Host Research Group
FR15_SINGULAR_Etienne Brasselet
Etienne Brasselet
+33 05 40 00 33 90
Group description
The research activities of the group SINGULAR at Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine mainly focus on the interaction of electromagnetic and acoustic waves with matter in the framework of multidisciplinary environment that includes nonlinear phenomena, optics, and soft matter. We are especially interested in situations where structured fields meet structured matter, which makes topology and vector fields at play in various circumstances. The research topics cover beam shaping, material processing, optical information and imaging, scalar and vectorial singularities of wave fields, nonlinear optical phenomena, spin-orbit photonics, contactless handling of fluids, trapping and manipulation of objects, resonant mechanical systems.
Among the various kinds of materials under study (such as liquids, crystals, soft matter, glasses, metals) liquid crystals are prime choice model systems exploited for their reconfigurable inhomogeneous, anisotropic and possibly chiral properties, as well as the appearance of topological defects. This offers a toolbox for the development of adaptive self-engineered functional optical elements. Also, advanced 2D and 3D nanofabrication technologies are exploited to implement experiments that would be difficult to carry out otherwise towards exploring subtle aspects of light-matter interaction and imparting new functionalities to geometric phase optical elements and optical dielectric metasurfaces
- Light-matter interaction
- Geometric phase optical elements
- Liquid crystal photonics
- Structured light
- Spin-orbit interaction of light
- Metasurfaces
- Singular optics
Team Description
Etienne Brasselet (Principal Investigator)
ORCID: 0000-0001-6672-6785
Delphine Coursault (Research staff)
ORCID: 0000-0002-0051-5376
Nina Kravets (Research staff)
ORCID: 0000-0002-8624-6233
Elena Annenkova (Post-Doctoral Researcher)
Samlan Chandran Thodika (Post-Doctoral Researcher)
3D Polarization: theory and measurement
Pl: Miguel ALONSO (Main PI; CNRS, Centrale Marseille, Institut Fresnel, Aix Marseille University)
Funding Agency*: National
Ongoing: yes
Afficheur multistable à cristaux liquides
Funding Agency*: National
Ongoing: yes
Nanofabrication technologies towards advanced control of the photon orbital angular momentum
Pl: Saulius JUODKAZIS (International Chair holder from Swinburne University fo Technology, Australia)
Funding Agency*: Regional
Ongoing: yes
Rotational mechanical effects of sound
Pl: Elena ANNENKOVA (Marie Curie Fellow), Etienne BRASSELET (Marie Curie host Supervisor)
Funding Agency*: European
Ongoing: yes
Hybridation lumière-matière pour la mise en forme topologique de quasi-particules élastiques
Pl: Delphine COURSAULT
Funding Agency*: National
Ongoing: yes
G. Agez and E. Brasselet, Spin-orbit photonic diode from biomimetic 3D chiral liquid crystals architectures, Optica, 2022 -
D. Coursault and E. Brasselet, Nanostructured silica spin-orbit optics for modal vortex beam shaping, Nanophotonics, 2022 -
M. El Ketara, H. Kobayashi, and E. Brasselet, Sensitive vectorial optomechanical footprint of light in soft condensed matter, Nature Photonics, 2021 -
Y. Tang, K. Li, X. Zhang, J. Deng, G. Li, and E. Brasselet, Harmonic spin-orbit angular momentum cascade in nonlinear optical crystals, Nature Photonics, 2020 -
M. Ghadimi Nassiri and E. Brasselet, Multispectral management of the photon orbital angular momentum, Physical Review Letters, 2018
Research Lines
The use of soft matter in photonics open up new opportunities as it offers a way to circumvent demanding manufacturing processes based on nanotechnologies whenever there is need to reach submicron resolution while imparting topological properties to matter at larger spatial scale. Liquid crystal materials suits well to such aim owing to their capabilities to self-organize into complex 3D anisotropic architectures, spontaneously or under the action of external fields (electric, magnetic, light, temperature, mechanical stresses, etc.). This allows proposing novel spin-orbit photonics devices exploiting the coupling between the polarization state of light and all its spatial degrees of freedom.
Liquid crystals and their possible mixture with polymers are known to be premium optical materials, as evidenced by LCD technologies. It is also known since five decades that liquid crystals can host localized elastic excitations. This allows proposing the development of novel strategies to produce non-magnetic materials acting as erasable and rewritable memories triggered by light. Moreover, as liquid crystals can interact with light in an active manner, one can consider the development of non-solid-state technology for processing light.
Living systems exhibit some of the world’s most complex optical systems that are used in many biological processes such as vision, communication, camouflage and photosynthesis. Manipulation of all degrees of freedom of light (amplitude, phase, polarization) can be at work, separately or together, in such complex optical materials architectures. Still, little is known about biosystems situations where both polarization state and spatial degree of freedom are coupled, which is the case for inhomogeneous anisotropic media. Living materials being often endowed with conditions prone to reveal the optical spin-orbit interaction, we are interested to unveil and exploit biomimetic or biogenic structures, thereby considering spin-orbit photonics from a biological perspective.
The PI of SINGULAR group has a long history of scientific association with Gabriel Molina-Terriza, PI at Ikerbasque Research Professor, Materials Physics Center ( Indeed, on many occasions during the last decade we delivered invited talks at the same events dealing with structured light, which is our common scientific ground. This call allows us to finally leverage on our history, technical and personal, for a productive joint future.
We believe that joining our complementary knowledge and experimental facilities in the framework of a project dealing with advanced materials and processes to produce, detect and control structured light towards the advent of novel applications in the field of optics and photonics.