how the energy installations have influenced the selected building(s). To facilitate and ensure student learning, both group and individual practices and theoretical content tests will be monitored. Feedback will be provided based on previously established evaluation criteria, so that students have the opportunity to become aware of their learning, as well as ways to improve it.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Multiple-Choice Test (%): 20
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 75
    • Unified workshop (%): 5

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Students have the right not to follow the subject trough the continuous evaluation and to pass it by means of a final evaluation method on the ordinary convocatory.

The final evaluation for the extraordinary call will consist in the delivery of all THREE courses long the activities as well as taking a written exam. AN AVERAGE GRADE OVER 5 IN EVERY DELIVERY WILL BE MANDATORY, and none of them could get below 4.

In order to do this, the student should deliver the teacher his ir her written resignation before the 9th week.

Not attending the final test, nor delivering the chores will imply the students resignation. Resignations will be recorded as “no show” .

The evaluation for this course, will be continuous, and will be fulfilled by the following chores:

Chore 1: electricity : 40%

Chore 2: Natural Lighting: 15%.

Chore 3: Artificial light 15%

Written test (Exam): 30%

TOTAL: 100%

The written test developed on the exam date, will have both a theoretical and a practice part. Theory will be graded over 70% and practical 30%. An average grade of 5 will be required, and none of the parts could get below 4 in order to get admitted for evaluation.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Students who do not pass the course in the ordinary call, no matter what type of evaluation they choose, will have the wright to and exam and evaluation activities, which are part of the extraordinary evaluation call.

The final evaluation for the extraordinary call will consist in the delivery of all THREE courses long the activities as well as taking a written exam. A AVERAGE GRADE OVER 5 IN EVERY DELIVERY WILL BE MANDATORY, and none of them could get below 4.

The weight of each of the gradable parts goes as follow:





TOTAL 100%

The written test developed on the exam date, will have both a theoretical and a practice part. Theory will be graded over 70% and practical 30%. An average grade of 5 will be required, and none of the parts could get below 4 in order to get admitted for evaluation.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

The course uses the eGela platform from the Virtual UPV-EHU campus, where the subjects program, the guides for the 3 exercise and Project chores, the study material for each subject, debate forums, glossary, wikis, lecture questionnaires and evaluation ones. Necessary chores and data will be uploaded to the platform as the course develops.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

-Código Técnico de la Edificación.

-Reglamento electrotécnico para baja tensión - REBT.

In-depth bibliography

-Carrasco Sánchez Emilio, & Carrasco Sánchez Emilio. (2008). Instalaciones eléctricas de baja tensión en edificios de viviendas (2a. ed.). Tébar.
-Feijó Muñoz Jesús, & Feijó Muñoz Jesús. (2017). Instalaciones eléctricas en la arquitectura (3ª ed. corr. y amp, Ser. Manuales y textos universitarios. arquitectura, 8). Universidad de Valladolid.
-González Lezcano Roberto Alonso, Aramburu Gaviola Félix, Aramburu Gaviola Félix, Sancho Alambillaga Rocío, Sancho Alambillaga Rocío, & González Lezcano Roberto Alonso. (2011). Diseño y cálculo de instalaciones eléctricas en baja tensión: ejercicios resueltos (Ser. Arquitectura y tecnología, 10). Munilla-lería.

Brandi, U., & Licht, U. B. (2006). Lighting design: principles implementation case studies (Ser. Detail practice). Edition Detail.
-Corrodi, M., Spechtenhauser, K., Spechtenhauser, K., Auer, G., & Corrodi, M. (2008). Illuminating: natural light in residential architecture (Ser. Edition wohnen). Birkhäuser.
-Gardner, C., Molony, R., Molony, R., & Gardner, C. (2002). Luz: reinterpretación de la arquitectura (Ser. Transformaciones). McGraw-Hill.

-Chapa Carreón Jorge, & Chapa Carreón Jorge. (1990). Manual de instalaciones de alumbrado y fotometría.
-Feijó Muñoz Jesús, & Feijó Muñoz Jesús. (1994). Instalaciones de iluminación en la arquitectura (Ser. Arquitectura y urbanismo, 23). Universidad de Valladolid.
-Martín Sánchez Franco, & Martín Sánchez Franco. (2005). Manual práctico de iluminación. Antonio Madrid Vicente.


- Energy and building, Elsevier (Q1, 2020).
- Building and Environment, Elsevier (Q1, 2020).
- Energy, Elsevier (Q1, 2020).
- Energy policy, Elsevier (Q1, 2020).
- Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier (Q1, 2020).
- Sustainability, MDPI (Q2, 2020).
- Energies, MDPI (Q3, 2020).
- Buildings, MDPI (Q1 – SJR, 2020).
- Informes de la construcción, CSIC (Q4, 2020).

Web addresses

http://www.codigotecnico.org/index.php?id=33 http://www.ffii.nova.es/puntoinfomcyt/formulario-lseg01.asp
https://www.plcmadrid.es/rebt/ http://www.generadordeprecios.info/#gsc.tab=0
https://www.dmelect.com/ http://solardat.uoregon.edu/SunChartProgram.php
http://andrewmarsh.com/apps/releases/sunpath2d.html http://calumenlive.com/find-glazing#
https://www.dialux.com/es-ES/dialux https://www.lighting.philips.es/inicio
https://www.auralight.com/en/luminaires https://www.saltoki.com/iluminacion/

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