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Construction I27926

School of Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The subjects of construction as well as the subjects dedicated to structures and instalations are inscribed in the more technical modules of the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture. The subject of Construction I in the 3rd year is included in the Module M02 "Basic Techniques: Construction, Structures and Installations".

After a first approach to construction in the first year, during the second year materials and construction techniques are studied basically. In the 3rd year, in the subject Construction I, during the first term, we are going to approach to different constructive elements that compose a building, beginning with the earth moving and the foundation, continuing with the structure and finishing with the roof.

The subject will have a continuation in the second term with Construction II, which will complement the knowledge acquired during the 1st term. The building is understood as a whole, where the constructive aspects take a roll of interrelation among others related to aesthetics and facilities. Regarding the following years, during the fourth year, industrialization in the construction process is treated and in the fifth year the subject is diversified according to the different mentions. Therefore these are a series of key subjects in the basic training of the student.

In this subject, conventional construction systems are taught: foundations, structures and heavy work. Thoroughout the term, basic knowledge is taught to develop the constructive part of an Execution Project or Working Project in terms of earth moving, foundations, structures and roofs.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


 Ability to apply technical and constructive standards.

 Preserving the structure of building, foundation and civil works.

 Conceiving and designing foundation solutions in buildings

 Conceiving and designing building structures and stairs.

 Conceiving and designing roof systems

 Conservation of finished work


 Knowing the different conventional constructive systems used in the design of foundations, structure and the roof of a residential buildings built in our environment.

 Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each of the existing constructive and structural systems from different points of view in order to understand the reasons for their greater or lesser implantation.

 Establishing the basis for choosing the best structural and constructive system by understanding the relationships and interdependencies that occur between the different elements that make up the building object of a Project.

 Defining and adapting the chosen foundation, structure and roof systems to the building's construction characteristics.

 From the constructive point of view, drafting the documentation required to describe textually and graphically parts of the Implementation Project related to the foundation, structure and roof.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Contents of the subject are:


 Previous work:

- Land reconnaissance techniques and the Geotechnical Survey

- Earth moving

- The laying out of the foundation

 Basic concepts and normative and technical parameters to be considered when choosing the type of foundation.

 The transmission of loads in the building.

 Surface foundations: isolated footing, combined footing, strip footing, bracing beams, gratings and foundation slabs.

 Semi-deep foundations: wells.

 Deep foundations: prefabricated piles, piles made in situ and pile cap.

 Buried walls:

- Basement walls, screen walls, pile walls, retaining walls and anchored walls made by trenches.

- Waterproofing and drainage.

 Slabs.

 Technical documentation: technical report and graphical representation of the foundation.


 Basic concepts and normative and technical parameters to be considered when choosing the type of structure.

 Porticated structures in reinforced concrete:

- Pillars, beams and frames

- Unidirectional slabs: concepts, joists made in situ, semi-resistant joists, resistant joists, bean filling and reinforcement.

- Bidirectional slabs: concepts, nerve formation, conveyed, bands and boxes, abacuses and singular points,

- Solid slabs: reinforcement and strengthenings.

- Unions and singular points: balconies and eaves.

- Stairs: concepts, typology, design and construction

 Technical documentation: technical report and graphical representation of the foundation.


 Basic concepts and normative and technical parameters to be considered when choosing the type of roof.

 Roof tipes

 Flat roof:

- Components: layers and materials.

- Traditional roof.

- Inverted roof.

- Garden roof.

- Water evacuation systems.

 Sloped roofs:

- Components: layers and materials.

- Water drainage systems

 Technical documentation: technical report and graphical representation of the foundation.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The subject will be developed according to the PBL (Project Based Learning) methodology, based on cooperative learning based on projects, according to ERAGIN. It will consist on the group development of a project, based on a driving question, the definition of a scenario and the sources of information.

With the PBL methodology various types of coherent activities will be used, such as prior knowledge surveys, group self-assessment, personal portfolio preparation, brainstorming, poster preparation, public presentations, technical talks by invited professionals, contrasted peer discussions, discussions and debate, cooperative activities such as puzzles and exercises, collaborative forums on the eGela virtual platform, individual assessment tests of minimum knowledge and development of delivery work.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 24
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 60
    • Actitud y participación en el curso (%): 16

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The subject of Construction I, together with the subjects of projects and Urbanism, participates in the Integrated Workshop of 3rd Year. Since the tasks of the ERAGIN program are hardly compatible with the question, calendar and working process of the Workshop, both activities will be evaluated separately to obtain the overall evaluation of the subject:

- ERAGIN Project: 85%

- Integrated Workshop: 15%

Not all students participate in the Integrated Workshop but those who are enrolled in the subject of Projects V of 3rd Year. Therefore, students who do NOT have to follow the Integrated Workshop will have to carry out an activity parallelly to the PBL and similar to the one proposed in the Workshop in terms of workload, This parallel activity will have a value of 15% in the final evaluation .

There are two ways to pass the subject:


In this mode, the continuous monitoring of the PBL, for classroom work as well as the work developed outside the classroom, through the different activities, tasks, tests and work deliveries is proposed as the way to pass the subject. The three main work deliveries and the three individual tests to be carried out during the course must have a mark higher than 5, each one. Individual work deliveries and tests that do not reach this value can be redone in the ordinary and/or extraordinary final calls.

In order to obtain the final evaluation of each student, the following sections will be taken into account:

- Work delivered, tasks and activities associated with each subject (54% of the final mark):

- The qualification will be the same for all the members of the group.

- Part of the evaluation will correspond to the lecturer of the subject while another part will be in the hands of students of other groups after the peer review of the work deliveries of each subject.

- The instrument that will be used to assess the quality of the work delivered, by the teacher and by the students, will be the rubric. Depending on the content of each subject, specific rubrics will be prepared for each deliverable.

- Individual test associated to each subject (30% of the final mark):

- Three tests of minimum knowledge to be carried out individually during the four-month period, which correspond to the three main subjects of the term: the foundations, the structure and the roof.

- In order to pass the term each of the three individual tests must have an evaluation equal to or higher than 5 points. The minimum knowledge tests that could not be passed during the term can be redone in the dates foreseen by the Center for the final examns.

- The individual final evaluation marks will be determined according to the obtained mark and the number of opportunities that have been necessary.

- If ALL members of the group pass the minimum knowledge during the regular course of the course will get ONE additional POINT in the mark of the test.

- Attitude and participation in the course (16% of the final mark):

- The student's attitude and participation in the project and in the development of the course will be evaluated both by the teacher and by the students in as self-assessment.

- The attitude and participation of the group as a whole will be assessed in the course as well as the individual of each of the students, both in the group and in the course.


Students will have the right of not following the subject according to the continuous evaluation, and to pass it by a final evaluation in the ordinary call. The final evaluation will result from the evaluation of a single final exam, to be performed on the officially established day, and an individual practical test, equivalent to the sum of the three partial practices proposed during the term. Both tests must obtain a minimum mark of 5 points (passed). For this purpose, the student must communicate in writing to the professor his/ her resignation to the continuous evaluation, before the 9th week of the term.


Not attending the classes and not following the normal development of the subject carrying out the proposed activities will mean the resignation to the continuous assessment. Moreover, not attending the final exam, nor delivering the final work in the final evaluation, will mean the resignation to the final evaluation. The resignation to both evaluations will be recorded as "Not Presented".

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


After having followed the course, the students who have not passed some of the expected evaluable activities (delivered work, individual tests, etc.) during the course or in the regular call will have another oportunity. They will have the option to retake them, in the extraordinary call.


Students will have the right not to follow the course according to the continuous assessment, and to pass it by a final evaluation in the extraordinary call. The final evaluation will result from the evaluation of a single final exam, to be performed on the officially established day, and an individual practical work/test, equivalent to the sum of the three partial practices. Both tests must obtain a minimum mark of 5 points (passed). For this purpose, the student must communicate in writing to the professor his/ her resignation to the continuous evaluation, before the 9th week of the term.


Not attending the classes and not following the normal development of the subject carrying out the proposed activities will mean the resignation to the continuous assessment. Moreover, not attending the final exam, nor delivering the final work in the final evaluation, will mean the resignation to the final evaluation. The resignation to both evaluations will be recorded as "Not Presented".

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- Paricio, Ignacio. “La construcción de la arquitectura: las técnicas”. I.T.E.C. Barcelona

- Paricio, Ignacio. “La construcción de la arquitectura: los elementos”. I.T.E.C. Barcelona

- NUCLEUS. English for science and technology. Architecture and building construction, James Cumming. Longman 1993

- Deplazes, Andrea. “Constructing Achitecture: Materials, processes, Structures. A handbook”. Birkhäuser. Zurich

- Sánchez-Ostiz Gutiérrez, Ana. “Cerramientos de edificios: cubiertas” CIE Dossat

- Autores varios. “Números gordos”. Cister

- Gordon, J.E. “Estructuras o porqué las cosas no se caen”. Celeste ediciones. Madrid

- Regalado Tesoro, Florentino. “Los forjados de los edificios: pasado, presente y futuro”. CYPE Ingenieros

- Lozano Apolo, Jerónimo. “Curso diseño, cálculo, construcción y patología de los forjados”. Ed. Lozano y asociados.

- Pérez Valcarcel, Juan B. “Excavaciones urbanas y estructuras de contención”. COAG

- García Valcarce, A. “Manual de edificación: derribos y demoliciones. Actuaciones sobre el terreno”. Ed. EUNSA

- Montero Fernandez de Bobadilla, Eduardo. “Cerramientos convencionales de fábrica cerámica vista: exigencias básicas”. CGATE

- González Martín, Jesús. “Revestimientos continuos: tradicionales y modernos” Fundación Escuela de la Edificación

- Avellaneda, Jaume; Paricio, Ignacio. “Los revestimientos de piedra” Ed. Bisagra

- Paricio, Ignacio. “La fachada de ladrillo” Ed. Bisagra.

- Paricio, Ignacio. “Las cubiertas de chapa”. Ed. Bisagra

- “Manual de ejecución de fachadas con ladrillo caravista”. Hispalyt

- “Manual de diagnosis e intervención en cubiertas planas”. CAATB

- Collado Trabanco, Pablo; Nuño, David. “Supervisión de ejecución de acabados, revestimientos y cubiertas”. Ed. Lex Nova

- “Banco de detalles arquitectónicos”. F. Alcalde

- “Manual de rocas ornamentales”. CSCIME

- “Diseño y construcción de escaleras y barandillas”. Willibald Mannes. Ed. Gustavo Gili

- “Escaleras”. Ediciones de autor técnico SL

- Petrignani, A. “Tecnologías de la arquitectura”. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona

- Hess, F. “Construcción y Forma” Gustavo Gili. Barcelona

- Esselborn, C. “Tratado general de construcción”. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona

- “Tecnología de la construcción”. Ediciones CEAC. Barcelona

- Allen, Edward. “Cómo funciona un edificio. Principios elementales”. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona

- Hernandez, E. “Revestimientos de fachada, manual práctico”. Progensa. Sevilla

- Monjo, Abásolo...”Tratado de construcción. Sistemas” Ediciones Munilla-Leria. Madrid

- Monjo, Abasolo...”Tratado de Construcción. Fachadas y cubiertas”. Ediciones Munilla-Leria. Madrid

- Torroja, Eduardo. “Razón y Ser de los tipos estructurales”. CSIC. Madrid

- Pellicer, Domingo. “El hormigón armado en la construcción arquitectónica”. Editorial Bellisco. Madrid

- Strike, James. “De la Construcción a los Proyectos. La influencia de las nuevas técnicas en el diseño arquitectónico”. Editorial Reverte. Barcelona

- “Biblioteca de detalles constructivos”. CYPE  www.detallesconstructivos.cype.es

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