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History of Classical Art25753

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in History of Art
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

History of Classical Art is a compulsory course of the first year of the Bachelor's Degree, in the second semester. It is not necessary to have passed previous courses, although it is advisable to have taken History of Near Eastern Art. The course deals with the art of the Mediterranean environment, starting with the cultures of the Bronze Age in the Aegean, going through the development of Greek art and analyzing Roman art until the fall of the Empire. We will study the conceptual and formal change that classical art brought about, linking it with the thought and politics of its time and anticipating the influence it will show in later periods.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Formative objectives:

- Mastering the criteria for the interpretation and analysis of the artistic processes of Classical Art.

- Mastering the interpretation and analysis of the artistic processes of Classical Art.

- Being able to interpret the formal and iconographic aspects of the most relevant artistic works of Classical Art.

- Developing and mastering the handling and the ability to relate the basic written sources for the knowledge of Classical art.

- Acquiring and adequately using the specific artistic vocabulary of Classical Art.


Degree competences:

G001 - To be able to analyze and interpret the artistic processes throughout the centuries, valuing the succession of styles, the role of artists and the theory of the arts.

G002 - To be able to classify and comment integrally (style and iconography) the different works of architecture, sculpture, painting, cinema, music and other arts in their historical and artistic moment with the specific languages of each artistic discipline.

G004 - Be able to analyze and interpret historical processes through the work of art as a relevant document of social and cultural history, together with other textual and material testimonies.

G006 - Be able to develop an oral and written expression adjusted to a university degree and to the discipline of art history.

G007 - To be able to relate and apply the specific knowledge of the degree with other areas and related disciplines.

Module competences:

CM01 - Be able to identify and analyze the artistic processes of Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Art.

CM02 - Being able to integrate and contextualize in the historical moment the artistic manifestations of Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Art.

CM03 - To be able to interpret formally and iconographically the most relevant artistic works of Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Art.

CM04 - Being able to handle and relate the basic written sources for the knowledge of Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Art.

CM05 - Acquisition and adequate use of the specific artistic vocabulary of Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Art.

Subject Competencies

- (CA1) To be able to identify and analyze the artistic processes related to Classical Art (G001, CM01).

- (CA2) To be able to integrate and contextualize in its historical and artistic moment the artistic manifestations of Classical Art, taking into account related areas and disciplines (G002, G007, CM2).

- (CA3) To be able to interpret formally and iconographically at a basic level the most relevant artistic works of Classical Art, orienting them towards their consideration as History of Historical and Artistic Heritage and their cultural diffusion (G002, G003, CM03).

- (CA4) Be able to handle, critically analyze and relate the fundamental written sources for the knowledge of Ancient Art (G004, G005, CM04).

- (CA5) To be able to express oneself correctly, both in writing and orally, and to use the appropriate specific artistic vocabulary when analyzing Classical Art (G006, CM05).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Introduction to Classical Art Concept and Significance, Style and Iconography in Classical Art, Art and Society.

Pre-Hellenic Art Introduction to Aegean Art. Archaeological discoveries. The Cyclades. Cretan Art. Mycenaean Art

Greek Art. General characteristics. Periodization. Architecture and Urbanism in Greece. Greek Sculpture, Types and Techniques, Statuary, Monumental Programs.

Etruscan Art The art of the Italic peoples and the art of the Etruscans: their role in the formation of Roman Art.

Roman Art: its significance, characteristics and periodization.

Hispanic Art in Classical Antiquity The impact of Greek Art in Spain. Iberian Art. Roman Art in Spain

MethodologyToggle Navigation

1. Theoretical lectures: The professor will present the fundamental theoretical contents of the course as well as the methodological guidelines necessary for the development of team work, face-to-face and non-face-to-face practices and the student's personal work.

2. Compulsory practical sessions according to current regulations:

- Classroom practical sessions: Students with the help of the teacher will analyze and comment on works of art, documentary sources (different nature), bibliography or audiovisual material of interest for the subject, proposed by the teacher. It will be done in groups or individually and will result in the construction of an individual or cooperative commentary orally exposed. On specific occasions, at the request of the teacher, the result may be requested in writing to be corrected and evaluated through different systems (hetero-evaluation or co-evaluation).

- Practical sessions outside the classroom: Visits to centers and artistic and documentary collections of interest for the development of the subject. Since an invitation from the institution is required, it is not possible to establish dates and places in advance, however, they will be adapted to the development and content of the subject. These activities will generate tasks (non-face-to-face activities) in different modalities (presentation, visit report, short critical essay) that will be evaluated through different systems.

3. Tutorials, to follow up the teaching-learning process, at the student's request and established by the professor.

4. Non-presential activities:

- Personal work of the student with recourse to the teacher's help if necessary (face-to-face tutorials).

- Preparation by the student of the proposed tasks

- Preparation by the student of the objective written test.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 60
    • Hainbat ariketa (%): 40

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

OBJECTIVE TEST: Specific competences CA1, CA3, CA5.

Evaluation criteria: Correct identification of the most outstanding works of art and artistic phenomena of the period established in the field of Classical Art.

Correct attribution of authorship and assignment of a specific chronology to the most important works of art and architecture of the period.

Correct application of the stylistic and formal characteristics of the period studied to the works of art proposed for analysis.

Proper incorporation of bibliographical references and documentary sources worked throughout the course.

Correctness in the analysis of the relationships of classical arts with other geographical areas, from the point of view of the quality of the judgments made, proposed examples and adequate bibliography.

Correct written expression from the formal point of view as well as in the use of the specific terminology worked throughout the course.

Appropriate construction of the written discourse: coherence and adequacy of the internal development to the content, clarity and order in the expression.

Percentage of the final grade: 60%.

WORK: Specific competences CA1, CA2, CA4, CA5

Evaluation criteria: Correct development of the work: formal aspects (adequate organization criteria, compliance with deadlines, correct presentation of the work) and content (quality of content, correctness of the approach, quality of the conclusions, inclusion of appropriate bibliography and sources).

Adequate written and oral presentation

Percentage of the final grade: 20%.

CLASSROOM PRACTICES: specific competences CA3, CA4, CA5

Evaluation criteria: Correct use of specific artistic terminology both orally and in writing.

Ability to integrate and contextualize artistic works and their sources.

Correct identification, analysis and formal and iconographic interpretation of the works of art to be studied.

Percentage of the final grade: 20%.

To pass the course it will be necessary to pass independently the theoretical part and the practical part.

Students will have the right to be evaluated through the final evaluation system, regardless of whether or not they have participated in classes. To do so, students must submit in writing to the teacher responsible for the subject the waiver of continuous assessment, for which they will have a period of 9 weeks, counting from the beginning of the term.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation of the subjects in the extraordinary exam will be carried out exclusively through the final evaluation system in which the students will be able to obtain 100% of the grade. The final evaluation test of the extraordinary exam will consist of as many exams and evaluation activities as necessary to evaluate and measure the defined learning outcomes, in a manner comparable to how they were evaluated in the ordinary one.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation


.Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece(The),Cambridge University Press,1993
. Oxford History of classical Art (the). Edited by J. Boardman, Oxford, 1997.
. El Universo de las Formas. Madrid,Ed. Aguilar.
. Historia de la Arquitectura.Madrid, Ed. Aguilar.
. Historia General de la Pintura. Madrid,Ed. Aguilar.
. Alianza Forma. Ed. Alianza. Historia ilustrada de las formas artísticas, 3. Grecia, Madrid, 1984 (A. Pasquier), 4. Etruria y Roma, Madrid, 1984 (F. Batatte y C. Metzqer).
. Introducción a la Historia del Arte.Grecia y Roma.Universidad de Cambridge.Barcelona, Ed. Gustavo Gili.
. Manuales Arte Cátedra. Ed. Cátedra.
. Historia Universal del Arte. 2. La Antigüedad Clásica,Grecia,Roma y el mundo mediterráneo, Barcelona,Planeta,1999
. Historia del Arte, Madrid, Historia 16, 1999
. L'Art et les grandes Civilisations. Paris ,Ed. Mazenod.
. The Pelican History of Art. Penguin Books.
. Libros de Arquitectura y Arte. Ed. Xarait.
. Historia del Arte Hispánico. Ed. Alhambra.
. Ars Hispaniae. Ed. Plus Ultra.
. Introducción al Arte Español, Edit. Silex.


AGHION, I., BARBILLON, C., LISARRAGUE, F., Héroes y dioses de la Antigüedad, Madrid, 1997.
ALVAR, J., BLÁZQUEZ, J.Mª (eds.), Héroes y antihéroes en la Antigüedad Clásica, Madrid, Cátedra, 1997.
CARPENTER,Thomas H.Arte y mito en la antigua Grecia,Barcelona,Destino,2001
GARCÍA GUAL,C.Introducción a la mitología griega,Madrid,Alianza,
GEORGOUDI, S. y VERNANT, J.P. (dir.), Mythes grecs au figuré, de l¿Antiquité au Baroque, París, Gallimard, 1996.
Mitología griega y romana (de la A a la Z),MARTÍN R.,(dir)10ª ed.,Madrid,2006

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

ANGULO IÑIGUEZ, D., Historia del Arte, vol. I., Madrid, 1980.

BIANCHI BANDINELLI, R., Introducción a la arqueología clásica como Historia del Arte Antiguo, 1992.

BOARDMAN,J.(ed.),The Oxford History of Classical Art,Oxford,1997

ELVIRA.M.A.,Arte Clásico,Madrid,Historia 16, 1996

FAURE, E., Historia del Arte. 1 El Arte Antiguo, Madrid, 1990.

GOMBRICH, E.H., La Historia del Arte, Madrid, 1997.

HOLTZMANN, B. (dir.), L'Art de l'Antiquité, 1. Les origines de l'Europe, París, Gallimard, 1995.

HONOUR, H. y FLEMING, J., Historia del Arte, Barcelona, 1966-67.

JANSON, H.W., Historia General del Arte. 1. El Mundo Antiguo, Madrid, 1990.

MARTIN GONZALEZ, J.J., Historia del Arte, vol. I., Madrid, 1994.

MORALES y MARIN,J.L.(dir) Historia Universal del Arte.Grecia y Roma,Madrid,1996

RAMIREZ, J.A. (dir.), Historia del Arte. El Mundo Antiguo, Madrid, Alianza, 1996.

SANCHEZ FERNANDEZ, C., BENDALA GALAN, M.,El descubrimiento del orden clásico,Barcelona,Planeta,2006

SPIVEY Nigel,SQUIRE,Michael Panorama of the Classical World ,Londres,Thames and Hudson,2004

VASSILIKA,E. Greek and Roman Art,Cambridge,1998

V.V. A.A., Historia del Arte Espasa, Madrid, 2002.

In-depth bibliography


BIANCHI BANDINELLI,R.El arte de la Antigüedad clásica:Grecia,Madrid,Akal,1998
BOARDMAN,J. El arte griego. Barcelona,Destino,1997
BLANCO FREIJEIRO,A. El arte griego,Madrid,CSIC,1996
FULLERTON,M.D. Greek Art, Cambridge,2000
LOMBA FUENTES,J. Principios de Filosofía del arte griego,Barcelona,1987
POLLITT,J.J. Arte y experiencia en la Grecia Clásica,Madrid,Xarait,1996
POURSAT,J.C.,L!art egéen,1.Grece,Cyclades,Crète jusqu!au Milieu du IIe millenaire av.J.C, 2008
RICHTER,Gisela M.A.El arte griego:una revisión de las artes visuales en la Antigua Grecia,Barcelona,Destino,1988
ROBERTSON,M El Arte Griego.Introducción a su historia,Madrid,Alianza,1985
SALADINO,V.,Arte Greca,Firenze,2008
SANCHEZ,C.Una nueva mirada al arte de la Grecia Antigua,Madrid,2006

ANDREAE,B. L!art de l!ancienne Rome,Paris,Mazenod,1973
GARCIA Y BELLIDO,A.Arte romano,Madrid,1990
HENIG,Martin,El arte romano:una revisión de las artes visuales del mundo romano,Barcelona,Destino,1985
HÖLSCHER,Tonio,The language of images in Roman Art,Cambridge,2004
RAMAGE,N.H/RAMAGE,A. Roman Art: Romulus to Constantine,Londres,1995
WALKER,S.Arte Romano,Madrid,Akal,1999
WHELER,Mortimer El Arte y la Arquitectura de Roma,Barcelona,1995


BENEDIKTSON,D.Thomas,Literature and the visual Rome,Arts in ancient Greece and Rome,Oklahoma, 2000
ELSNER,J.(ed),Art and Text in Roman Culture, Cambridge,1996
ELSNER,J. Roman eyes:visuality and subjectivity in art and text,Princeton,New Jersey,2007
GOLDHILL,S.,OSBORNE,R. (eds),Art and Text in Ancient Greek Culture,Cambridge Studies in new Art History and Criticism,Cambridge University Press,1994
POLLIT,J.J.,The Art of Greece.Sources and Documents,New Haven,1965


Archivo Español de Arte y Arqueología
Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional
Descubrir el Arte

Web addresses

http://www.arte clasico.es

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