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History of Renaissance and Baroque Art in Spain25739

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in History of Art
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

‘History of Renaissance and Baroque Art in Spain’ is a theoretical-practical subject of the Degree in History of Art and the Modern Art Module.

It studies the most relevant artistic manifestations developed in Spain from the 16th century until the decade of the seventies of the 18th century. Its study aims to acquire knowledge about the evolution of the arts, artistic theory, works, artists and clients. Particular attention is paid to their relationship with the art of the main European creative centres.

The art of the Spanish Renaissance and Baroque is closely linked to the European art that serves as a model, therefore, it is highly recommended that students of this subject have previously studied ‘History of Renaissance Art’ and are enrolled in ‘History of Baroque Art’, which is also taught in the first four-month period of the 3rd year. The optional subjects ‘History of Renaissance and Baroque Art in the Basque Country’ and ‘Modern Iconography’ complement the contents of this subject.

The subject is taught in the 3rd year of the Bachelor's Degree in History of Art, in the first term, in the morning, and forms part of the History of Modern Art module. It is a theoretical-practical subject in which, along with teaching, field practice and other activities are carried out. Given that a large part of Spain's artistic heritage is made up of Renaissance and Baroque works, this subject is essential for various professional activities, both in museums and in public institutions related to cultural management.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


(T) G005 Be able to carry out critical analysis of texts, documents and other materials on art-historical works and issues.

(T) G007 Be able to relate and apply knowledge specific to the degree to other areas and related disciplines.

(E) G002 Be able to classify and comment comprehensively (style and iconography) on the different works of architecture, sculpture, painting, cinema, music and other arts in their historical and artistic moment with the specific languages of each artistic discipline.

(E) G004 Being able to analyse and interpret historical processes through the work of art as a relevant document of social and cultural history, together with other textual and material testimonies.


(T) CM05 Acquisition of discipline-specific oral and written expression.

(E) CM01 Being able to analyse and interpret the development of art in modern times, assessing the succession of styles, the role of artists and patrons, and the social and cultural history through the works.

(E) CM02 Being able to classify and comment integrally (style and iconography) the different works of architecture, sculpture and painting, in their historical and artistic moment with the specific languages of art in the modern period.

(E) CM04 Being able to carry out critical analysis of texts, documents and other materials of the artistic theory of the modern period.


(E) CA01 Analyse and interpret the role of works of art, artists and clients in modern Spanish art (Renaissance and Baroque) as essential elements to assess the socio-political and cultural framework of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries.

(E) CA02 Classify and comment formally and iconographically on the different works of architecture, sculpture and painting of Spanish modern art with their specific terminology, in order to know the evolution of their different periods.


Classifies and comprehensively assesses the style and iconography of the different works of architecture, sculpture and painting of the Renaissance and Baroque periods in Spain.

Interprets the role of artists and clients as essential elements to assess the Spanish socio-political and cultural framework from the 16th to the 18th centuries.

Makes critical analyses of texts, documents and other materials on the artistic theory of the modern period.

Analyses and interprets the historical processes of the modern period through the work of art as a relevant document of social and cultural history.

Acquires the specific terminology and oral and written expression for the analysis, assessment and commentary of works of art of the Spanish Renaissance and Baroque, which can be extrapolated to other periods.

Relates the learning outcomes of this subject with those of other areas and disciplines of the Degree in History of Art.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


1. Spanish art in the 16th century. Gothic and Renaissance.


2. Renewal and survival of architecture at the beginning of the 16th century. The patronage of the Mendoza family. Plateresque decoration.

3. Tradition and renewal in sculpture and painting. The beginnings of Renaissance sculpture. The funerary monument.

4. The arrival of Italian painters. Spanish painters in Italy: Pedro Berruguete and the Ferrando family. The revival of the Nordic painters.

5. The arts in the reign of Charles I. The new architecture: Classicism and Mannerism.

6. The expressive sculpture of Berruguete and Juni

7. Mannerism in painting in the second third of the 16th century.


8. Philip II: the image of a Renaissance prince. The building complex and decoration of El Escorial.

9. The influence of El Escorial on architecture. Romanesque sculpture: Gaspar Becerra and Juan de Anchieta. The painting of Luis de Morales.

10. El Greco. An extravagant painter.



11. Spanish art in the 17th century. Classicist continuity and the splendour of the Baroque.

12. Classicist architecture: town planning, civil and convent architecture.

13. Baroque architecture: chapels, chapels and cathedral façades. Wooden architecture: the altarpiece.

14. Naturalism in sculpture: the sacred becomes real.

15. 17th century painting. Tenebrist naturalism: Ribalta, Ribera, Zurbarán and Alonso Cano.

16. Velázquez, painter to Philip IV.

17. Court painting in the age of Charles II. The Seville of Murillo and Valdés Leal.


18. Spanish art in the 18th century. The Bourbons and the renewal of the arts.

19. The Royal Sites. Monumental architecture and sculpture at the court of Philip V.

20. Foreign painters at the Court and their Spanish disciples.

21. Castilian’ Baroque architecture and the Rococo altarpiece.

22. Sculpture between tradition and the Academy. Rococo in Salzillo and academicism in Carmona.

23. Tradition in Palomino's painting. Rococo painting.


24. The decorative arts: goldsmithery, wrought ironwork and textiles.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

In this subject, different teaching methodologies are used. Firstly, lectures will be given on the content of the subjects, always accompanied by audiovisual materials. Students will be required to participate in occasional debates on specific topics and in the commentary on specific works of art.

Theoretical-practical presentations will be complemented by autonomous learning activities on the part of the student. These activities will consist of field practicals, individual work and directed reading.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 70
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 30

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

A written test will be carried out at the end of the teaching period, in which the following evaluation criteria will be taken into account:

- Correct written expression from a formal point of view, as well as in the use of the specific terminology worked on throughout the course.

- Appropriate construction of written discourse: coherence and adequacy of the internal development to the content, clarity and order in expression, orderly development of ideas.

- Identification, classification and evaluation of the most outstanding works of art and artists of the period.

- Correct assignment of a specific chronology to the most outstanding works of art and artists of the period studied.

- Correct definition of the geographical framework of the works of art.

- Correct statement of the plastic languages and stylistic characteristics of the art of the period.

- Correct application of the stylistic and formal characteristics of the period studied to the works of art proposed for analysis.

- Correct definition of the iconography and iconographic programmes of the works studied.

- Appropriate incorporation of bibliographical references and documentary sources worked on throughout the course.

- Appropriate definition of the fundamental characteristics of the political/religious/sociocultural framework of the period and its relationship with the work of art or the artist.

During the course there will be various theoretical-practical evaluable tests in which students will be asked to carry out practical work, individual assignments and readings. The following evaluation criteria will be taken into account:

- Active participation in the practicals.

- Ability to organise and systematise the contents of the work.

- Ability to understand and synthesise the readings.

- Correct written expression from a formal point of view, as well as in the use of specific terminology.

In order for the final assessment to average all the tools and grading percentages, it will be necessary to pass each of them independently.

Students will have the right to be assessed through the final assessment system, regardless of whether or not they have participated in the continuous assessment system. In order to do so, students must submit a written waiver of continuous assessment to the lecturer responsible for the subject, for which they will have a period of 9 weeks from the beginning of the four-month period. The final assessment test will consist of the following activities: an objective written test combining a commentary on works of art, the development of a theoretical question, and other assessment activities related to the practices carried out in the subject.

More information about the evaluation can be found at:


Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation of the subjects in the extraordinary calls will be carried out exclusively through the final evaluation system in which students will be able to obtain 100% of the grade. The final assessment test of the extraordinary call will consist of the following activities: objective written test, in addition to other assessment activities related to the practices carried out in the subject. However, the positive results obtained by students during the course may be retained.

More information on assessment can be found at:


Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

BOZAL, V., Historia del Arte en España, 2 vols., Madrid, Istmo, 1972.
PORTELA SANDOVAL, F. J., Historia del arte español, Madrid, Magisterio Español, 1978.
NIETO ALCAIDE, V. y CHECA CREMADES, F., El Renacimiento. Formación y crisis del modelo clásico, Madrid, Istmo, 1980.
MORAN, M. Y ESPINO, J. Historia del Arte en España, Madrid, Sociedad General Española de Librería, 1996.
RAMIREZ, J. A., La Edad Moderna. Historia del Arte. t. 3., Madrid, Alianza, 1997.
GARCÍA MELERO, J. E. y VIÑUALES GONZÁLEZ, J. M., Historia del arte español moderno y contemporáneo, Madrid, UNED, 1997.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography


SEBASTIÁN, S., GARCÍA GAINZA, M.C. y BUENDÍA, R., El Renacimiento (Historia del Arte Hispánico, III), Madrid, Alhambra, 1980.

CASTILLO, M. A., Renacimiento y Manierismo en España (Historia del Arte, nº. 28), Madrid, Historia 16, 1989.

MARÍAS FRANCO, F., El Largo Siglo XVI. Los usos artísticos del Renacimiento Español (Conceptos Fundamentales en la Historia del Arte Español), Madrid, Taurus, 1989.

MARÍAS FRANCO, F.: El siglo XVI. Gótico y Renacimiento (Introducción al Arte Español), Madrid, Sílex, 1992.

BUENDÍA, J. R. y SUREDA, J., La España Imperial, Renacimiento y Humanismo. Historia del Arte Español, VI, Barcelona, Planeta-Lunwerg, 1995.

AVILA, A., BUENDIA, J. R., CERVERA VERA, L., GARCIA GAINZA, M. C., Y SUREDA PONS, J.: El siglo del Renacimiento (Historia del Arte Español, 44), Madrid, Akal, 1998.

PARRADO DEL OLMO, J., Grandes hitos del Renacimiento español, Madrid, Actas Editorial, 2003.

ARIAS DE COSÍO, A. Mª, El arte del Renacimiento español, Madrid, Encuentro, 2009.

GARCÍA MELERO, J.E. y URQUÍZAR HERRERA, A., Historia del Arte Moderno: Renacimiento, Madrid, Ed. Universitaria Ramón Areces-UNED, 2010, pp. 99-120, 241-321 y 483-521.


VALDIVIESO, E., OTERO, R. y URREA, J., El Barroco y el Rococó (Col. Historia del Arte Hispánico, IV), Madrid, Alhambra, 1980.

CHECA CREMADES, F. y MORÁN TURINA, J. M., El Barroco, Madrid, Istmo, 1982.

TOVAR MARTÍN, V. y MARTÍN GONZÁLEZ, J. J., El Arte del Barroco. I Arquitectura y Escultura, Conceptos Fundamentales del arte español, Madrid, Taurus, 1990.

PÉREZ SÁNCHEZ, A. E. y SUREDA, J., Historia del Arte Español, VII. El Siglo de Oro. El sentimiento de lo Barroco, Barcelona, Planeta-Lunwerg, 1996.

BELDA, C., MARTÍN GONZÁLEZ, J. J., MORALES, J. L., RODRÍGUEZ G. DE CEBALLOS, A., SEBASTIÁN, S., TOVAR, V. y VALDIVIESO, E.: Los siglos del Barroco (Arte y Estética, Historia del Arte Español, 45), Madrid, Akal, 1997.

ANGUITA HERRADOR, R., El arte barroco español, Madrid, Encuentro, 2005.

VIÑUALES GONZÁLEZ, J. M. Historia del Arte Moderno. Vol. III. El Barroco. Madrid, UNED, 2009, pp. 157-220.


DE ANTONIO SAENZ, T.: El siglo XVII español. Historia del Arte de Historia XVI, n.31. Madrid, 1989.

BUSTAMANTE GARCIA, A.: El siglo XVII. Clasicismo y Barroco. Madrid, Silex, 1993.

PEREZ SANCHEZ, A..; SUREDA, J.: El Siglo de Oro. El sentimiento de lo Barroco. Historia del arte español, VII. Barcelona, Planeta-Lumwerg, 1996.


BOTTINEAU, Y., El arte cortesano en la España de Felipe V (1700-1746), Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 1986 (edición francesa, 1962).

TOVAR MARTÍN, V., El siglo XVIII español (Historia del Arte 34), Madrid, Historia 16, 1989.

RODRÍGUEZ GUTIÉRREZ DE CEBALLOS, A., El siglo XVIII. Entre la tradición y la Academia, Introducción al Arte Español, Madrid, Sílex, 1992.

JUNQUERA, J. J. y SUREDA, J., El siglo de las luces. Ilustrados, neoclásicos y académicos (col. Historia del Arte Español, VIII), Barcelona, Planeta- Lunwerg, 1996.

GARCÍA MELERO, J. E., Historia del Arte Moderno. Vol. IV. El Arte del siglo XVIII, Madrid, Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces-UNED, 2009, pp. 114-152, 209-231 260-283; 387-518 y 615-689.

In-depth bibliography

AA.VV., Erasmo y España. La recepción del Humanismo en el primer Renacimiento español, Madrid: SEAC, 2002.
CHECA CREMADES, F. (com.), Reyes y Mecenas. Los Reyes Católicos, Maximiliano I y los inicios de la Casa de Austria en España, Catálogo de la exposición, Museo de Santa Cruz (Toledo), Madrid, Electa, 1992.
CHECA CREMADES, F., Carlos V, la imagen del poder en el Renacimiento, Madrid, El Viso, 1999.
AYALA MALLORY, N., Del Greco a Murillo. La pintura del Siglo de Oro, 1556-1700, Madrid, Alianza, 1991.
BUSTAMANTE GARCÍA, A., La arquitectura clasicista del foco vallisoletano (1561-1640), Valladolid, Inst. Cultural Simancas, 1983.
CHECA CREMADES, F. (com.), Felipe II. Un monarca y su época, Un príncipe del Renacimiento, Catálogo de la Exposición celebrada en el Museo del Prado, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoración de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, 1998.
KUBLER, G., La obra de El Escorial, Madrid, Alianza, 1982.
MARÍAS FRANCO, F.: El Greco. Biografía de un pintor extravagante, Madrid, Nerea, 1997.
BROWN, J., Imágenes e ideas en la pintura española del siglo XVII. Madrid, Alianza, 1981.
CALVO SERRALLER, F., Teoría de la Pintura del Siglo de Oro, Madrid, Cátedra, 1981.
GALLEGO, J., Visión y símbolos en la pintura española del siglo de Oro, Madrid, Aguilar, 1972 (Cátedra, 1987).
MARTÍN GONZÁLEZ, J.J., El artista en la sociedad española del siglo XVII, Madrid: Cátedra, 1984.
PORTÚS, J., Pintura y pensamiento en la España de Lope de Vega, Madrid, Nerea, 1999
PORTÚS, J. (com.), Metapintura. Un viaje a la idea del arte, Madrid, Museo del Prado, 2016.
BEDAT, C., La Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (1744-1808), Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española-Real Academia de BB.AA. de San Fernando, 1989.
BOTTINEAU, Y., L’art de cour dans L’Espgane des Lumières. 1746-1808, París, De Boccard, 1986.
MORÁN TURINA, M. (com.), El arte en la corte de Felipe V, Madrid, Caja Madrid, 2002.


Archivo Español de Arte
Anales de Historia del Arte
Boletín de Arte
Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueología de Valladolid.
Boletín del Museo e Instituto Camón Aznar
Boletín del Museo del Prado
Boletín del Museo Nacional de Escultura
Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada
Cuadernos de Arte e Iconografía
Descubrir el Arte
Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie VII. Historia del Arte
Goya. Revista de Arte
Reales Sitios. Revista del Patrimonio Nacional

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