3D engineering

3D engineering

In industrial sectors such as those related to capital and consumer goods, product customisation is becoming increasingly important. This has caused many companies in these sectors to shift from mass production to customized production in recent years. For this purpose, it has been necessary to establish new production processes. In this way, technologies from the area of computer-aided design and related areas such as reverse engineering, generative design, additive manufacturing and augmented reality have been incorporated into these industrial sectors. Therefore, the aim of this research line is to carry out the necessary research to be able to implement the technologies of these areas in the processes of the different companies of the industrial sectors related to capital and consumer goods consolidated in the Basque Country, and especially in Gipuzkoa. In this way, together with the commitment to the strategic priority of advanced manufacturing defined in the RIS3 Euskadi report and the specific strategy Basque Industry 4.0 developed by the Basque Government for this area, it is intended to contribute to achieving in the medium term the following objectives in the Basque Country, and especially in Gipuzkoa:

  • The incorporation of intelligent systems into production plants
  • The improved use of emerging capabilities and technologies in new products and processes
  • The integration of advanced materials into higher added-value solutions and improved processes
  • The efficiency and sustainability of resources
  • Integration of high added-value services

Technological and industrial changes have a great influence on university education in the field of graphic engineering. Therefore, this research group is also working on the development of new educational methods for this field.

The progress made to date in this research line has been disseminated through communications presented at international conferences.

Communications in congresses

International Conference

30th International Conference on Graphics Engineering (INGEGRAF 2021)

When and where

From: 24/06/2021 To: 25/06/2021


Valencia, Spain

Communication information

  • Title: Custom Fit Overgrips for Bats Used in Different Basque Pelota Modalities
  • Authors: Xabier Amezua, Eneko Solaberrieta, Xabier Garikano, Mikel Iturrate, Jose-Antonio Oriozabala, Iñaki Martin