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Electronics in Automotive Engineering28128

Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Bachelor's Degree in Automotive Engineering - DUAL
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups3045

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The contents addressed in the syllabus of this subject aim to provide students with the necessary tools to confidently address other subjects based on the concepts developed here, such as the basic elements of any electronic development (diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, etc.). Students are also introduced to digital electronics and advanced electronic systems, with the same purpose of making it easier for them to follow subjects in which the knowledge developed here is used.

Students will put into practice the main knowledge previously acquired during the first course of the degree ("Calculus", "Algebra", "Extension of Calculus and Numerical Analysis"), and the first semester of the second course ("Analysis of Electrical Circuits") which is given simultaneously with this subject. In addition, it opens the way to the knowledge necessary to take the third-year subject "Instrumentation for Automotive".

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


- Knowledge of the fundamentals of electronics applied to automotive engineering.


- Acquire and develop fundamental knowledge of electronics in the field of engineering.

- Consistently apply basic knowledge of electronics to various fields of action, proposing the most appropriate solutions.

- Work on the knowledge inherent to the subject for the correct application of electronic devices, using specific vocabulary and terminology.

- Work as a team adopting a flexible attitude towards colleagues' proposals.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Fundamental concepts of automotive electronic technology:

- Fundamentals of electronics.

- Passive and active components.

- The diode and the junction transistor.

- The operational amplifier.

- Fundamentals of digital electronics.

- Combinational digital systems.

- Sequential digital systems.

- Microprogrammable circuits: the microcontroller, buses, peripherals and interboard communication.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The teaching activity will have theoretical classes that will be complemented with problems, laboratory practices, and individual and collective tutorials.

The main objective of the teaching hours in the format of theory classes will be to explain the theoretical concepts raised in each of the topics of the subject. It will be considered of vital importance to motivate students to participate not only as listeners, but also actively, raising questions of interest that may give rise to clarifying discussions or formulating their doubts, following this approach by both the teaching staff and students.

In parallel, with the aim of showing the practical facet of each concept transmitted, the theory will be complemented with the resolution and submission of problems by the students to be evaluated. To carry out the problems, in addition to individual work, different cooperative learning techniques will also be used, when possible. The correction of problems and tasks will be carried out on the blackboard, or through the university's virtual platform (eGela), encouraging students at all times to participate actively, seeking solutions to the issues raised by a process. well-argued discussion.

The laboratory practices will aim to apply the most important theoretical concepts, to reinforce and establish them, as well as to become familiar with various electronic equipment and components. For this reason, efforts will be made to limit the teacher's explanations to what is essential, to make the most of the time regarding the development of the practice.

In laboratory practices, whenever possible, students will work in pairs. Attendance at these classes is mandatory and full use of the practical classes will be essential, with the work carried out evaluated by the teaching staff. Furthermore, at the end of each laboratory practice, the students will have to upload the file or report requested by the teaching staff to the university's virtual classroom platform so that it can subsequently be evaluated by the teacher. This report will provide feedback to students on various aspects such as: writing of the information, tests performed, results obtained, conclusions, etc.

The materials, means and resources, technological or otherwise, that may be used in the development of the corresponding evaluation tests; as a general rule, and unless otherwise indicated, during the development of an evaluation test, the use of books, notes or notes, as well as telephone, electronic, computer, or other types of apparatus or devices, by the of the students (Protocol on academic ethics and prevention of dishonest or fraudulent practices in evaluation tests and academic work at the UPV/EHU).

In the event that health conditions prevent the carrying out of a teaching activity and/or in-person evaluation, a non-face-to-face modality will be activated of which the students will be promptly informed.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 30
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 50
    • Continuous Evaluation Tasks (%): 20

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


THEORY AND PROBLEMS WRITTEN EXAM (30%): Test where theoretical-applied questions and problems will be asked.

- There will be a written exam in the middle of the first semester that will allow students to free up contents for the final exam. This exam is equivalent to 50% of the written theory test to be developed. To clear the subject, students must obtain a grade of 5/10.

- Students who free up contents, in the final theory exam, will only have to do the exercises corresponding to the block that remains to be evaluated (second partial). In this second partial, students will have to obtain an average grade between the first partial and the second partial of 5/10. As long as it has obtained at least a grade of 4/10 in the block corresponding to the second partial.

- In the final exam, the exercises corresponding to the parts evaluated in the partial exam will be differentiated. Students can choose to waive the result of the midterm exam, as long as they are approved, to raise their grade. If the students choose this option, only the results obtained in the final exam (ordinary call exam) will be valid in the final evaluation.

- Students who do not free up the contents, who do not pass the first partial, must take the complete theory exam, obtaining a minimum grade of 5/10 (the same as students who opt for the final evaluation system).

LABORATORY PRACTICES (50%): Delivery of the requested materials as scheduled tasks throughout the course, during the practice sessions.

- Depending on the type of practice, its value for evaluation within the practice block will be different, depending on criteria such as: level of difficulty, assemblies to be carried out, report tasks, etc.

- Students must attend all practical sessions, at the corresponding time and shift, as well as submit the form/report corresponding to the practice. All practices must be worked on and carried out correctly, both for the “in situ” work in the laboratory and the contents, results and conclusions that must be presented in the reports. Students who correctly complete all these tasks belonging to the practical part of the subject will not have to take the laboratory aptitude exam.

- Students who do not attend all the practices, or some of them are evaluated negatively, will have to take a laboratory exam (this exam may consist of a written or practical part on the contents developed in the laboratory, or both respectively) always and when they pass the written part of the exam corresponding to the theory of the subject. That is, you will have to carry out the final evaluation system

CONTINUOUS EVALUATION TASKS (20%): Among other activities, during the course of the subject, problems will be raised that will require the students' dedication to solve them, as well as individual or group work. They will be presented as deliverables that will be assessed for the grade in this section.

- In order for the activities, works and tasks developed within the block of continuous evaluation tasks to be taken into account, students must meet the following conditions:

o Individual: Deliver 90% of the assignments and meet the minimum score requirements indicated in each of the tasks that arise.

o Teamworks: Deliver 100% of the work and meet the minimum score requirements indicated in each of the tasks proposed.

- Failure to meet the conditions previously described in the continuous evaluation block will lead to the evaluation of the subject by the final evaluation system.

Furthermore, to pass the subject it will be necessary to pass with a minimum score of 5/10 each the sections of the WRITTEN EXAM THEORY AND PROBLEMS, as well as the LABORATORY PRACTICES, as well as meet the requirements of the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION TASKS block.

In the continuous evaluation modality, failure to take the tests in the ordinary session entails obtaining a grade of "Not Presented".


Students who have not taken all the LABORATORY PRACTICES (mandatory) and have passed them satisfactorily (as described above) and/or who have not performed or passed the tasks and activities of the block called CONTINUOUS EVALUATION TASKS. They must take a comprehensive written exam of the entire subject that will account for 50% of the grade and, if you pass said written exam, you must complete a practical part (either in writing and/or “in situ” in the laboratory) that will account for a 50% of the grade.

Furthermore, to pass the subject it will be necessary to pass each block with a minimum score of 5/10: written exam and practical part.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation of the extraordinary call will be carried out through the final evaluation system (comprehensive exam of the entire subject that will account for 50% of the grade and, if said exam is passed, a practical part that will account for 50% of the grade).

Furthermore, to pass the subject it will be necessary to pass each block with a minimum score of 5/10: written exam and practical part.

In the event that the students have opted for continuous evaluation (meeting the criteria of “laboratory practices” and “continuous evaluation” tasks indicated above), the positive results obtained during the course will be considered. Although students may choose to waive the results of said continuous evaluation. If the students choose this option, only the results obtained in the final written exam and the practical part described in the final evaluation system will be valid in the final evaluation.

Failure to take the tests in an extraordinary session entails obtaining a grade of "Not Presented".

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Teaching notes and class transparencies available on the university's virtual classroom platform.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- Alcalde San Miguel, P. 2016. Electrónica aplicada. 2ª edición. Paraninfo

- Malvino, A., Bates, D. 2015. Electronic Principles. McGraw-Hill Education

- Mandado Perez, E., Martín González, E. 2015. Sistemas electrónicos digitales. Marcombo

- Denton, Tom. 2016. Sistemas eléctrico y electrónico del automóvil. Tecnología automotriz: mantenimiento y reparación de vehículos. Alfaomega

In-depth bibliography

- L.Nashelsky, R, Boylestad, L. 2009. Electrónica: Teoría de circuitos y dispositivos electrónicos. Prentice Hall
- Concepción, M. 2011. Curso de Electrónica Automotriz 1: (Incluyendo Lectura de Diagramas Eléctricos): Volume 1. Createspace Independent Pub
- Concepción, M. 2011. Curso de Electrónica Automotriz 2: (Incluyendo lectura de diagramas eléctricos): Volume 2. Createspace Independent Pub
- D Addario, Miguel. 2015. Electricidad del automóvil: Componentes, circuitos y mantenimiento. Createspace Independent Pub
- Alcubilla González, R., Pons Nin, J., Bardés Llorensí, D. 1996. Diseño digital. Una perspectiva VLSI-CMOS. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politécnica
- Electrónica digital. ISBN: 84-96477-44-4
- Elektronika digitala. ISBN: 978-84-9860-417-7
- J. Aduriz, J. Berra, O. Jaio, Elektronika Analogikoa. Elhuyar fundazioa.
- Acha, M.A. Castro, Electrónica Digital. Introducción a la Lógica Digital. RA-MA-
- R. Alvarez Santos, Materiales y Componentes Electrónicos, Editesa
- S. Martinez, J.A. Guarda, Electrónica de Potencia, Thomson
- Matín González, José Luis, Electrónica Digital, Delta
- T.L. Floyd, Fundamentos de sistemas digitales, 9ª edición, Prentice Hall
- R.V. Horonat, Dispositivos Electrónicos de Potencia, Paraninfo
- V.P. Nelson et al. Análisisis y Diseño de Circuitos Lógicos Digitales, Prentice-Hall
- M.H. Rashid, Electrónica de Potencia (Circuitos, dispositivos y aplicaciones), Prentice-Hall
- C.J. Sawant Jr. Diseño Electrónico. Circuitos y sistemas, Prentice-Hall, 3ªEd.
- P.Horowitz, W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2ªEd.
- A.R. Hambley, Electronics, Prentice-Hall, 2ªEd.
- S.O. Kasap, Electronic Materials and Devices, Mc-Graw-Hill, 3ªEd.


- Mundo Electrónico
- Nueva Electrónica
- Elektor
- Resistor

Web addresses

- eGela course page
- https://www.redeweb.com/
- http://www.ti.com/
- http://www.onsemi.com
- https://www.infineon.com/
- https://www.zivautomation.com/

GroupsToggle Navigation

16 Teórico (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


16:00-18:00 (1)

Teaching staff



16 Applied laboratory-based groups-1 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


17:00-19:00 (1)

Teaching staff



16 Applied laboratory-based groups-2 (Spanish - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


18:00-20:00 (1)

Teaching staff



46 Teórico (Basque - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


16:00-18:00 (1)

Teaching staff



46 Applied laboratory-based groups-1 (Basque - Tarde)Show/hide subpages


14:00-16:00 (1)

Teaching staff
