
Asset Publisher

Host Research Group

FR11_WAVES Group - IMS Lab_Yves Ousten


+33 540006547

Group description

The group WAVES* is composed of three teams (with a staff of 15 permanent researchers) involved in highly multi-disciplinary projects (materials, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine…), each collaborating with a large panel of academic and/or industrial partners:

MIM: Material Interaction Microwave

MDA: Acoustic wave-based and other innovative Detection Microsystems

EDMiNA: Evaluation of Micro and Nano-Assembled Devices

Main research activities are focused on the study of wave-matter interaction and exploitation of the richness of the propagation modes in order to characterize materials & structures, develop and assess reliability of advanced microelectronic & optoelectronic devices. This is obtained by emphasizing mono or multimodal detection based on acoustics, microwave and/or optics. Applications address telecommunications, aeronautics, defense, space, energy management, health, industry…

The use of modelling tools (analytical or FEM, FDTD…) and well-equipped experimental platforms - high-frequency (DC to 110GHz), acoustics and optics (UV to near IR) - allows to work on three main research topics:

Development of photonic, electromagnetic and acoustic micro-devices (innovative materials and/or design) and/or non-destructive precise characterization

Implementation of multi-physics communicating sensors

Wireless micro-energy systems

The understanding and the modelling of physical mechanisms occurring in materials, devices and their interaction with the environment are considered as key challenges for this group.

We are also investigating the development of smart and sustainable systems, focusing on integration of innovative “green” materials as well as original detection architectures and sensor networks, well adapted to digital environment to determine both their potential in the laboratory and for dedicated applications.

A large place is given to international collaboration for example with Canada (LN2, Sherbrooke University), Spain (TECNALIA), Singapore (CINTRA-NTU) and Brazil (USP). Since 2015, 63 papers (30 with an IF over 3) and 81 international conferences have been published by the group, 19 PhD have been defended, we have welcomed 7 visiting professors. 13 PhD students and 1 post-doc fellow are on-going.

For advanced manufacturing-related projects, the IMS-Waves group is used to collaborate with other teams and laboratories of the Bordeaux campus, especially with researchers in the mechanical field (I2M lab) and from the advanced material domains (ISM, ICMCB…).



  • sensors
  • materials
  • acoustics
  • photonics
  • radio-frequency
  • characterization
  • reliability
  • modeling
  • wireless
  • packaging

Team Description

  • OUSTEN Yves (Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-3315-057X

  • DEJOUS Corinne (Co-Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9004-7966

  • BORD-MAJEK Isabelle (Co-Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-7713-4611

  • BECHOU Laurent (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-0920-3619

  • HALLIL Hamida (Research staff)

    ORCID: HALLIL Hamida

  • HEMOUR Simon (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-5575-1317

  • OYHENART Laurent (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0003-4994-8276


  • Pool of projects for Industry 4.0: Making better to live better (BEST 4.0) * Implantable medical devices powering through magnetic source and electromagnetic acoustic transduction * Non-linear radiofrequency self-powered conversion circuit * Coupling between electromagnetic waves and ultrasonic waves for structural Health Monitoring of complex and sensible structures using remotely controlled transducers * Multimodal characterization and behaviour modelling of host structure elements aiming design parameters for smart features on-board


    Funding Agency*: Regional

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: PhD grant UBx 2018-21 1y PDF UBx Labex AMADEus 2019-20 + Internship 2021 IMS Labs Internship 2021 ArianeGroup Internship 2021 Bx INP

  • ReliabilitY of opto-Transceivers for Health Monitoring Systems (RYTHMS)


    Funding Agency*: Eu (H2020)

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: PhD EU 2018-21

  • Innovative luminescent thin films based on high crystalline QDots InxGa1-xN (0≤x≤1) NANOparticles for efficient and robust ultra-miniaturized multi-wavelengths Light-emitting Sources (NanoLis)


    Funding Agency*: International

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: PhD grant UBx 2019-22 (EUR LIGHT, UBx)

  • Study of innovative materials, structures engineering and packaging process for enhanced sensitive and reliable label-free photonic sensors


    Funding Agency*: International

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: Post-Doc CRSNG 2018-23

  • Exhaust gas selective sensing using printed RF gas sensors (CARDIF)


    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: PhD ANR 2020-23

* INT - International EU - European NAT - National RE - Regional


  • W. Chenniki, I. Bord-Majek, M. Louarn, V. Gaud, JL. Diot, K. Wongtimnoi, Y. Ousten, Liquid Crystal Polymer for QFN packaging: Predicted thermo-mechanical fatigue and Design for Reliability, Microelectronics Reliability, 2015

  • M. Balmont I. Bord Majek B. Poupard L. Bechou Y. Ousten, Highlighting two integration technologies based on vias: Through Silicon Vias and embedded components into PCB. Strengths and weaknesses for manufacturing and reliability, Microelectronics Reliability, 2018

  • M. Diez, V. Raimbault, S. Joly, L. Oyhenart, J.B. Doucet, I. Obieta, C. Dejous, L. Bechou, Direct patterning of polymer optical periodic nanostructures on CYTOP for visible light waveguiding, Optical Materials, 2018

  • H. Hallil, C. Dejous, S. Hage-Ali, O. Elmazria, J. Rossignol, D. Stuerga, A. Talbi, A. Mazzamurro, P.-Y. Joubert, E. Lefeuvre, Passive resonant sensors: trends and future prospects, IEEE Sensors Journal, Special Issue on 20 Years (Invited paper), 2021

  • K. Gumber, C. Dejous, S. Hemour, Harmonic Reflection Amplifier for Widespread Backscatter Internet-of-Things, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT), 2021

Research Lines


  • Development of photonic, electromagnetic and acoustic micro-devices (components and sensors) based on innovative materials and/or design:
  • Material implementation: thick and thin structured layers (metamaterials, tunable materials…)
  • Device design: multiphysical modeling, prototyping
  • Material and device characterization: electrical and electromagnetic (DC-110GHz), optical, thermal, mechanical, structural, chemical
  • Taking into consideration:
    • “Low-cost” materials and processes
    • Design for Reliability
    • Ecodesign
    • Possible relevant research topic:
    • Evaluation and improvement of the performance of smart structures for advanced manufacturing
    • =>   Multiphysical characterizations and simulations, durability assessment, measurement/simulation results comparison


  • Development of photonic, electromagnetic and acoustic micro-devices (components and sensors) based on innovative materials and/or design:
  • Material implementation: thick and thin structured layers (metamaterials, tunable materials…)
  • Device design: multiphysical modeling, prototyping
  • Material and device characterization: electrical and electromagnetic (DC-110GHz), optical, thermal, mechanical, structural, chemical
  • Taking into consideration:
    • “Low-cost” materials and processes
    • Design for Reliability
    • Ecodesign
    • Possible relevant research topics:
    • Structural Health Monitoring (SHM): Real-time Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) and control of materials and systems during manufacturing or service life (predictive maintenance)
    • Self-sensing (Smart production systems)
    • Wireless sensing


  • Development of photonic, electromagnetic and acoustic micro-devices (components ans sensors) based on innovative materials and/or design:
  • Material implementation: thick and thin structured layers (metamaterials, tunable materials, …)
  • Device design: multiphysical modeling, prototyping
  • Material and device characterization: electrical and electromagnetic (DC-110GHz), optical, thermal, mechanical, structural, chemical
  • Taking into consideration:
    • “Low-cost” materials and processes
    • Design for Reliability
    • Ecodesign
    • Possible relevant research topics:
    • Ultra low power devices compatible with network protocols (first mile communication)
    • High efficiency wireless control of piezoelectric sensor
    • Resilient ambiant micro-energy harvesting

Cross-border Collaboration (if any)

A strong connection is on-going between IMS and TECNALIA Research & Innovation (I. Obieta, Leader of I&T Photonics activities):

* Patterning of polymer nanostructures aiming at the development of a polymer based optical microring resonator (OMR) transducer (2017-2019), 3 month stay of PhD student to TECNALIA (M. Diez Garcia, UBx)

* Project “Portable, RObust and Sensitive SEnsor for Environmental Pollutant Detection” (PROSEED, funded by the University of Bordeaux, partners IMS Bordeaux-LAAS Toulouse-TECNALIA). The objectives are: a) set up and characterize on an optical bench, the whole detection system (microfluidics, optical source/detector, OMR transducer) b) integrate into a low-cost & light volume package device, c) start product valorization (benchmarking & market analysis with TECNALIA). 1 PhD and 1 post-doc are in partnership with Sherbrooke University.

* Undergoing drafting of a European project on greener and reliable intelligent composites based on embeddable printed sensors.

Other connections with RG in the Basque Country Region:

* Starting collaboration with the Institute of Smart Cities, Univ. Pública de Navarra, in the field of advanced microsensors (I. R. Matías Maestro) - 3 months stay at IMS of a PhD stud. from UPN, 2021-22.

* Cooperation could be setup with other groups such as: Applied Photonics Group (J. Zubia), Group Materials + Technologies (A. Eceiza), Colloidal Systems Chemistry (M. Grzelczak) within Fotonika, the Euskampus Photonics Community.