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Urban Planning IV. Introduction to Urban Proposals & Landscape27937

School of Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

This subject is part of the 3rd academic year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture.

According to the competences established by the Bachelor’s Degree, this subject is an approach to urban planning legislation. The subject will introduce the student in the understanding of the tools provided by urban planning for the scale of urban projects.

The aim of the subject focuses providing the student knowledge and practice of the legal instruments and techniques for planning city’s layout, in the scale of Partial Plans.

Therefore, the subject will focus on: the analysis of the current urbanization processes and the ability to apply detailed planning methodologies; knowledge and reflection about the current urban development processes; the practice of urban design techniques and ways of perception (numerical, conceptual, visual) for the urban layout and landscape; the challenges set out by the contemporary city.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The aim of the subject is to develop the following skills:

- Appropriate knowledge of urbanism, planning and the techniques applied to the planning process.

- Knowledge of the civil, administrative, urban, construction and industrial regulations related to the professional practice.

- b.19 understanding of urban planning procedures.

- b.28 legal fundaments

- Ability to apply planning methodologies to the detailed scale.

- To develop planning techniques in order to bring an urban, open space and landscape project in to an urban plan.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

During the semester there will be the following lectures in order to explain those concepts:

1. Introduction to this subject and the Land Law. Rights and duties.

2. Planning tools depending on the scale. Hierarchies. Regional planning.

3. Evolution of planning.

4. Urban planning in the Basque Country and Navarre: structuring and detail scale planning.

5. Detailed planning and its relation with the urban project.

6. The Partial Plan as a tool to develop new urban land.

7. Property and land use in detailed planning.

8. Parcelling layouts and building typologies. Housing typologies.

9. Parcelling layouts and building typologies. Industrial and commercial typologies. Economic activities in the city.

10. Urban parameters and detailed planning systems.

Every lecture will be completed with practical exercises.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

There will be theoretical lectures that provide the necessary fundamentals to acquire the skills of the subject.

The theoretical concepts will be put into practice through the development of different type of practical exercises: class and workshop exercises.

- workshop exercise: regular workshop sessions in order to develop urban projects with the guidance of the teacher.

- class exercises: exercises in which students will be involved in transferring theoretical concepts towards the development of practical exercises.

They include both individual and group work that might be developed in class.

Some of the exercises will include oral presentations and debate sessions.

Questions will be solved either in class or in tutorial sessions.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 25
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 25
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 50

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


The theoretical exam of January will mean the 25% of the final mark. Students will need a minimum mark of 5 to be able to get an averaged mark with the practical exercise mark.

There won’t be any intermediate exam.

The total practical exercises will mean the 75% of the final mark. Each practical exercise group will be evaluated as it follows:

- workshop exercises 40%

- class exercises 25%

- integrated workshop exercise 10%

Students will need a minimum mark of 5 at each practical exercise group to be able to get an averaged mark with the theoretical exam mark.

The proposed submission dates will be clearly specified in class and in the wording of the exercises. They must be respected. Delays on the submission of exercises will be penalised (with a reduction of the 25% of the mark).

Active participation in class will be highly valued.

Students provenly unable to follow the continuous evaluation course, by justified cause, will have the right to take a final evaluation. This final evaluation will consist in the delivery of the practical exercise work and an extra written exercise. The above situation must be notified to the teacher within the first 9 weeks of the course.

Should a student prefers to be granted a not presented mark after having submitted only part of the course exercises, he or she must notify this choice to the teacher by e-mail not later than one week prior to the final examination date.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Those students that have taken the course as described and have not passed it must contact the teacher in charge in order to agree the way to pass the course in the extraordinary call.

Those students that have not taken the course as described must contact the teacher in charge in order to agree a specific plan for them.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

- Administración CAPV (1990): "LEY 4/1990", BOPV, 131, 5.988-6.006.
- Administración CAPV (2006): "LEY 2/2006", BOPV, 138, 15.396-15.570.
- Administración CAPV (2008): "LEY 11/2008", BOPV, 238, 30.433-30.436.
- Administración CAPV (2008): "DECRETO 105/2008", BOPV, 118.
- Administración CAPV (2012): "DECRETO 123/2012", BOPV, 143.

- Administración España (2008): "DECRETO 2/2008", BOE, 154.
- Administración España (1978): "DECRETO 3288/1978", BOE, 27, 2.451-2.464.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- GATÓN PÉREZ DE ALBÉNIZ, Javier, Instrumentos de Planeamiento de la CAPV: apuntes genéricos, IVAP, Oñati, 2002

- ESTEBAN NOGUERA, J. (2011): La ordenación urbanística: conceptos, herramientas y prácticas, Edicions UPC, Bartzelona. [1. argit. UPC Postgrau bild. ISBN: 978-84-7653-585-1]

- GARCÍA MAZA, R.B; IZETA BERAETXE, J.I. (2011): Manual básico de derecho urbanístico vasco, IVAP, Oñati. [1. argit. ISBN: 978-84-7777-377-1]

- PIZARRO ASENJO, J.A. (2011): Hirigintza Zuzenbidea: hastapenak, EHU, Bilbo. [1. argit. ISBN: 978-84-9860-565-5]

- TEJERINA GONZÁLEZ, J.I. (2010): Manual de ejecución urbanística, IVAP, Oñati. [1. argit. ISBN: 978-84-7777-363-4]

Web addresses

- Departamento de Medioambiente y Ordenación del Territorio del Gobierno Vasco, http://www.ingurumena.ejgv.euskadi.net/r49-home/eu/
-Boletín Oficial del País Vasco, http://www.lehendakaritza.ejgv.euskadi.net/r48-bopv2/eu/bopv2/datos/Azkena.shtml
-Portal de catastro Gipuzkoa, http://www4.gipuzkoa.net/ogasuna/catastro/presenta.asp
-Portal de Cartografía de Gipuzkoa, http://b5m.gipuzkoa.net/web5000/
-Portal de Medioambiente de Gipuzkoa, http://www4.gipuzkoa.net/MedioAmbiente/gipuzkoaingurumena/eu/home.asp
-Gipuzkoako Aldizkari Ofiziala, https://ssl4.gipuzkoa.net/boletin/asp/index.asp
-Udalplan, aplicación de Gobierno Vasco sobre el planeamiento vigente, http://www.geo.euskadi.net/udalplan/visor/viewer.htm

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