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Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems

Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups1522.5
Applied laboratory-based groups1522.5
Applied computer-based groups1522.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

AimsToggle Navigation


The student will be able:

- To interpret, define and solve practical problems related with the nature of different pneumatic and hydraulic installations in order to develop technical projects.

- To identify, interpret and explain the terminology, the structural characteristics, key parts, operation and application fields of differents pneumatic and hydraulic equipments and machines and manage that knowledge to design the suitable pneumatic or hydraulic circuit for every installation, according to technical criteria.

- To prepare, present, defend, orally and in writing, and make reports on the subject working individually or in groups.

TemaryToggle Navigation

In order to get the background knowledge, abilities and skills, the course content is divided into ten blocks of learning units or theoretical chapters:

1. Introduction to positive displacement machines

2. Features and applications of the pneumatic energy

3. Generation of high pressure air

4. Pneumatic actuators, valves and accessories

5. Pneumatic maintenance

6. Features and applications of the hydraulic energy

7. Generation of high pressure oil

8. Hydraulic actuators, valves and accessories

9. Hydraulic maintenance

The students will perform laboratory experiments divided in three blocks:

- 1 cylinder exercises (air)

- 2/3 cylinder exercises (air)

- Hydraulic exercises (oil)

The first part of the laboratory will consist in the identification of basic pneumatic and hydraulic elements, equipments and installations. A second part will be focused on the design and implementation of basic pneumatic circuits in the laboratory panels. The Laboratory experiments will be also simulated in computers by using specific software.

Required materials (background, instructions, student guide, laboratory and simulatino manuals and so on) are posted on the on-line course. Students will be assigned into groups/teams formed by two or three students, to perform the experiments. Laboratory report will be submitted after finish the lab.

Attendance to the laboratory sessions is compulsory.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The course will be divided in:

- Theoretical classes (1.5 credits) and practical classes (1.5 credits) where the fundamentals of the pneumatic and hydraulic technology and the methodology of circuit design will be explained,

- Laboratory sessions (1.5 credits) where pneumatic and hydraulic elements will be used to implement basic circuits, and

- Computer sessions (1.5 credits) where the pneumatic and hydraulic circuits tested in the laboratory will be simulated.

Students will be assigned into groups/teams formed by two or three students, to perform the Laboratory experiments and simulations.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

Course assessment will be based on the following scheme:

Theoretical exam: 20% Student work (in May)

Problem exam: 30% Student work (in May)

Computer exam: 10% Team work (in May)

Laboratory Report: 20% Team work (in May)

Free report: 20% Student work (in May)

More specifically explained:

20%. Students will take one exam based on the theoretical contents studied all along the course.

30%. Students will take one exercise exam. Students will be asked to design some pneumatic/hydraulic circuits in order to do a mechanical work.

10%. Students will take one computer exam where some pneumatic/hydraulic circuits will be simulated.

20%. Report on the pneumatic and hydraulic problems/exercises solved in the laboratory, carried out in groups/teams. Completion of lab practice and corresponding report is compulsory in order to pass the subject. The quality of team work will also be taken into account.

20%. A report based on an application example of the pneumatic/hydraulic technology.


- Final exam in June's call: for the student who does not pass the subject by continuous assessment. 100% of the mark.

For students to justify the impossibility of continuous evaluation in the direction of the School:

- Final exam (call for May and June). 100% of the mark.

Article 43 of the Management Regulations for the teaching of undergraduate and first and second cycle, provides the proper reasons for non-participation in the continuous assessment (work reasons, victims of domestic violence, birth, adoption, foster care or daughters and children under three years in charge, care of dependent family member, students with disabilities equal to or greater than 33%, high-level athlete, artistic / cultural activities that involve travel or dedication, compatibility with other higher education, compatibility with political office , union, student representation, associations, NGOs, or other)

Once the student has taken part in a partial continuous assessment tests, it is assumed that you are following the continuous evaluation and get a final score calculated by weighting all tests. ONLY if they are not present at any of the tests, you get a rating of "not presented".

The student may waive the subject by not attending to the Laboratory and simulation sessions or to the exam where the theoretical and studied practical problems are evaluated.

The exercise of the final exam will be the same in all the groups of the subject.

In the event that it will not be possible to carry out a face-to-face evaluation (exam) of the subject, the pertinent changes will be made to carry out an on-line evaluation (exam) using the existing computer tools at the UPV / EHU. The characteristics of this online assessment will be published in the student guide and in eGela

In the event that it will not be possible to carry out a face-to-face evaluation (exam) of the subject, the pertinent changes will be made to carry out an on-line evaluation (exam) using the existing computer tools at the UPV / EHU. The characteristics of this online assessment will be published in the student guide and in eGela

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

- Department resource notes
- Tables and diagrams
- Student guide
- Laboratory manual
- Computer manual
- Solved exams

Most part of the course resources will be posted on the Internet-based e-learning application tool Moodle/E-gela.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

The course bibliography can be found on the signature 532 in the Biblioteca de las Nieves library.

Parr Andrew. Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Second Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann

W. Deppert / K. Stoll Dispositivos neumáticos

Carnicer Royo Aire comprimido: Neumática convencional

Carnicer Royo / Mainar Hasta Oleohidraúlica. Conceptos básicos.

SMC. International Training Neumática. Segunda Edición. Thomson/Paraninfo.

Editorial Blume Manual de oleohidráulica.

Creus Solé Neumática e Hidráulica. Marcombo. Ediciones Técnicas.

Rifa i Molist Oleohidráulica. A-B-C-D. Bellisco Ediciones.

In-depth bibliography

J. Gerhartz/ D. Schollz Neumática en Bucle Cerrado. Festo Didactic.
A. Zimmermann Posicionamiento Servoneumatico. Festo Didactic.
W.Deppert/K.Stoll Dispositivos neumáticos.
Carnicer Royo Aire comprimido: Neumática convencional.
Ed. Blume Manual de Oleohidráulica


Aprender Practicando. Festo Didactic.

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