
Asset Publisher

Host Research Group

FR17_Characterization of Additive Manufacturing processes_Julie Lartigau

Julie Lartigau

+33 559 435 477

Group description

This research group is part of the DREAM Chair (Develop Responsive Emergent and Additive Manufacturing process), created in June 2020 between ESTIA and SIGMA. Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) has a significant role in shaping the future of manufacturing. Many companies are more and more interested in such technologies to produce complex parts in more efficient way. However, uncertainties within the technological processes and the high investment costs discourage companies from implementing and systematically adopting this technology. In this group, our research activities are focused on how to improve the knowledge of these processes and also how to qualify the AM produced parts. For that purpose, a multidisciplinary approach combining skills from both mechanical and industrial engineering is proposed. Two research lines are conducted: • The first one, untitled “process-material interaction”, focuses on the influence of the process used on the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of produced parts. The objective is to determine “manufacturing-microstructure-property” relationships, using experimental and numerical methods. • The second one proposes the development of decision support systems for AM processes selection, considering material considerations (microstructure, mechanical properties) and also industrial criteria (environmental, economic or social aspects for example).


  • DED processes
  • Mechanical behaviour
  • Process parameters
  • Process efficiency
  • Performance indicators
  • Decision support systems

Team Description

  • Julie Lartigau (Principle Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9735-5005

  • Laura Laguna Salvadó (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-6549-4393

  • Pierre Michaud (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-4533-1415


  • OCEAN-ALM: An advanced design/optimisation methodology for additive layer manufacturing

    Pl: Julie Lartigau

    Funding Agency*: Regional

    Ongoing: no

    Project reference: -

  • SEQUOIA: to improve the maturity of AM technology

    Pl: Julie Lartigau

    Funding Agency*: Regional

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -


    Pl: Julie Lartigau

    Funding Agency*: Regional

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

  • REZBUILD: an innovative refurbishment ecosystem for Near Zero Energy Building in Europe

    Pl: Laura Laguna Salvadó

    Funding Agency*: EU

    Ongoing: no

    Project reference: -

* INT - International EU - European NAT - National RE - Regional


  • Sarah Milhomme, Julie Lartigau, Charles Brugger, Catherine Froustey, Bead geometry prediction using multiple linear regression analysis, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021

  • Sarah Milhomme, Charles Brugger, Julie Lartigau, Catherine Froustey, Effects of process on high cycle fatigue life of additively manufactured TA6V parts, 5th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability, 2021

  • Laura Laguna Salvadó, Eric Villeneuve, Dimitri Masson, Audrey Abi Akle, Nicolas Bur, Decision Support System for technology selection based on multi-criteria ranking: Application to NZEB refurbishment, Building and Environment, 2022

Research Lines


Efforts have been made and reported in literature to successfully build AM parts and understand the interaction between the processing parameters and the resulting microstructures and mechanical properties of such parts.
However, these studies are very often limited to a functional set of processing parameters, that limit the knowledge about the full potential of AM processes. There is therefore a need to carry on the exploration of such processes, in particular to propose complete maps, for determining the best set of process parameters for any given application.

A precise understanding of process parameters (depending on both machine and AM process used) is a key challenge to produce parts with a defects-free microstructure and an interesting mechanical behaviour.

In this way, we propose to study the influence of the process used and its corresponding settings on the mechanical performance of produced parts. In this framework, a previous PhD has been conducted on the influence of AM process (SLM and DED-LP) on the microstructure, tensile and fatigue behaviour of TA6V parts. An ongoing project studies the dynamic compressive response of 316L architected materials made with DED-LP.


Beyond purely materials considerations, it is also a key challenge to address economic, environmental and social impacts aspects of AM processes to ensure the sustainability of companies. Economic aspects of sustainability are mainly defined as manufacturing costs; environmental aspects are linked to energy and material efficiency, waste and emission reduction; while social aspects
focus on employees, customers and communities. Nowadays, little attention has been given to this topic, especially for environmental aspects.

Besides potential benefits provided by AM processes (component upgrade, on-demand manufacturing…), issues, such as energy consumption, generation of waste, emissions of particles, need to be considered to assess if adoption of AM technologies in production is a suitable solution.

In this research line, we propose a multidisciplinary approach (mechanical and industrial engineering) to improve the knowledge on AM technologies. The scientific main objective is to develop decision support systems for assisting the choice of an AM process.

Existing industrial relationships and regional network (Addimalliance) will be an asset to carry out this research work, especially to define user needs and requirements.

Cross-border Collaboration (if any)

In the field of Additive Manufacturing, there is a stable cooperation with the University of Basque Country UPV / EHU. Since 2015, two transborder projects have been conducted: Transfron 3D - already finished - and Additool - currently ongoing. Main indicators of this activity are one thesis with a European mention and the development of a transborder course for students from both universities.
Pr Aitzol Lamikiz Mentxaka, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, UPV, took part of the follow-up committee of Camille Buros’ thesis. He is one of her examiners.
In addition, I am currently involved in setting up a European project with the University of Navarra, in Pamplona.