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Advanced Information Management26241

Faculty of Informatics
Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups2020

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

"Advanced Information Management" is a compulsory subject within the Specialty of Software Engineering. This subject rests on aspects taught in “Web Systems” and “Databases”. On the one hand, the knowledge on XML technologies seen in “Web Systems” is broadened. On the other hand, the new data management needs that go beyond the relational model are addressed.

The management of data has been and is, increasingly important in any organization.From the systems of files and databases, the current organizations have had to face new challenges as the volume, diversity and the means in which these data were transported, managed and produced increase. This subject familiarizes the student with these new information technologies.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The topics to be discussed are outlined below.

Document exchange between organizations: the XML world and description standards

* See the options offered by the XML language for the organization of unstructured data as well as some available standards

* Understand the use of XML for data exchange in companies and do it through a prototype

Impact of object orientation on DBMS: the object-relational model

* Through the new versions of Oracle, understand and manage how the concepts of object orientation have permeated the definition and manipulation of databases.

Impact of “datafication”, that is, the transformation of everyday objects into data that add to the sea of ​​massive data that the Internet already houses, the product of our fingerprints through social networks or smartphones.

* Understand the concepts and opportunities of the BigData world

* Become familiar with noSQL databases.

Learning results will be worked on

- general: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10 and C12

- more specific to Ing. Soft: SI1, SI2, SI3, SI4, SI5, and SI6

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. Standards and XML technology for document interchange (XPath, XML Schema, Schematron, XQuery, xSQL)

2. Modelo Objeto-relacional (Oracle 10)

3. noSQL (MongoDB, Neo4j)

MethodologyToggle Navigation

According to the eminently practical content of the subject, lectures are accompanied by weekly laboratories where students will check their understanding of the concepts taught through solving practical exercises. Student groups will be set to jointly develop a project that will involve the intensive use of XML technologies.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 90
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 10

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The course has two modes of assessment: final (or overall) assessment and continuous assessment.


Continuous assessment, to which students may take advantage of voluntarily, is offered exclusively to students who can carry out continuous monitoring of the subject within the established framework of dedication and attendance to face-to-face activities. Pre-registration in the continuous assessment mode will be carried out on the established dates. The pre-registration will become final after confirmation of the application by the student on the dates established (between 60% and 80% of the course) and after verification of partial performance by the teaching staff. If on the aforementioned dates the student does not confirm their final registration in continuous assessment, it will be understood that they renounce it.

Weight of each topic in the final note:

- XML: 65%

- Object-Relational: 15%

- noSQL: 20%


- Final exam: 90% The exam will consist of a part of basic concepts and practical written exercises.

- Practical work: 10%. To take the final exam of the overall assessment (in the ordinary or extraordinary call), the work of the XML project must have been submitted. A deadline for delivery will be set prior to the exam. To pass the course it will be necessary to pass each part (exam, practical work) separately.

NOTE: In case of return to confinement, the evaluation tests (both continuous and final) will be adapted to the new situation.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Final exam: 100% The exam will consist of a part of basic concepts and practical written exercises.

NOTE: In case of return to confinement, the evaluation tests (both continuous and final) will be adapted to the new situation.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Software to be used throughout:
- MongoDB DBMS noSQL
- Neo4J DBMS noSQL

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

XML in a nutshell. E.R. Harold eta W.S Means. 2004, O’Reilly.

XSLT & XPATH. A guide to transformations. J.R. Gardner eta Z.L. Rendon. 2002, Prentice-Hall.

Definitive XML Schema. P. Walmsley. 2002, Prentice-Hall.

XQuery. P. Walmsley. 2007, O’Reilly.

XML Data Management. Native XML and XML-enabled Database Systems. A.B. Chaudhri, A. Rashid eta R. Zicari. 2003, Addison-Wesley.

Modern Database Management. J.A. Hoffer, R. Venkataraman eta H. Topi. 2012, Prentice-Hall.

Getting Started with noSQL. G. Vaish. 2013. Packt Publishing.

In-depth bibliography

Web Data Management. S. Abiteboul eta I. Manolescu. 2011, Cambridge University Press. (http://webdam.inria.fr/Jorge)

Web addresses



GroupsToggle Navigation

16 Teórico (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


14:00-15:30 (1)

17:00-18:30 (2)

Teaching staff

16 Applied laboratory-based groups-1 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


15:30-17:00 (1)

Teaching staff

16 Applied laboratory-based groups-2 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


14:00-15:30 (1)

Teaching staff

31 Teórico (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


09:00-10:30 (1)

12:00-13:30 (2)

Teaching staff

31 Applied laboratory-based groups-1 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


10:30-12:00 (1)

Teaching staff

31 Applied laboratory-based groups-2 (Basque - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


09:00-10:30 (1)

Teaching staff