
Asset Publisher

Host Research Group

FR14_Process data monitoring and sustainability for additive manufacturing_Pierre Michaud

Pierre Michaud

+33 564111141

Group description

Within the ESTIA-Research lab, our group is focused on instrumentation and process monitoring of new manufacturing processes, such as Direct Energy Deposition (DED) additive processes. One key point for successfully implement closed-loop control of those processes is the efficient analysis of the data collected (temperature, trajectory, images, energy consumption…) and their treatment during the process. Also, collecting these data can lead to improve the development of more accurate models for process simulation but also to have the proper data to investigate deeper the energy efficiency of those processes and their more global environmental impact.

This research group is part of the "DREAM: Develop Responsive Emergent and Additive Manufacturing process" Chair that was created by agreement in June 2020 between ESTIA and SIGMA Clermont. The DREAM Chair was created to support the industrial sector's transition to new manufacturing processes. The pooling of their research resources is geared towards defining methods for increasing the performance of Direct Energy Deposition (DED) additive processes. The point of view adopted is to approach this problem globally by drawing on all the scientific resources of the two institutions. Thus, the chair addresses, in particular, the problems of simulation, monitoring and supervision of additive manufacturing processes with the aim of making them efficient. The collaboration of some fifteen teacher-researchers with complementary skills is central to this partnership. Linking mechanical engineering, industrial engineering and management sciences, their work will benefit from the pooling of the two schools' experimental platforms, equipped with industrial manufacturing facilities. The work in progress has led to the launch of the ANR Indus-Addi project. No less than 12 theses are in progress or have been defended on this theme.


  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Process Monitoring
  • Energy consumption
  • Data analysis
  • Instrumentation

Team Description

  • Pierre Michaud (Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-4533-1415

  • Emmanuel Duc (Co-Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-5893-0396

  • David Gomez (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-5898-0342

  • Pierre Joyot (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-6608-7343

  • Iban Lizarralde (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-8484-7991

  • Julie Lartigau (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9735-5005


  • Additive Manufacturing Process Industrialisation (Indus-ADDI)

    Pl: Emmanuel Duc

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

  • OCEAN-ALM: An advanced design/optimisation methodology for additive layer manufacturing

    Pl: Julie Lartigau

    Funding Agency*: Regional

    Ongoing: no

    Project reference: -

  • ADDITOOL: Additive manufacturing technologies as an essential facilitating technology of advanced manufacturing

    Pl: Pierre Michaud

    Funding Agency*: EU

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

  • PAMPROD: Procédés Additive Manufacturing – Productivité

    Pl: Pierre Michaud

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

* INT - International EU - European NAT - National RE - Regional


  • Corentin Douellou, Xavier Balandraud, Emmanuel Duc, Benoit Verquin, Fabien Lefebvre, Frédéric Sar, Rapid characterization of the fatigue limit of additive-manufactured maraging steels using infrared measurements, Additive Manufacturing, 2020

  • A. Ayed, A. Valencia, G. Bras, H. Bernard, P. Michaud, Y. Balcaen & J. Alexis, Effects of WAAM Process Parameters on Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Deposits, Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 2019

  • Achraf Ayed, Guénolé Bras, Henri Bernard, Pierre Michaud, Yannick Balcaen, Joel Alexis, Additive Manufacturing of Ti6Al4V with Wire Laser Metal, Materials Science Forum 2021, 2021

  • Sarah Milhomme, Julie Lartigau, Charles Brugger, Catherine Froustey, Bead geometry prediction using multiple linear regression analysis, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021

  • Getasew Taddese, Séverine Durieux, Emmanuel Duc, Sustainability performance indicators for additive manufacturing: A literature review based on product life cycle studies, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020

Research Lines


One of the main challenges in additive manufacturing is the control in-process to achieve the manufacturing of “first-time-right” parts. However, difficulties are multiples. The first is to collect properly the data needed to monitor the process (temperatures, images, …) and then to analyze those data to be able to define some control models and at the end to embed them in the loop to correct or control the on-going process.
Different ways are investigated in the state-of-the art for monitoring and data analysis using traditional Machine Learning algorithms [1]. But they are still too simple for a Multiphysics process such as additive manufacturing or too time consuming for analysis which leads to a non-possible real-time control.
So, in this research topic, the scientific objective is to develop a more adapted analysis model to support the implementation of closed-loop control of DED processes.
[1] C. Wang, X.P. Tan, S.B. Tor, C.S. Lim, "Machine learning in additive manufacturing: State-of-the-art and perspectives" Additive Manufacturing, Volume 36, 2020, 101538, ISSN 2214-8604,


Additive manufacturing is often presented as a greener process than conventional manufacturing for mechanical parts manufacturing. The analysis is generally done through the angle of material consumption, material waste. But as additive manufacturing process can be a long process and as it is using high energy means such as Lasers or electric arc generator it becomes important to assess the global energy use during the process and for different process parameters [2]. This is why one of the main goals of this research line is to implement energy data measurement (linked with the previous research line in ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSES GROUPS). Indeed, the objective is to study the completeness of the data used for the control models in the frame of an environment assessment tool. This tool could be a multi-criteria reference based on a simplified model for LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) of the additive manufacturing process. For this, a simplified database of carbon impact and energy consumption flows will be developed. Other pollutant emissions on deployed AM technologies as well as the energy necessary due to the resource’s consumption can also be studied to alert of a risk of impact transfer.
[2] Peng, T., Kellens, K., Tang, R., Chen, C., & Chen, G. (2018). Sustainability of additive manufacturing: An overview on its energy demand and environmental impact. Additive Manufacturing, 21, 694-704.

Cross-border Collaboration (if any)

In the field of Additive Manufacturing, there is a stable cooperation with the University of Basque Country UPV / EHU. Since 2015, several actions have been deployed in the context of 2 transborder projects: Transfron 3D - already finished - and Additool - currently ongoing. Main indicators of this activity are one thesis with a European mention and the development of a transborder course for students from both universities.