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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Teaching of Language and Literature
Lenguage and Literature Didactics
Electronic mail

Born and raised in Buenos Aires (1972) I returned to Euskal Herria in October '94.

I graduated as a teacher (2005), pedagogue (2007) and PhD in psychodidactics (2017), all at the UPV/EHUn.

At this university I was already a professor in two departments in more than 10 subjects, of which in 3 I was for more than a year.

Since 2017 I work in the Department of Didactics of Language and Literature at the Faculty of Education of Bilbao (BHF) as a teacher in the field of language didactics.

In my career, before I went to college, I have worked, among other things, on education and language teaching at many levels of formality, teachers of both children and adults: ikastola, Euskaltegis and boarding schools, workshops, private schools, starting in 1990.

As far as research is concerned, I am currently working on the consolidated research group EUDIA [1] of the UPV/EHU on language variation and didactic research [2].

[1] https://eudia.ehu.eus/

[2] https://juanabasolo.netlify.com/about/

Zientziaren zabalpena: https://www.zotero.org/juanabasolo

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1911-4118