Titulo - Profesorado

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Knowledge area
Geography, Prehistory and Archeology
Faculty of Arts
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The analysis of prehistoric societies between the end of the Pleistocene and the first half of the Holocene centers most of the actions of field, laboratory and cabinet research. The Magdalenian, the mesolithic cultures, the important changes of the Neolithic and the complexity of the societies with metal, especially observed through the megalithic, are the subjects of interest: in detail the situation of the Ebro Valley is analyzed, but in works of synthesis the focus is extended to the entire Iberian Peninsula and even to the south of France.

The field work includes archaeological excavations at Atxoste, Cueva Mayor de Atapuerca, El Encinal, Kanpanoste Goikoa, Martinarri, Mendandia, Pariburu, San Sebastián Sur… prehistoric sites with stratigraphic units of the indicated periods.

The efforts are channeled through national and international research projects, with the active participation of several research centers (Universities of Zaragoza, Valladolid, Complutense of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Toulouse, Faro, CSIC ...). They are materialized in more than a hundred publications (books, journal articles, congresses ...). Synthesis works are preferred, as well as those that enrich the debates


Focused on the UPV / EHU, both in the History degree and in the Quaternary master's (climatic changes and human footprint). I also collaborate in the master's at the universities of Burgos and Autónoma de Madrid. The writing of teaching texts amplifies the