
Asset Publisher

Host Research Group

ES15_CAVIAR – Quality of Life in Architecture_Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón

Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón

943015880 y 670414929

Group description

CAVIAR (Quality of Life in Architecture) research group is made up of teaching and research staff from the Architecture Department of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and is recognised as an Integrated Group in the Basque Research System. The group addresses, from the field of Architecture, one of the EU's priorities and distinctive areas, included in the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP): Quality of Life. The research areas of the group have been linked through three cross-cutting focus areas linked to people, the environment and efficient management. The research group collaborates with various public and private entities, forming a multidisciplinary and complementary environment appropriate to the research and training activities it carries out.

CAVIAR's research projects always take into consideration the three main axes of attention and focus at least on one area of action, depending on the nature of project, complexity and transversality level, number of stakeholders, etc. To facilitate internal coordination, these areas of action are grouped into lines of research. At present, the active lines are as follows:

Main axes

E1. Quality of life of people (safety, health, comfort, desire).

E2. Environment (ecosystemic, sustainable, renewable, evocative).

E3. Advanced management (efficient, relational, economic, transparent).

Areas of action

A1. Construction: advanced (industrialised, digital, integrated, monitored), sustainable (eco-efficient, circular, durable), conscious (continuous, accessible, historical).

A2. Building: habitable (safe, healthy, accessible, comfortable), functional (adaptable, interactive, maintainable), environmental (non-polluting, integrated, reconfigurable, bio-energetic), personal (architectural, representative, unique).

A3. City: inclusive (open to dialogue, participatory, collaborative), sustainable (restorable, regenerative, renewable), intelligible (landscape, walkable, welcoming).

A4. Territory: integrated (supportive, equitable, sustainable, resilient), competitive (connected, specialised, maintained), attractive (flow-generating, memorable, exemplary).

Active lines of research

L1: Sustainable construction, energy efficiency and quality of life in architecture and urban planning.

L2: Industrialised construction materials and systems.

L3: Urban regeneration and social dialogue.

L4: Urban digitalisation: shared autonomous mobility and technologies to increase competences.

L5: Updating the theory of the architectural project.


  • Quality of life of people
  • Advanced construction
  • Sustainable
  • Industrialized architecture
  • Eco-efficient
  • Retrofitting
  • Digital
  • Integrated construction
  • Energy-efficiency
  • Circular

Team Description

  • Rufino Hernández Minguillón (Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-5322-9659

  • Fernando Bajo Martinez de Murguía (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-8945-3433

  • Iñigo Rodriguez Vidal (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-5013-4846

  • Olatz Irulegi Garmendia (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0003-3271-4254

  • Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-8150-9639

  • Xabat Oregi Isasa (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0003-1940-5182

  • Xabier Barrutieta Basurko (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-4572-9300

  • Eider Camarero Etxeberria (Research staff)

  • Nagore Urrutia del Campo (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-5527-5173

  • Matxalen Etxebarria Mallea (Post-Doctoral Researcher)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-7785-4210

  • Urtza Uriarte Otazua (Post-Doctoral Researcher)

    ORCID: 0000-0003-2088-941X

  • Alba Arias Royo (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-7318-8011

  • Irati Otamendi Irizar (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9006-0976

  • Mikel Barrena Herrán (Research staff)

  • Itziar Modrego Monforte (Research staff)


  • oPEN-Lab: project corresponding to the European call LC-GD-4-1-2020: Building and renovation in an energy and resource efficient way. The challenge is covered with three Living lab positive energy demonstrators that reduce embedded emissions by 50% and contribute to the stability of the energy grid with renewable energy in their district, incorporating bidirectional electrical storage.

    Pl: Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Olatz Irulegi Garmendia

    Funding Agency*: European Comission

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: In process

  • LocalREGEN: Multi-criteria methodology for the evaluation of local renovation strategies of housing from the perspective of Life Cycle thinking.

    Pl: Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón, Xabat Oregi Isasi

    Funding Agency*: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Call 2019 "R + D + i Projects"

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: MINECOR19/P41

  • PIBA-PUE 2020: Development of a methodology with a life cycle perspective to evaluate the energy rehabilitation actions of the building stock, meeting the requirements of the new technical code.

    Funding Agency*: Department of Education of the Basque Government

  • PRVASE-Nzeb: Specific plan for the rehabilitation of the public rental housing park in The Basque Country with nZEB criteria (2018-2019).

    Funding Agency*: ALOKABIDE, Public Rental Company (Spain)

  • CISO30: Action plan for the revitalization and implementation of the Basque Country Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2020-2030 in the area of sustainable cities "

    Pl: Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Olatz Grijalba Aseguinolaza

    Funding Agency*: Basque Country Goverment

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: SUBDIR20/11

* INT - International EU - European NAT - National RE - Regional


  • Carlosena, L., Ruiz-Pardo, Á., Feng, J., Irulegi, O., Hernández-Minguillón, R., Santamouris, M., On the energy potential of daytime radiative cooling for urban heat island mitigation, Solar Energy, 2020

  • Irulegi, O., Ruiz-Pardo, A., Serra, A., Salmerón, J.M., Vega, R., Retrofit strategies towards Net Zero Energy Educational Buildings: A case study at the University of the Basque Country, Energy and Buildings, 2017

  • Boemi, S.N., Irulegi, O., Santamouris, M., Energy Performance of Buildings - Energy Efficiency and Built Environment in Temperate Climates, SPRINGER, 2016

  • Oregi, X., Hernández, P., Hernández, R., Analysis of life-cycle boundaries for environmental and economic assessment of building energy refurbishment projects, Energy and Building, 2016

  • Irulegi, O., Serra, A., Hernández, R., Ruiz-Pardo, A., Torres, L., Ventilated active façades to reduce heating demand in office buildings. The case of Spain, Informes de la construcción, 2012

Research Lines


  • This research line focus on the use of fully prefabricated, yet flexible, building solutions with the mass customization approach. This will reduce the time (both manufacturing time and the assembling) and – consequently – costs in new building and refurbishment. Waste will also be reduced, thus contributing to reduce the cost further and increase the recycling capacity.
  • The resulting buildings will achieve the  highest quality levels by allowing, at the same time, architects and designers flexibility in their designs. This working methodology implies collaboration between designers and industrial manufacturers from early design stages and throughout the whole construction process.
  • This research line is mainly focused on architecture design, advanced construction and deep knowledge on manufacturing processes in order to achieve state-of-the art and beautiful building solutions.


  • The Horizon Europe Work Programme of the European Comission highlights the need to work on deep renovation in order to achieve energy-efficient buildings and change the current building stock towards a Low Carbon scenario. This research line focus on the development of fully integrated and digital building components in order to foster deep renovation of residential and non-residential buildings. Design, development and testing of prefabricated and industrialized façade systems and fully equipped interior partitions are the main objectives in this research line. Industrialization and prefabrication of the building components is a key issue in this research line which implies a deep knowledge of industrial manufactures and a close collaboration.


  • The research focusses on the processes that may improve the construction of timber structures as parameterization and advanced digital fabrication. On the one hand, pointing on the development of lightweight timber structures, taking advantage of the improvement of the mechanical characteristics that new high-technic timber products allow. On the other hand focusing on the geometry of this kind of structures and overall about the stereotomy of timber structural joints that suppose a field of development where the implementation of parametric tools and the use of digital controlled machines contribute to outline the close future of the way timber structures will be constructed.
  • The evolution from the “mass production” to “mass customization” pass through the extensive implementation of digital ways of control based on parametric tools and the intensive use of digitally controlled machines (Robotically Controlled Machines) whether during the machining and industrialization processes as along the assembling and construction ones, both in new developments as in refurbishment.

Cross-border Collaboration (if any)

The group in a year and a half has already had collaboration with the University of Pau and the Adour Country (UPPA) in New Aquitaine Region. This collaboration continues, as a project on Urban Physics is shared with a Postdoc developing on Simulation and Measurement of Solar Radiation and Daylighting. In addition, the future objective is to organize a larger project between the two research groups on the scientific development of urban simulation in the areas of:








On the other hand, it is considered that in order to develop this area of research training between the disciplines of architecture and science is necessary. Therefore, the incorporation of an innovative teaching curriculum will be considered. For this purpose, furthermore training sessions have already been shared between the two cross-border universities, with the aim of increasing the exchange of knowledge and research between the two environments.