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Strategic and Interactive Marketing27171

Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Bachelor's Degree in Advertising & Public Relations
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2131.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

This subject involves delving directly into the contents of the Marketing subject: Concepts, Strategies, and Techniques (second year). Likewise, it provides the necessary commercial framework for subjects related to communication applied to sales, such as the Strategic and Operational Communication subject, and also serves to give strategic meaning to the operational application of other subjects such as Creativity I and II (2nd and 3rd year), Media Planning (3rd year), Consumer Psychosociology and Marketing (4th year), and Advertising Effectiveness (4th year).

In this subject, we will approach the study and identification of individual and organizational needs by following the evolution of reference markets and identifying the different current or potential product-markets and segments as the basis for decision-making and future actions. In summary, it aims to guide these decisions towards the search for future situations, attempting to adapt the competitive position of commercial activity to prevailing circumstances and constraints.

Once the appropriate strategic analysis of the market has been carried out and strategic diagnostic techniques have been used, whose main objective is to support the adoption of strategic marketing decisions, it is up to the operational dimension to descend to the level of action to address the implementation of strategies. This operational aspect points to the need for any specific action to be preceded by a deep market analysis and rigorous strategic reflection, without which even the best marketing plans have little chance of success.

On the other hand, the development of the internet and social networks has caused technological tools to play an important role in the company's marketing strategy. Interactive marketing thus becomes the new way of generating marketing strategies within the internet with the aim of improving customer service, conducting opinion research, and generating engagement with the user through opinion management and feedback with consumers.

This interaction of organizations with their targets represents the best way to generate strategies, request product opinions, campaigns, and promotions, placing the consumer as the tutor who will guide the commercial strategy of the organizations.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


- Analyze specific marketing methods and techniques for decision-making in the marketing area.

- Understand the role of communication in the business project of companies for the fulfillment of marketing objectives and the possibilities of applying marketing on the internet in marketing planning.

- Perform internal and external analysis to obtain the SWOT.

- Analyze the possibilities of ICTs for their application in marketing.

- Set objectives and strategies for the strategic and interactive marketing plan.

- Draft the strategic and interactive marketing plan to verify understanding of concepts and present and defend the strategic and interactive marketing plan to analyze the student's verbal and reasoning abilities.

Learning Outcomes

Practice strategic analysis in marketing.

Develop a marketing plan.

Reflect on the various applications of marketing.

Develop skills for defending a marketing project.

Internalize the logic of marketing.

Increase the ability to evaluate marketing projects.

Practice group work.

General competencies of the degree contributing to development:

- Acquire knowledge and understand the meaning and relevance of theories, concepts, and methodologies in the context of the (inter)disciplinary field of communication, especially advertising and public relations techniques.

- Acquire knowledge and experience of professional environments and routines in order to approach the reality of the work of different professional profiles in the field of advertising and public relations demanded by the market.

- Apply skills and use techniques, technologies, and resources to the development of advertising communication and public relations content and processes, and information in general.

- Apply theories and methodological tools to practice in different communicative processes and contexts.

- Seek, select, prioritize, and analyze information and documentation from different sources, adapting its content to different forms and narrative strategies.

- Develop skills and abilities related to participation, management, and optimization of teamwork, applying informed criteria to decision-making and evaluation of results.

- Project and design strategies aimed at identifying objectives and planning actions in the context of the development of advertising and public relations projects.

- Synthesize, develop, and apply new creative approaches to solving communication problems.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Syllabus - Theoretical Content:

Topic 1: Marketing Planning: The Marketing Plan.

1.1 Characteristics and advantages of the marketing plan.

1.2 Structure of the marketing plan:

Phase 1: Situation Analysis.

Phase 2: Strategic Decisions (objectives and strategies).

Phase 3: Action Establishment.

Phase 4: Plan Control.

1.3 Selling the marketing plan.

Topic 2: Business Strategic Planning and Marketing Planning.

2.1 The company/market relationship. Business strategic planning.

2.2 Critiques of strategic planning.

2.3 Planning for new businesses.

2.4 Strategic principles of digital business.

Topic 3: Strategic Marketing Management: Strategic and operational aspects with the contribution of interactive marketing.

3.1 The concept of marketing and its management.

3.2 The marketing mix: areas of action.

3.3 The strategic area and the operational area of marketing.

3.4 Characteristics of interactive marketing.

Practical Syllabus:

Design and development of a practice, which could consist of a complete marketing plan or another activity.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The students, in groups, will carry out a practice, which could consist of a complete marketing plan for an organization or another. Lecture sessions will be used to delve into the content that is useful for developing this practice.

This project is largely group work, so students must put into practice and utilize their ability to work, solidarity, help, and leadership in its preparation.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Multiple-Choice Test (%): 60
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 40

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

a) Continuous Assessment: To opt for this type of evaluation, regular attendance to classroom practices will be required, as well as the submission of the milestones of the marketing plan within the dates set by the professor and published on Egela.

Multiple-choice test (individual): 60% of the final grade.

Marketing plan (in groups): 40% of the final grade.

To pass the subject, it will be necessary to pass (that is, obtain 50% or more of the total possible grade) both the theoretical and practical parts.

This evaluation system will be applied both in person and remotely, if the situation requires it.

b) Final Evaluation: Students with difficulties in following the practical part may request to take a "special final test." To do so, they must request it in writing to the subject professor before the end of the first 9 weeks of the course. These students must take the theoretical test on the official date published by the Faculty and complete the practical part individually. This practical part will consist of a marketing plan with the same characteristics as the one carried out in the continuous assessment system. The object of the plan will be agreed upon with the subject's teaching staff. Works not supervised by the teaching staff will not be accepted. The deadline for the submission of the marketing plan and its milestones will coincide with that established in the continuous assessment.

Multiple-choice test (individual): 60%

Marketing plan (individual): 40%

To pass the subject, it will be necessary to pass (that is, obtain 50% or more of the total possible grade) both the theoretical and practical parts.

In accordance with Article 12.2 of the Student Evaluation Regulations, students may withdraw from the examination period within one month before the end of the teaching period, i.e., before November 23rd (or April 19th in the second semester). The withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the responsible professor of the subject.

For students opting for the final test, it will be sufficient not to attend the test scheduled on the official evaluation dates.

This evaluation system will be applied both in person and remotely, if the situation requires it.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

For non-ordinary examination periods, the final evaluation system will be used (including the withdrawal system). Those who have obtained positive results in the Marketing Plan or in the theoretical test during the regular examination period may keep those results.

This evaluation system will be applied both in person and remotely, if the situation requires it.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Sainz de Vicuña, J.M. El plan de marketing en la práctica. Editorial ESIC
Alet, Josep. Marketingeficaz.com. Editorial Gestión 2000

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Sainz de Vicuña, J.M. El plan de marketing en la práctica. Editorial ESIC

Alet, Josep. Marketingeficaz.com. Editorial Gestión 2000

In-depth bibliography

Kotler P. Dirección de marketing Editorial: Prentice Hall
Métricas del marketing. A. Dominguez, S. Hermo. Esic. (2008)
El plan de marketing en la PYME. José María Saez de Vicuña. Esic Arg.
Sektore espezifikoetako marketina. María Soledad Aguirre (koord.) EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. (2004)



Web addresses

http://www.aedemo.es: Sitio web de la Asociación Española de Estudios de Mercado, Marketing y Opinión.
http://www.aemp.es: Sitio web de la Asociación Española del Marketing Integrado.
htpp://www.aimc.es: Sitio web de la Asociación para la investigación de medios de comunicación.
http://www.aneimo.com: Sitio web de la Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Estudios de Mercado y Opinión Pública.
http://www.e-deusto.com: Sitio web de ediciones Deusto.
http://www.esomar.org: Sitio web de la Sociedad europea de plan de marketing y opinión pública, European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research.
http://www.ijmr.com: Sitio web de la revista Internacional Journal Marketing Review.
http://www.ine.es: Sitio web del Instituto Nacional de Estadística.
http://www.ixma.org: Sitio web de la Asociación Internacional de Marketing de Experiencias.
http://www.marketingdirecto.com: Sitio web con información sobre marketing directo.
http://www.marketingmk.com: Sitio web de marketing, ventas y comunicación.
http://www.marketingpower.com: Sitio web de la Asociación Americana de Marketing (AMA).
http://www.marketresearchworld.net: Sitio web de plan de marketing.
http://www.sofresam.com: Sitio web de Sofres TNS, medición de audiencias.

GroupsToggle Navigation

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