Pre and PostDoc Researchers

Cortazar Dueñas, María

(PreDoc Researcher)


Electronic mail

Abbreviated CV

Graduated (2010-2014) and MSc (2014-2016) in Chemical Engineering at the University of the Basque Country. Since 2016 my research activity has been carried out within Catalytic Process and Wastes Valorization group, mainly focused on the pyrolysis and gasification of different wastes (plastics, biomass, sewage sludge…). Currently, I am the author of 14 indexed scientific publications (JCR), five of them in collaboration with other international research groups, and 3 book chapters. These articles have been well accepted in the literature, leading to about 320 citations ad h-index factor of 9. Moreover, I have participated in 11 Competitive Research Projects funded by the Basque Government, Spain’s Ministries and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.