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Historical Avant-Gardes25742

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in History of Art
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The subject of Historical Avant-garde is a compulsory subject of the third year of the Art History Degree and is taught during the second semester. In this subject, the student is put in contact with the characteristics and main authors of the art developed during the first half of the 20th century and the bases of knowledge and understanding necessary to, in the following course, delve into the most current contemporary art through through the subject of Latest Artistic Trends.

This subject does not have any prerequisite, although it is interesting that students keep in mind the transformations experienced by the arts at the end of the 19th century that they have been able to see in other subjects of the Contemporary Art Module, which includes Historical Avant-garde.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Introduction to the Historical Avant-garde.

- Fauvism.

- Expressionism.

- Cubism.

- Futurism.

- Geometric Abstraction.

- The Dadaist Movement.

- Metaphysical Painting.

- Surrealism.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Introduction to the Historical Avant-garde. Approach to the concept and development of the historical Avant-garde. Fundamental milestones that mark its evolution.

Fauvism. The considered first historical avant-garde is presented through its main characteristics and authors, taking into account its chronological and spatial development.

Expressionism. The background of the movement is described and the main groups that represent it are analyzed: El Puente and El Jinete Azul.

The cubism. An approach is made to its creators (Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque), to the essential features of the new aesthetic language and, finally, to its main successors.

Futurism. This manifestation of the art of movement and speed is considered. Its fundamental representatives and its diffusion outside Italy are studied.

Geometric Abstraction. Its most significant elements are described and analyzed through two of its currents: Russian Suprematism and Dutch Neoplasticism.

The Dadaist Movement. The most representative manifestations of it, its different focuses and contributions to the History of Art are taken into account.

Metaphysical Painting. This poetic artistic trend is presented through its main creator (Giorgio De Chirico) and some of its most prominent followers.

The surrealism. The main features of this movement, its various directions and its main representatives are considered.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Teaching-learning activities:

Master-theoretical sessions: the teacher will present the fundamental theoretical contents of the subject.

Mandatory practical sessions according to regulations:

-In-person in the classroom:

Commentary on images and audiovisual material (individually or in groups)

Oral presentations (individual task).

-In person outside the classroom:

Visit a collection of works of art from the period and complete the visit report sheet (individual written sheet proposed by the teacher).

-No presential:

Directed work (individual and written, prepared in a library or documentation center and explained by the teacher in the classroom and in tutorials).

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 50
    • Individual works (%): 25
    • Exhibition of works, readings ... (%): 25

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Evaluation process by competencies and criteria:

Specific competence number: All.

Evaluation instrument: Objective written test.

Evaluation criteria:

Adequacy of the answers to the questions asked:

-Adequate and well-argued development of the main aspects of the artistic avant-garde.

-Correction, organization and conceptual synthesis.

-Mastery of the main theoretical aspects.

-Knowledge of the main terms.

Percentage of the final grade: 60%.

Specific competence number: CA02 and CA03.

Evaluation instrument: Individual oral presentation.

Evaluation criteria:

-Relevant and coherent explanation of the specific contents of the chosen topic.

-Use of technological resources and appropriate documentation.

-Clear, orderly and structured presentation of the work carried out.

-Mastery of verbal language and communicative resources.

Percentage of the final grade: 20%.

Specific competence number: All.

Evaluation instrument: Individual and directed written work.

Evaluation criteria:

Relevant and coherent assimilation of the specific contents of the topic covered:

-Adequate documentation and bibliography.

-Clear, orderly and structured writing of the work.

Percentage of the final grade: 15%.

Specific competence number: All.

Evaluation instrument: Individual Visit Report Form.

Evaluation criteria:

Relevant and coherent assimilation of the specific contents of the topic covered:

-Adequate and well-argued development of the main formal and stylistic aspects of the artistic avant-garde contemplated in the visit.

-Correction, organization and conceptual synthesis in the writing of the document-report.

Percentage of the final grade: 5%.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The requirements required in the regular call are maintained.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

-AGUILERA CERNI, V. Diccionario de arte moderno. Ed. Fernando Torres, Valencia, 1979.
-COLORADO, A. (Dir.). Diccionario de arte del siglo XX. Oxford Complutense. Madrid, 2001.
Enciclopedias y Colecciones de Historia del Arte.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

-ARNALDO, J. Las vanguardias históricas I. Historia 16, Madrid, 1989.

-BLOK, C. Historia del arte abstracto, 1900-1960. Ed. Cátedra, Madrid, 1992.

-CHIPP, H.B. Teorías del arte contemporáneo. Ed. Akal, Madrid, 1995.

-CIRLOT, J.E. Las claves de las vanguardias artísticas del siglo XX. Ed. Labor, Barcelona, 1993.

-CREPALDI, G. El arte moderno. 1900-1945: la época de las vanguardias. Electa, Barcelona, 2006.

-IZQUIERDO, V. Movimientos artísticos contemporáneos. Manual para estudiantes. Universidad Camilo José Cela, 2002.

-MARCHÁN-FIZ, S. Las vanguardias históricas y sus sombras (1917-1930). Summa Artis (vol. XXXIX), Ed. Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1995.

-RAMÍREZ, J.A. (Coord.). Historia del Arte. Edad Contemporánea. Alianza, Madrid, 1998.

-WALTHEE, I.F. (Ed.). Arte del siglo XX, 2 vols. Taschen, Bonn, 2005.

In-depth bibliography

-ARNALDO, J. y MOELLER, M.M. (Comisarios). Brücke. El nacimiento del Expresionismo alemán (Catálogo de la Exposición). Madrid, 2005.
-BOZAL, V. Los primeros diez años: 1900-1910, los orígenes del arte contemporáneo. Madrid, 1991.
-CALVO SERRALLER, F. El arte contemporáneo. Ed. Taurus, Madrid, 2001.
-CIRLOT, L. Primeras vanguardias artísticas. Textos y documentos. Parsifal Ediciones, Barcelona, 1999.
-ELDERFIELD, J. El Fauvismo. Ed. Cátedra, Madrid, 1983.
-GRECO CASTAÑO, C. El espejo del orden. El arte y la estética del grupo holandés De Stijl. Ed. Akal, Madrid, 1997.
-MARTIN, S. Futurismo. Ed. Taschen, Bonn, 2005.
-MICHELI, M. DE. Las vanguardias artísticas del siglo XX. Alianza, Madrid, 1996.
-READ, H. Breve historia de la pintura moderna. Ed. Serbal, Barcelona, 1984.
-SELZ, P. La pintura expresionista alemana, Ed. Alianza, Madrid, 1989.
-ZANASI, G. (Ed.). Il surrealismo di Delvaux tra Magritte e de Chirico (Catalogo della Mostra). Torino, 2005.


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