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Urban Planning III. Urban Planning Legislation27936

School of Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

This subject is part of the 3rd academic year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture.

According to the competences established by the Bachelor’s Degree, this subject is an approach to the urban project and to the study of territorial and landscape conditions that promote different land uses, as well as their impact on the generation of different urban layouts. The subject will also introduce the student in the urban study of housing and economical activities.

Therefore, the subject will focus on: basic tools for the urban project, the design of road systems and their components, the distinction of the functions and elements of the urban project and the capacity to evaluate the quality of an urban area.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The aim of the subject is to develop the following skills:

- ability to design, practice and development of urban plans

- capacity to design and perform urban layouts and urbanization, landscape and gardening projects.

- b.19 understanding of urban planning procedures.

- a.13 skills to design open spaces.

- understanding of the basic tools for the urban plan.

- planning and components of road layouts.

- capacity to evaluate urban growth alternatives.

- evaluate the qualities of urban spaces.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

During the semester there will be the following lectures in order to explain those concepts:

1. The building of place and landscape

2. The urban project and the urban plan

3. The rural and urban space. Public and private areas in the city.

4. The urban project and the territory.

5. Housing, industrial and commercial typologies.

6. Planning of public spaces. The road system as the basis for the urban structure. The street and its variations.

7. Planning of public spaces. The square in the construction of urban areas.

8. Planning of public spaces. Public buildings in the city.

9. Planning of public spaces. Leisure and open spaces.

10. Planning of parceling of land.

Every lecture will be completed with practical exercises.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

There will be theoretical lectures that provide the necessary fundamentals to acquire the skills of the subject.

The theoretical concepts will be put into practice through the development of different type of practical exercises: class and workshop exercises.

- workshop exercise: regular workshop sessions in order to develop urban projects with the guidance of the teacher.

- class exercises: exercises in which students will be involved in transferring theoretical concepts towards the development of practical exercises.

They include both individual and group work that might be developed in class.

In this semester students will also develop an exercise in the integrated workshop (with different teaching staff) in order to develop a topic proposed by the Architectural Design subject.

Some of the exercises will include oral presentations and debate sessions.

Questions will be solved either in class or in tutorial sessions.


When face-to-face teaching is suspended, teaching will be held via

BlackBoard Collaborate videoconferencing tool, included in eGela


Previously, teachers will inform students about this change via eGela,

the virtual classroom of the subject.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 25
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 25
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 40
    • Trabajo del taller integrado (%): 10

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The theoretical exam of January will mean the 25% of the final mark. Students will need a minimum mark of 5 to be able to get an averaged mark with the practical exercise mark.

There won’t be any intermediate exam.

The total practical exercises will mean the 75% of the final mark. Each practical exercise group will be evaluated as it follows:

- workshop exercises 40%

- class exercises 25%

- integrated workshop exercise 10%

Students will need a minimum mark of 5 at each practical exercise group to be able to get an averaged mark with the theoretical exam mark.

The proposed submission dates will be clearly specified in class and in the wording of the exercises. They must be respected. Delays on the submission of exercises will be penalised (with a reduction of the 25% of the mark).

Active participation in class will be highly valued.

Students provenly unable to follow the continuous evaluation course, by justified cause, will have the right to take a final evaluation. This final evaluation will consist in the delivery of the practical exercise work and an extra written exercise. The above situation must be notified to the teacher within the first 9 weeks of the course.

Should a student prefers to be granted a not presented mark after having submitted only part of the course exercises, he or she must notify this choice to the teacher by e-mail not later than one week prior to the final examination date.


If attendance to University is suspended, for example in case of

health emergency, the assessment test will be carried out by virtual

means, such as BlackBoard Collaborate or eGela.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Those students that have taken the course as described and have not passed it must contact the teacher in charge in order to agree the way to pass the course in the extraordinary call.

Those students that have not taken the course as described must contact the teacher in charge in order to agree a specific plan for them.


If attendance to University is suspended, for example in case of

health emergency, the assessment test will be carried out by virtual

means, such as BlackBoard Collaborate or eGela.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- BACON EDMUND N. 1975, Design of Cities, Thames and Hudson, London,. ISBN 050027133X.

- GEOFFREY BROADBENT 1990, Emerging Concepts in Urban Space Desig, Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York. ISBN 0747600252.

- JULI ESTEBAN NOGUERA 2011, La ordenación urbanística: conceptos, herramientas y prácticas, Edicions UPC, Bartzelona. [1. argit. UPC Postgrau bild. ISBN: 978-84-7653-585-1]

- JOSÉ FARIÑA TOJO 2001, La ciudad y el medio natural, Akal, Madril. ISBN 978-84-460-1657-1.

- AGUSTIN HERNÁNDEZ AJA 1997, La ciudad de los ciudadanos

- JANE JACOBS 1973, Muerte y vida de las grandes ciudades, Península, Madrid.

- JÖRG C KIRSCHENMANN 1985, Vivienda y espacio público, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. ISBN 8425212529.

- ROBERT KRIER 1981, El espacio urbano Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. ISBN 8425210399.

- KEVIN LYNCH 1976, La imagen de la ciudad Infinito, Gustavo Gili, Buenos Aires 1976.

- MARTINEZ CARO, C. & DE LAS RIVAS, J. L. 1990, Arquitectura urbana, Bellisco, Madrid. ISBN 8485196395.

- MANUEL SOLÀ-MORALES i RUBIÓ 2008, Hiri-hazkunde motak. 1. argitalpena. Bilbo: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. ISBN: 978-84-9860-138-1.

In-depth bibliography

- DIETER BOEMINGHAUS 1985, Pavimentos y límites urbanos, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. ISBN 8425211697.
- JOHN BROOKES 1992, Guía completa de jardines, Naturart S. A., Barcelona. ISBN 8487535887.
- PILAR CHUECA 2009, Atlas Plantas de Vivienda, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. ISBN 9788489861640.
- AURORA FERNÁNDEZ PER, JAVIER ARPA 2007, Density projects. 36 new concepts on collective housing, A+T ediciones, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava). ISBN 978-84-612-1335-1
- AURORA FERNÁNDEZ PER, JAVIER ARPA 2007, Density. Condensed edition. New collective housing, A+T ediciones, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava). ISBN 84-611-1203-2
- JOSE ANTONIO LOPEZ CANDEIRA 1.999, Introducción al diseño urbano. Teoría y práctica, Editorial Munilla-leria, Madrid. ISBN: 9788489150294.
- JOSE ANTONIO LOPEZ CANDEIRA 1.999, Tratamiento del espacio exterior, Editorial Munilla-leria, Madrid. ISBN 9788489150546.
- JIM MACCLUSKEY 1985, El diseño de vías urbanas, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. ISBN 8425212006.
- M.O.P.U. 1984, La calle: diseño para peatones y vehículos, Editorial: Dirección General de Urbanismo. Madrid.
- JAVIER PÉREZ IGUALADA 2005 Manzanas, bloques y casas. Formas construidas y formas del suelo en la ciudad contemporánea, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia. ISBN 84-9705-850-X.
- JEAN PIERRE MURET Y OTROS 1987, Les espaces urbains, Editions du Moniteur, París. ISBN 2281121305.
- PAULHANS PETERS 1979, La Ciudad Peatonal, Gustavo Gili Barcelona. ISBN 8425209188.
- FRIEDERIKE SCHNEIDER 2006, Atlas de Plantas Vivienda, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. ISBN 8425220505.
- MARITA TIEDEMANN, Atlas de Plantas de Viviendas: Casos Singulares, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. ISBN 8425219116.
- KYUKO TSURU 1992, Elements and total concepts of Urban Street Furniture Design, Graphic-sha, Tokio. ISBN 4766106946.

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