Titulo - Profesorado

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Physical Chemistry
Faculty of Chemistry
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I carried out my PhD thesis in the field of Theoretical Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Ugalde and Prof. Matxain in the UPV/EHU, with a predoctoral fellowship of the Basque Government. I studied the electronic and structural properties of semiconducting CdS and ZnS nanoclusters and their assembly to form zeolite-like solids. During that period of time, I realized two research internships in Italy (Università degli Studi di Torino, group of Prof. Ugliengo) and Mexico (CINVESTAV-IPN Mérida, group of Prof. Merino). In 2014 I defended my PhD thesis obtaining the maximum degree as International Thesis.

In 2015 I was hired by Prof. Alexandrova and I moved to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to carry out my postdoctoral studies in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. In 2016 I got a postdoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government to continue working at UCLA. During the 3 years postdoc, I moved from gas phase calculations to extended systems, specializing in heterogeneous catalysis and 2D materials. I acquired skills in periodic calculations, electron localization analysis, phonon calculations, and molecular dynamics.

Importantly, I grew as a scientist moving to more applied research fields and collaborating with experimental partners that have exposed my work to the elite of our research community. Among others, I worked with prestigious international scientists, like Prof. Weiss (editor in chief of ACS Nano), or Prof. Kalinin (director of IFIM at