Application process

Application process


The selection process starts with the announcement of the call.

The online application will be open throughout the duration of the call. The submission process for CALL 2 will close on January 11th, 2023 at 15:00 CET.

Please note that the entire submission process is online through the ADAGIO call application, and no submission of information or documentation will be allowed via any other means, such as mail or email.


Before starting the application process, please make sure to check all the available documentation concerning the eligibility criteria, the research groups and the available research lines. The submission process allows you to save changes and save a draft copy . To access the first time, a valid email address is required to create the secure login. Subsequently, applicants can log in with the email address and password provided.

Once the application has been submitted, it will not be possible to make any changes, such as adding or eliminating information or documentation.


The candidates must fill out the on-line application form. Candidates should select only 1 research group from either of the recruiting institutions.

Additionally, candidates should prepare and upload through the application the following supporting documentation. All supporting documents must be uploaded in PDF format:

  • Curriculum vitae, (max. 4 pages) including personal information, education, professional experience, grants & scholarship, academic awards, projects, main publications, languages, other skills and merits. A template will be available for download on the project website.
  • Letter of motivation expressing an interest in the ADAGIO programme (max. 1 page).
  • Short research proposal (max. 5 pages, with 1 Gantt chart and 1 cover page) according to the template provided within the Application pack.
  • Letters of recommendation, including contact details, from 2 experts.
  • A completed Ethical Self-Assessment
  • A scanned copy of official PhD certificate or substituting document.
  • A scanned copy of your official identification document (passport or ID card)

The submitted files will be named as follows: “name of the applicant_type of document”, for instance: “Snow White_Academic Certificates”

The application and the supporting documents must be completed in ENGLISH.

Please remember that candidates MUST comply with the eligibility conditions in order to apply (see section on Eligibility criteria).

While a certificate of English level is not mandatory, the interviews will be held in English, so the candidates must have a good understanding of the English language.

NOTE: All candidates must possess a PhD certificate by the closing date of the call. No exceptions will be made. This document is mandatory so candidates who do not possess it or those who have not yet obtained it by the closing date of the call will be automatically excluded from the process.

Any proposals received after the call deadline will not be evaluated!


During the eligibility check, if any documents are missing, the applicants will be informed and be given 10 working days to complete the information. Applications that are not complete will not be evaluated.